Name | Description |
Activate() | Activate the current object. |
AddComment() | Creates a new child Comment. |
AddDistributedMass() | Creates a new DistributedMass |
AddElementOrientation() | Creates a new ElementOrientation |
AddFigure() | Creates a new child Figure. |
AddLayeredSection() | Creates a new child LayeredSection. |
AddMaterialPlot() | Creates a new MaterialPlot |
AddPointMass() | Creates a new PointMass |
AddSurfaceCoating() | Creates a new SurfaceCoating |
AddThickness() | Creates a new child Thickness. |
ExportToSTL(String) | Exports the geometric model to an STL formatted file. |
GetBody(IBaseGeoBody) | Gets the Body associated with the given IGeoBody |
GetPart(IBaseGeoPart) | Gets the Part associated with the given IGeoPart |
ResetBodyColors() | Run the ResetBodyColors action. |
UpdateGeometryFromSource() | Run the UpdateGeometryFromSource action. |
Name | Description |
ActiveBodies | Gets the ActiveBodies. |
AnalysisType | Gets the AnalysisType. |
AttachFileViaTempFile | Gets or sets the AttachFileViaTempFile. |
AttributeKey | Gets the AttributeKey. |
Attributes | Gets the Attributes. |
Average | Gets the Average. |
Bodies | Gets the Bodies. |
CanChangeCADUnits | Gets the CanChangeCADUnits. |
Comments | Gets the list of associated comments. |
ComparePartsOnUpdate | Gets the ComparePartsOnUpdate. |
ComparePartsTolerance | Gets the ComparePartsTolerance. |
DataModelObjectCategory | Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
DecomposeDisjointGeometry | Gets the DecomposeDisjointGeometry. |
DisplayStyle | Gets or sets the DisplayStyle. |
ElementControl | Gets or sets the ElementControl. |
Elements | Gets the Elements. |
EnclosureAndSymmetryProcessing | Gets the EnclosureAndSymmetryProcessing. |
EndPlaneRotationAboutX | Gets or sets the EndPlaneRotationAboutX. |
EndPlaneRotationAboutY | Gets or sets the EndPlaneRotationAboutY. |
FiberLength | Gets or sets the FiberLength. |
Figures | Gets the list of associated figures. |
GeometryPreferencesReadOnly | Gets the GeometryPreferencesReadOnly. |
GeometryType | Gets the GeometryType. |
ImportCoordinateSystems | Gets the ImportCoordinateSystems. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
LengthUnit | Gets the LengthUnit. |
LengthX | Gets the LengthX. |
LengthY | Gets the LengthY. |
LengthZ | Gets the LengthZ. |
LineBodies | Gets the LineBodies. |
Mass | Gets the Mass. |
MaterialProperties | Gets the MaterialProperties. |
Maximum | Gets the Maximum. |
MeshMetric | Gets the MeshMetric. |
MeshVolume | Gets the MeshVolume. |
Minimum | Gets the Minimum. |
MixedImportResolution | Gets the MixedImportResolution. |
Model2DBehavior | Gets or sets the Model2DBehavior. |
Name | Gets the name of the object. |
NamedSelectionKey | Gets the NamedSelectionKey. |
NamedSelections | Gets the NamedSelections. |
Nodes | Gets the Nodes. |
ObjectId | Gets the internal id of the object. |
ParameterKey | Gets the ParameterKey. |
Parameters | Gets the Parameters. |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
Path | Gets the path of the object. |
ReaderModeSavesUpdatedFile | Gets or sets the ReaderModeSavesUpdatedFile. |
ScaleFactorValue | Gets or sets the ScaleFactorValue. |
SheetSurfaceArea | Gets the SheetSurfaceArea. |
SmartCADUpdate | Gets the SmartCADUpdate. |
SolidBodies | Gets the SolidBodies. |
Source | Gets the Source. |
StandardDeviation | Gets the StandardDeviation. |
SurfaceArea | Gets the SurfaceArea. |
SurfaceBodies | Gets the SurfaceBodies. |
TemporaryDirectory | Gets or sets the TemporaryDirectory. |
Type | Gets the Type. |
UseAssociativity | Gets the UseAssociativity. |
UseInstances | Gets the UseInstances. |
Volume | Gets the Volume. |
XCentroid | Gets the XCentroid. |
YCentroid | Gets the YCentroid. |
ZCentroid | Gets the ZCentroid. |