Class: AutomaticMethod

Defines a AutomaticMethod.

Implemented types


Name Description
Activate() Activate the current object.
AddComment() Creates a new child Comment.
AddFigure() Creates a new child Figure.
Delete() Run the Delete action.
Duplicate() Run the Duplicate action.
GenerateMesh() Generate the Mesh.
GetChildren(Boolean, IList<ChildrenType>)


Name Description
Active Gets the Active.
Algorithm Gets or sets the Algorithm.
ApproximativeNumberOfElementsPerPart Gets or sets the ApproximativeNumberOfElementsPerPart.
BFCartSubType Gets the BFCartSubType.
BFCartTolerance Gets the BFCartTolerance.
Comments Gets the list of associated comments.
ConstrainBoundary Gets or sets the ConstrainBoundary.
ControlMessages Gets the ControlMessages.
CoordinateSystem Gets or sets the CoordinateSystem.
CurvatureNormalAngle Gets or sets the CurvatureNormalAngle.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the current DataModelObject's category.
DefeaturingTolerance Gets or sets the DefeaturingTolerance.
DefinedBy Gets or sets the DefinedBy.
ElementMidsideNodes Gets or sets the ElementMidsideNodes.
ElementOption Gets the ElementOption.
FeatureAngle Gets or sets the FeatureAngle.
Figures Gets the list of associated figures.
FreeFaceMeshType Gets or sets the FreeFaceMeshType.
FreeMeshType Gets or sets the FreeMeshType.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
KeyPointsSelection Gets or sets the KeyPointsSelection.
Location Gets or sets the Location.
MappedMeshType Gets or sets the MappedMeshType.
MatchMeshWherePossible Gets or sets the MatchMeshWherePossible.
MaximumElementSize Gets or sets the MaximumElementSize.
MeshBasedDefeaturing Gets or sets the MeshBasedDefeaturing.
Method Gets or sets the Method.
MinimumEdgeLength Gets the MinimumEdgeLength.
MinimumSizeLimit Gets or sets the MinimumSizeLimit.
Name Gets the name of the object.
NumberOfCellsAcrossGap Gets or sets the NumberOfCellsAcrossGap.
ObjectId Gets the internal id of the object.
Parent Gets the parent object.
Path Gets the path of the object.
PreserveBoundaries Gets or sets the PreserveBoundaries.
ProjectionFactor Gets the ProjectionFactor.
Refinement Gets or sets the Refinement.
ReuseBlocking Gets or sets the ReuseBlocking.
SmoothTransition Gets or sets the SmoothTransition.
SourceLocation Gets or sets the SourceLocation.
SourceTargetSelection Gets or sets the SourceTargetSelection.
SpacingOption Gets or sets the SpacingOption.
Suppressed Gets or sets the Suppressed.
SurfaceMeshMethod Gets or sets the SurfaceMeshMethod.
SweepBiasType Gets or sets the SweepBiasType.
SweepBiasValue Gets or sets the SweepBiasValue.
SweepEdges Gets or sets the SweepEdges.
SweepElementSize Gets or sets the SweepElementSize.
SweepESizeType Gets or sets the SweepESizeType.
SweepNumberDivisions Gets or sets the SweepNumberDivisions.
SweepSizeBehavior Gets or sets the SweepSizeBehavior.
TargetLocation Gets or sets the TargetLocation.
TetraGrowthRate Gets or sets the TetraGrowthRate.
WriteICEMCFDFiles Gets or sets the WriteICEMCFDFiles.