Name | Description |
Activate() | Activate the current object. |
AddComment() | Creates a new child Comment. |
AddConvergence() | Creates a new Convergence |
AddFigure() | Creates a new child Figure. |
ClearGeneratedData() | Run the ClearGeneratedData action. |
CreateResultsAtAllSets() | Run the CreateResultsAtAllSets action. |
Delete() | Run the Delete action. |
Duplicate() | Run the Duplicate action. |
DuplicateWithoutResults() | Run the DuplicateWithoutResults action. |
EvaluateAllResults() | Run the EvaluateAllResults action. |
ExportToSTLFile(String) | Run the ExportToSTLFile action. |
ExportToTextFile(Boolean, String) | Run the ExportToTextFile action. |
GetChildren(Boolean, IList<ChildrenType>) |
Name | Description |
Amplitude | Gets or sets the Amplitude. |
Average | Gets the Average. |
AverageRadiusOfCurvature | Gets or sets the AverageRadiusOfCurvature. |
BendingInside | Gets the BendingInside. |
BendingOutside | Gets the BendingOutside. |
By | Gets or sets the By. |
CalculateTimeHistory | Gets or sets the CalculateTimeHistory. |
Comments | Gets the list of associated comments. |
CoordinateSystem | Gets or sets the CoordinateSystem. |
DataModelObjectCategory | Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
DisplayOption | Gets or sets the DisplayOption. |
DisplayTime | Gets or sets the DisplayTime. |
Figures | Gets the list of associated figures. |
Frequency | Gets or sets the Frequency. |
GraphControlsXAxis | Gets or sets the GraphControlsXAxis. |
Identifier | Gets or sets the Identifier. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
IsSolved | Gets the IsSolved. |
IterationNumber | Gets the IterationNumber. |
Linearized2DBehavior | Gets or sets the Linearized2DBehavior. |
LoadMultiplier | Gets the LoadMultiplier. |
LoadStep | Gets the LoadStep. |
LoadStepForMaximumOfMaximumValues | Get the Load Step for the maximum of maximum values. |
LoadStepForMaximumOfMinimumValues | Get the Load Step for the maximum of minimum values. |
LoadStepForMinimumOfMaximumValues | Get the Load Step for the minimum of maximum values. |
LoadStepForMinimumOfMinimumValues | Get the Load Step for the minimum of minimum values. |
Location | Gets or sets the Location. |
Maximum | Gets the Maximum. |
MaximumOccursOn | Gets the MaximumOccursOn. |
MaximumOfMaximumOverTime | Gets the MaximumOfMaximumOverTime. |
MaximumOfMinimumOverTime | Gets the MaximumOfMinimumOverTime. |
Membrane | Gets the Membrane. |
MembraneBendingCenter | Gets the MembraneBendingCenter. |
MembraneBendingInside | Gets the MembraneBendingInside. |
MembraneBendingOutside | Gets the MembraneBendingOutside. |
Minimum | Gets the Minimum. |
MinimumOccursOn | Gets the MinimumOccursOn. |
MinimumOfMaximumOverTime | Gets the MinimumOfMaximumOverTime. |
MinimumOfMinimumOverTime | Gets the MinimumOfMinimumOverTime. |
Name | Gets the name of the object. |
NormalOrientation | Gets or sets the NormalOrientation. |
ObjectId | Gets the internal id of the object. |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
Path | Gets the path of the object. |
PeakCenter | Gets the PeakCenter. |
PeakInside | Gets the PeakInside. |
PeakOutside | Gets the PeakOutside. |
Position | Gets or sets the Position. |
ResultType | Gets or sets the ResultType. |
SetNumber | Gets or sets the SetNumber. |
ShearOrientation | Gets or sets the ShearOrientation. |
StressStrainType | Gets or sets the StressStrainType. |
Substep | Gets the Substep. |
Subtype | Gets or sets the Subtype. |
Suppressed | Gets or sets the Suppressed. |
Surface | Gets the Surface. |
SweepingPhase | Gets or sets the SweepingPhase. |
ThroughThicknessBendingStress | Gets or sets the ThroughThicknessBendingStress. |
Time | Gets the Time. |
TimeForMaximumOfMaximumValues | Get the Time for the maximum of maximum values. |
TimeForMaximumOfMinimumValues | Get the Time for the maximum of minimum values. |
TimeForMinimumOfMaximumValues | Get the Time for the minimum of maximum values. |
TimeForMinimumOfMinimumValues | Get the Time for the minimum of minimum values. |
TotalCenter | Gets the TotalCenter. |
TotalInside | Gets the TotalInside. |
TotalOutside | Gets the TotalOutside. |