Name | Description |
Activate() | Activate the current object. |
AddChattering() | Creates a new ContactChatteringTracker |
AddComment() | Creates a new child Comment. |
AddContactForce() | Creates a new ContactForceTracker |
AddContactingArea() | Creates a new ContactingAreaTracker |
AddContactPressure() | Creates a new ContactPressureTracker |
AddDensity() | Creates a new DensityTracker |
AddElasticSlip() | Creates a new ContactElasticSlipTracker |
AddExternalForce() | Creates a new ExternalForceTracker |
AddFigure() | Creates a new child Figure. |
AddFluidPressure() | Creates a new ContactFluidPressureTracker |
AddForceReaction() | Creates a new ForceReactionTracker |
AddFrictionalStress() | Creates a new ContactFrictionalStressTracker |
AddGap() | Creates a new ContactGapTracker |
AddKineticEnergy() | Creates a new KineticEnergyTracker |
AddMaximumDampingPressure() | Creates a new ContactMaximumDampingPressureTracker |
AddMaximumTangentialStiffness() | Creates a new ContactMaximumTangentialStiffnessTracker |
AddMaxiumGeometricSlidingDistance() | Creates a new ContactMaximumGeometricSlidingDistanceTracker |
AddMinimumGeometricSlidingDistance() | Creates a new ContactMinimumGeometricSlidingDistanceTracker |
AddMinimumTangentialStiffness() | Creates a new ContactMinimumTangentialStiffnessTracker |
AddMomentReaction() | Creates a new MomentReactionTracker |
AddMomentum() | Creates a new MomentumTracker |
AddNormalStiffness() | Creates a new ContactNormalStiffnessTracker |
AddNumberContacting() | Creates a new NumberContactingTracker |
AddNumberSticking() | Creates a new ContactNumberStickingTracker |
AddPenetration() | Creates a new ContactPenetrationTracker |
AddPlasticWork() | Creates a new PlasticWorkTracker |
AddPosition() | Creates a new PositionTracker |
AddPressure() | Creates a new PressureTracker |
AddResultingPinball() | Creates a new ContactResultingPinballTracker |
AddSlidingDistance() | Creates a new ContactSlidingDistanceTracker |
AddSpringTrackerDampingForce() | Creates a new SpringDampingForceTracker |
AddSpringTrackerElasticForce() | Creates a new SpringElasticForceTracker |
AddSpringTrackerElongation() | Creates a new SpringElongationTracker |
AddSpringTrackerVelocity() | Creates a new SpringVelocityTracker |
AddStiffnessEnergy() | Creates a new StiffnessEnergyTracker |
AddTemperature() | Creates a new TemperatureTracker |
AddTotalEnergy() | Creates a new TotalEnergyTracker |
AddTotalMassAverageVelocity() | Creates a new TotalMassAverageVelocityTracker |
EvaluateAllContactTrackers() | Run the EvaluateAllContactTrackers action. |
Name | Description |
ActivateVisibility | Gets the ActivateVisibility. |
Comments | Gets the list of associated comments. |
Component | Gets or sets the Component. |
DataModelObjectCategory | Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
Display | Gets or sets the Display. |
DisplayFilterDuringSolve | Gets or sets the DisplayFilterDuringSolve. |
DisplayPoints | Gets or sets the DisplayPoints. |
DisplayType | Gets or sets the DisplayType. |
DrawConnectionsAttachedTo | Gets or sets the DrawConnectionsAttachedTo. |
EnvironmentSelection | Gets or Sets the EnvironmentSelection to an Analysis object. |
Figures | Gets the list of associated figures. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
LineColor | Gets or sets the LineColor. |
LineThickness | Gets or sets the LineThickness. |
ModeNumber | Gets or sets the ModeNumber. |
Name | Gets the name of the object. |
NewtonRaphsonResiduals | Gets or sets the NewtonRaphsonResiduals. |
ObjectId | Gets the internal id of the object. |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
Path | Gets the path of the object. |
ResponseConstraint | Gets or sets the ResponseConstraint. |
SolutionOutput | Gets or sets the SolutionOutput. |
StepNumber | Gets or sets the StepNumber. |
StepSelectionMode | Gets or sets the StepSelectionMode. |
SummaryType | Gets or sets the SummaryType. |
UpdateInterval | Gets or sets the UpdateInterval. |
VisibleOnResults | Gets or sets the VisibleOnResults. |