Interface: IResultReader

Interface definition for the Result Reader.


Name Description
GetResult(String, MechanicalUnitSystem) Gets a result object for given result name.
NumberValuesByElement(IList<Int32>) Gets the list of the number of result values for each entity id in ids


Name Description
ContactElementIds Gets the list of the contact elements used by the current result reader.
CurrentResultSet Gets or sets the current reader's resultSet.
CurrentTimeFreq Gets or sets the current time/frequency value.
HasImaginaryResults Gets a value indicating whether the reader contains imaginary result values.
Layer Gets or sets the reader's layer number.
LayeredSolidStressStyle Gets or sets the layered solid stress style.
ListTimeFreq Gets the reader's defined times/frequencies.
ResultNames Gets the reader's defined result names.
ResultSetCount Gets the reader's resultSet count.
ShellPosition Gets or Sets the position on which the elemental result is returned.
TransformsToGlobal Gets or sets the transform to global flag.