Tag: Object

Simulation Object


Mandatory Attributes

Name Description Type Allowed Values
name Name of the object. String
version Version of the object. Int32

Optional Attributes

Name Description Type Default Value Allowed Values
caption Caption of the object. String
class Class name of the controller of the object. String
color Color of scoped entities. String #00ff00
contextual Indicates whether the object has to be displayed in the contextual menu. Boolean True True, False
icon Icon for the object. String
unit Default unit used by the contour display. String


Name Description
CanAdd(IDataModelObject, String) Callback that is invoked to determine whether the object can be added.
CanDuplicate(IUserObject, IDataModelObject) Callback that is invoked to determine if the object can be duplicated.
CanRemove(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to determine if the object can be removed.
GetCommands(IUserLoad, ISolverData, TextWriter) Called to collect all commands to add to the solver input file.
GetNodalValuesForDisplay(IUserLoad, Int32[]) Called to get nodal values associated to the load.
GetPostCommands(IUserLoad, StringWriter) Called to collect all "post" commands to add to the solver input file.
GetPreCommands(IUserLoad, StringWriter) Called to collect all "pre" commands to add to the solver input file.
GetSolveCommands(IUserLoad, StringWriter) Called to collect all "solve" commands to add to the solver input file.
IsValid(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to determine if the object is valid.
OnAdd(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is newly added.
OnAfterGenerate(IUserObject) Called when the generation is completed.
OnClearData(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when object data are cleared.
OnDuplicate(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is duplicated.
OnGenerate(IUserObject, Func<Int32, String, Boolean>) Called when the load object is generated.
OnHide(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is hidden.
OnInit(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is initialized.
OnMigrate(IUserObject, IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object version has been changed.
OnRemove(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is removed.
OnShow(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is shown.
OnSuppress(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is suppressed.
OnUnsuppress(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is unsuppressed.