Class: Analysis

Defines a Analysis.


Name Description
Activate() Activate the current object.
AddAcceleration() Creates a new Acceleration
AddAcousticAbsorptionElement() Creates a new AcousticAbsorptionElement
AddAcousticAbsorptionSurface() Creates a new AcousticAbsorptionSurface
AddAcousticDiffuseSoundField() Creates a new AcousticDiffuseSoundField
AddAcousticFarFieldRadationSurface() Creates a new AcousticFarFieldRadationSurface
AddAcousticFreeSurface() Creates a new AcousticFreeSurface
AddAcousticImpedanceBoundary() Creates a new AcousticImpedanceBoundary
AddAcousticImpedanceSheet() Creates a new AcousticImpedanceSheet
AddAcousticIncidentWaveSource() Creates a new AcousticIncidentWaveSource
AddAcousticLowReducedFrequency() Creates a new AcousticLowReducedFrequency
AddAcousticMassSource() Creates a new AcousticMassSource
AddAcousticPort() Creates a new AcousticPort
AddAcousticPortInDuct() Creates a new AcousticPortInDuct
AddAcousticPressure() Creates a new AcousticPressure
AddAcousticRadiationBoundary() Creates a new AcousticRadiationBoundary
AddAcousticRigidWall() Creates a new AcousticRigidWall
AddAcousticStaticPressure() Creates a new AcousticStaticPressure
AddAcousticSurfaceVelocity() Creates a new AcousticSurfaceVelocity
AddAcousticSymmetryPlane() Creates a new AcousticSymmetryPlane
AddAcousticTemperature() Creates a new child ThermalCondition.
AddAcousticThermoViscousBLIBoundary() Creates a new AcousticThermoViscousBLIBoundary
AddAcousticTransferAdmittanceMatrix() Creates a new AcousticTransferAdmittanceMatrix
AddBearingLoad() Creates a new BearingLoad
AddBoltPretension() Creates a new BoltPretension
AddCommandSnippet() Creates a new CommandSnippet
AddComment() Creates a new child Comment.
AddCompressionOnlySupport() Creates a new CompressionOnlySupport
AddContactStepControl() Creates a new ContactStepControl
AddConvection() Creates a new Convection
AddCoupling() Creates a new Coupling
AddCurrent() Creates a new Current
AddCyclicManufacturingConstraint() Creates a new CyclicManufacturingConstraint
AddCylindricalSupport() Creates a new CylindricalSupport
AddDisplacement() Creates a new Displacement
AddDisplacementConstraint() Creates a new DisplacementConstraint
AddEarthGravity() Creates a new EarthGravity
AddElasticSupport() Creates a new ElasticSupport
AddElementBirthAndDeath() Creates a new ElementBirthAndDeath
AddEMTransducer() Creates a new EMTransducer
AddExtrusionManufacturingConstraint() Creates a new ExtrusionManufacturingConstraint
AddFigure() Creates a new child Figure.
AddFixedRotation() Creates a new FixedRotation
AddFixedSupport() Creates a new FixedSupport
AddFluidSolidInterface() Creates a new FluidSolidInterface
AddForce() Creates a new Force
AddFrictionlessSupport() Creates a new FrictionlessSupport
AddGlobalVonMisesStressConstraint() Creates a new GlobalVonMisesStressConstraint
AddHeatFlow() Creates a new HeatFlow
AddHeatFlux() Creates a new HeatFlux
AddHydrostaticPressure() Creates a new HydrostaticPressure
AddInitialVelocity() Creates a new child Initial Velocity.
AddInternalHeatGeneration() Creates a new InternalHeatGeneration
AddJointLoad() Creates a new JointLoad
AddLinePressure() Creates a new LinePressure
AddLocalVonMisesStressConstraint() Creates a new LocalVonMisesStressConstraint
AddMagneticFluxParallel() Creates a new MagneticFluxParallel
AddMassConstraint() Creates a new MassConstraint
AddMassFlowRate() Creates a new MassFlowRate
AddMemberSizeManufacturingConstraint() Creates a new MemberSizeManufacturingConstraint
AddMoment() Creates a new Moment
AddNaturalFrequencyConstraint() Creates a new NaturalFrequencyConstraint
AddNodalDisplacement() Creates a new NodalDisplacement
AddNodalForce() Creates a new NodalForce
AddNodalOrientation() Creates a new NodalOrientation
AddNodalPressure() Creates a new NodalPressure
AddNodalRotation() Creates a new NodalRotation
AddNonlinearAdaptiveRegion() Creates a new NonlinearAdaptiveRegion
AddObjective() Creates a new Objective
AddOptimizationRegion() Creates a new OptimizationRegion
AddPerfectlyInsulated() Creates a new PerfectlyInsulated
AddPhysicsRegion() Creates a new PhysicsRegion
AddPipePressure() Creates a new PipePressure
AddPipeTemperature() Creates a new PipeTemperature
AddPressure() Creates a new child Pressure.
AddPSDAcceleration() Creates a new PSDAcceleration
AddPSDDisplacement() Creates a new PSDDisplacement
AddPSDGAcceleration() Creates a new PSDGAcceleration
AddPSDVelocity() Creates a new PSDVelocity
AddPullOutDirectionManufacturingConstraint() Creates a new PullOutDirectionManufacturingConstraint
AddRadiation() Creates a new Radiation
AddReactionForceConstraint() Creates a new ReactionForceConstraint
AddRemoteDisplacement() Creates a new RemoteDisplacement
AddRemoteForce() Creates a new RemoteForce
AddRotatingForce() Creates a new RotatingForce
AddRotationalAcceleration() Creates a new RotationalAcceleration
AddRotationalVelocity() Creates a new RotationalVelocity
AddRSAcceleration() Creates a new RSAcceleration
AddRSDisplacement() Creates a new RSDisplacement
AddRSVelocity() Creates a new RSVelocity
AddSimplySupported() Creates a new SimplySupported
AddSourceConductor() Creates a new child SourceConductor.
AddSymmetryManufacturingConstraint() Creates a new SymmetryManufacturingConstraint
AddTemperature() Creates a new Temperature
AddThermalCondition() Creates a new child ThermalCondition.
AddVelocity() Creates a new Velocity
AddVoltage() Creates a new Voltage
AddVolumeConstraint() Creates a new VolumeConstraint
ClearGeneratedData() Run the ClearGeneratedData action.
ComponentById(Int32) Returns a component (named selection) by its ID.
CoordinateSystemById(Int32) Returns a coordinate system object by its ID.
CreateAutomaticEquivalentSourceSurfaces() Run the CreateAutomaticEquivalentSourceSurfaces action.
CreateAutomaticFSI() Run the CreateAutomaticFSI action.
CreateAutomaticFSIandEquivalentSourceSurfaces() Run the CreateAutomaticFSIandEquivalentSourceSurfaces action.
CreateLoadObject(String) Creates a new load object.
CreateLoadObject(String, String) Creates a new load object.
CreateLoadObject(String, IExtension) Creates a new load object.
CreatePostObject(String) Creates a new post object.
CreatePostObject(String, String) Creates a new post object.
CreatePostObject(String, IExtension) Creates a new post object.
CreateResultObject(String) Creates a new result object.
CreateResultObject(String, String) Creates a new result object.
CreateResultObject(String, IExtension) Creates a new result object.
CurrentConsistentUnitFromQuantityName(String) Returns the current consistent unit from a quantity name.
Duplicate() Run the Duplicate action.
GenerateMesh() Generates the mesh of the analysis.
GetLoadObjects(String) Gets all ACT load objects associated to the analysis. The name of the extension or its GUID attribute.
GetLoadObjects(IExtension) Gets all ACT load objects associated to the analysis.
GetResultObjects(String) Gets all ACT result objects associated to the analysis. The name of the extension or its GUID attribute.
GetResultObjects(IExtension) Gets all ACT result objects associated to the analysis.
GetResultsData() Returns the result reader associated to the analysis.
GetUserObjects(String) Gets all ACT objects associated to the analysis. The name of the extension or its GUID attribute.
GetUserObjects(IExtension) Gets all ACT objects associated to the analysis.
OpenSolverFilesDirectory() Run the OpenSolverFilesDirectory action.
PropertyValue(String) Returns the value of the property that matches the specified name.
PropertyValue(String, Object) Assigns the given value to the property that matches the specified name.
Solve(Boolean) Computes the analysis solution.
WriteInputFile(String) Writes the input file associated to the analysis.
WriteSystemCouplingFiles(String) Writes the system coupling files. Usage WriteSystemCouplingFiles("C:\\Desktop\\temp\\scp1.scp");


Name Description
Acoustics Gets or sets the Acoustics.
AMProcessSimulation Gets or sets the AMProcessSimulation.
AnalysisSettings Gets the AnalysisSettings.
AnalysisType Gets the analysis type.
AnalysisType Gets the AnalysisType.
CellId Gets the CellId.
Comments Gets the list of associated comments.
Components Gets all components (named selections).
CoordinateSystems Gets all coordinate systems.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the current DataModelObject's category.
DataObjects Gets the collection of objects.
EnvironmentTemperature Gets or sets the EnvironmentTemperature.
Figures Gets the list of associated figures.
GenerateInputOnly Gets the GenerateInputOnly.
GeoData Gets access to the geometry data model associated to the analysis.
Id Gets the ID for this analysis.
InitialConditions Get InitialConditions.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
LoadObjects Gets all ACT load objects associated to the analysis.
MeshData Gets access to the mesh data model associated to the analysis.
Name Gets the name of the analysis.
ObjectId Gets the internal id of the object.
ObjectLocation Gets the location of the object within his parent.
ObjectType Gets the type of the object.
Parent Gets the parent object.
Parent Gets the parent object.
Path Gets the path of the object.
PhysicsType Gets the physics type.
PhysicsType Gets the PhysicsType.
PropertyNames Gets the list of property names.
ResultObjects Gets all ACT result objects associated to the analysis.
Solution Gets the Solution.
Solver Gets the ACT solver object associated with this analysis if exists or null.
SolverName Gets the solver name for this analysis.
StepsEndTime Gets the list of steps end times defined.
Structural Gets or sets the Structural.
SupportedLocations Gets the locations supported by the object.
SystemCaption Gets the SystemCaption.
UserObjects Gets all ACT objects associated to the analysis.
WorkingDir Gets the working directory.