Interface: IMechanicalDataModel

Defines the data model of the Mechanical application.

Implemented types


Name Description
AnalysisById(Int32) Returns the analysis object that matches the specified id.
AnalysisByName(String) Returns the analysis object that matches the specified name.
CurrentConsistentUnitFromQuantityName(String) Returns the consistent unit from a quantity name associated to the analysis.
CurrentUnitFromQuantityName(String) Returns the current unit from a quantity name.
GetObjectById(Int32) Returns the Mechanical object related to the provided Id.
GetObjectsByName(String) Gets a list of all objects with the specified name.
GetObjectsByType(Type) Gets a list of all objects with the specified type.
GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory) Gets a list of all objects with the specified type.
GetUserObjects(String) Gets the list of user objects for a given extension.
GetUserObjects(IExtension) Gets the list of user objects for a given extension.
MeshDataByName(String) Returns the mesh data model object associated to the specified name.


Name Description
AnalysisList Gets the list of available analysis.
AnalysisNames Gets the list of available analysis names.
GeoData Gets the geoemtry data model object.
MeshDataNames Gets the list of names of all available meshes on the model.
ObjectLocation Gets the location of the object within his parent.
ObjectTags Gets the ObjectTags object for the Data Model, which represents the current list of tags visable in the User Interface.
ObjectType Gets the type of the object.
Parent Gets the parent object.
Project Gets the project object. Main object of the tree of Mechanical.
SupportedLocations Gets the locations supported by the object.
Tree Gets the tree of Mechanical.
UserObjects Gets the list of user objects.