Name | Description |
ActiveOrInactive | Specifies the ActiveOrInactive. |
AggressiveRemeshingType | Specifies the AggressiveRemeshingType. |
AMCooldownTimeType | Specifies the AMCooldownTimeType. |
AMLayerHeightType | Specifies the AMLayerHeightType. |
AMMultiplierEntryType | Specifies the AMSupportSubtype. |
AMProcessSettingsType | Specifies the AMProcessSettingsType. |
AMProcessSimulationType | Specifies the AMProcessSimulationType. |
AMProcessStepType | Specifies the AMProcessStepType. |
AMProcessType | Specifies the AMProcessType. |
AMReferenceTemperatureType | Specifies the AMReferenceTemperatureType. |
AMRelaxationTemperatureType | Specifies the AMRelaxationTemperatureType. |
AMStlSource | Specifies the AMStlSource. |
AMSupportGroupOutputType | Specifies the AMSupportGroupOutputType. |
AMSupportType | Specifies the AMSupportType. |
AnalysisType | Specifies the AnalysisType. |
ApplicationType | Specifies the Application type. |
ArtificiallyMatchedLayers | Specifies the ArtificiallyMatchedLayers. |
AutoDetectionType | Specifies the AutoDetectionType. |
AutomaticOrManual | Specifies the AutomaticOrManual. |
AutomaticTimeStepping | Specifies the AutomaticTimeStepping. |
AxisSelectionType | Specifies the AxisSelectionType. |
BeamBeamContactDetectionType | Specifies the BeamBeamContactDetectionType. |
BeamEndReleaseBehavior | Specifies the BeamEndReleaseBehavior. |
BeamOffsetType | Specifies the BeamOffsetType. |
BeamSolutionType | Specifies the BeamSolutionType. |
BeamToolStressResultType | Specifies the BeamToolStressResultType. |
BodyInteractionFormulation | Specifies the BodyInteractionFormulation. |
BodyTreatment | Specifies the BodyTreatment. |
BodyType | Specifies the BodyType. |
BoltLoadDefineBy | Specifies the BoltLoadDefineBy. |
BoltResultType | Specifies the BoltResultType. |
BondedBreakableType | Specifies the BondedBreakableType. |
BoundaryConditionAlongFiber | Specifies the BoundaryConditionAlongFiber. |
BoundaryConditionForRotation | Specifies the BoundaryConditionForRotation. |
BoundaryConditionSelectionType | Specifies the BoundaryConditionSelection. |
BoundaryConditionType | Specifies the BoundaryConditionType. |
BrickIntegrationScheme | Specifies the BrickIntegrationScheme. |
CacheResultsInMemory | Specifies the CacheResultsInMemory. |
CalculateParticipationFactorResult | Specifies the CalculateParticipationFactorResult. |
CameraAxisType | Specifies the Axis type. |
CampbellDiagramRotationalVelocitySelectionType | Specifies the Campbell Diagram Rotational Velocity Selection Type. |
ChartAxisScaleType | Specifies the Chart Axis Scale Type. |
ChartGridlines | Specifies the ChartGridlines. |
ChartModalType | Specifies the ChartModalType. |
ChartPlotStyle | Specifies the ChartPlotStyle. |
ChartReportType | Specifies the ChartReportType. |
ChartResultType | Specifies the Chart Result Type. |
ChartScale | Specifies the ChartScale. |
CombineRestartFilesType | Specifies the CombineRestartFilesType. |
CommandEditorTarget | Specifies the CommandEditorTarget. |
ComparePartsOnUpdateType | Specifies the ComparePartsOnUpdateType. |
ComparePartsToleranceType | Specifies the ComparePartsTolerance Type. |
CondensedPartInterfaceMethod | Specifies the CondensedPartInterfaceMethod. |
CondensedPartPhysics | Specifies the CondensedPartPhysics. |
CondensedPartReductionMethod | Specifies the CondensedPartReductionMethod. |
ConnectionScopingType | Specifies the ConnectionScopingType. |
ConstantDampingType | Specifies the ConstantDampingType. |
ContactBehavior | Specifies the ContactBehavior. |
ContactBoltThreadHand | Specifies the ContactBoltThreadHand. |
ContactBoltThreadType | Specifies the ContactBoltThreadType. |
ContactConstraintType | Specifies the ContactConstraintType. |
ContactCorrection | Specifies the ContactCorrection. |
ContactDetection | Specifies the ContactDetection. |
ContactDetectionPoint | Specifies the ContactDetectionPoint. |
ContactEdgeEdgeOption | Specifies the ContactEdgeEdgeOption. |
ContactElasticSlipToleranceType | Specifies the ContactElasticSlipToleranceType. |
ContactFaceEdgeOption | Specifies the ContactFaceEdgeOption. |
ContactFaceEdgePriority | Specifies the ContactFaceEdgePriority. |
ContactFormulation | Specifies the ContactFormulation. |
ContactGroupingType | Specifies the ContactGroupingType. |
ContactInitialEffect | Specifies the ContactInitialEffect. |
ContactOrientation | Specifies the ContactOrientation. |
ContactPenetrationToleranceType | Specifies the ContactPenetrationToleranceType. |
ContactPinballType | Specifies the ContactPinballType. |
ContactResultType | Specifies the ContactResultType. |
ContactSearchingType | Specifies the ContactSearchingType. |
ContactSideScopingType | Specifies the ContactSideScopingType. |
ContactSmallSlidingType | Specifies the ContactSmallSlidingType. |
ContactSummaryType | Specifies the ContactSummaryType. |
ContactTimeStepControls | Specifies the ContactTimeStepControls. |
ContactToleranceType | Specifies the ContactToleranceType. |
ContactTrimType | Specifies the ContactTrimType. |
ContactType | Specifies the ContactType. |
ConvectionTableSelection | Specifies the ConvectionTableSelection. |
ConvergenceControlType | Specifies the ConvergenceControlType. |
ConvergenceToleranceType | Specifies the ConvergenceToleranceType. |
ConvergenceType | Specifies the ConvergenceType. |
CoordinateSystemAlignmentType | Specifies the CoordinateSystemAlignmentType. |
CoordinateSystemAxisType | Specifies the CoordinateSystemAxisType. |
CoordinateSystemType | Specifies the CoordinateSystemType. |
CoreResultType | Specifies the CoreResultType. |
CouplingConditionDOFType | Specifies the CouplingConditionDOFType. |
CrackGrowthIncrementType | Specifies the CrackGrowthIncrementType. |
CrackGrowthMethodology | Specifies the CrackGrowthMethodology. |
CrackGrowthOption | Specifies the CrackGrowthOption. |
CrackSelectionModeType | Specifies the CrackSelectionModeType. |
CrackShapeType | Specifies the CrackShapeType. |
CrackSourceType | Specifies the CrackSourceType. |
Creep | Specifies the Creep. |
CrossSectionType | Specifies the CrossSectionType. |
CyclicHarmonicIndex | Specifies the CyclicHarmonicIndex. |
CylindricalFacesOption | Specifies the CylindricalFacesOption. |
DamageResultType | Specifies the DamageResultType. |
DampingType | Specifies the DampingType. |
DataModelObjectCategory |
Specifies the category of the |
DeformationType ***OBSOLETE*** Use 'TotalOrDirectional' property instead. | Specifies the DeformationType. |
DelaminationFailureCriteriaOption | Specifies the DelaminationFailureCriteriaOption. |
DelaminationGenerationMethod | Specifies the DelaminationGenerationMethod. |
DelaminationMethod | Specifies the DelaminationMethod. |
DelaminationType | Specifies the DelaminationType. |
DiagonalOrConsistent | Specifies the DiagonalOrConsistent. |
DistributedMassInputType | Specifies the DistributedMassInputType. |
DropDirection | Specifies the DropDirection. |
DropTestDefineBy | Specifies the DropTestDefineBy. |
DSCampbellAxisRange | Specifies the DSCampbellAxisRange. |
DSCampbellYAxisDataType | Specifies the DSCampbellYAxisDataType. |
EdgeType | Specifies the EdgeType. |
EigenSolverType | Specifies the EigenSolverType. |
ElementControl | Specifies the ElementControl. |
ElementControlsNormalStiffnessType | Specifies the ElementControlsNormalStiffnessType. |
ElementControlsStatus | Specifies the ElementControlsStatus. |
ElementMidsideNodesType | Specifies the ElementMidsideNodesType. |
ElementMorphingType | Specifies the ElementMorphingType. |
ElementOrder | Specifies the ElementOrder. |
ElementOrientationAxisType | Specifies the ElementOrientationAxisType. |
ElementOrientationGuide | Specifies the ElementOrientationGuide. |
EnclosureType | Specifies the EnclosureType. |
EquationSolverType | Specifies the EquationSolverType. |
ExcitationType | Specifies the ExcitationType. |
ExclusionParticipantType | Specifies the ExclusionParticipantType. |
EXDArtificialViscosityForShellsType | |
EXDAutomaticMassScalingType | |
EXDBeamSolutionType | |
EXDCharZoneDimensionType | |
EXDDensityUpdateType | |
EXDErosionOnGeomStrainType | |
EXDErosionOnMaterialFailureType | |
EXDErosionOnMinElemTimestepType | |
EXDErosionRetainIntertiaType | |
EXDEulerBoundaryDefType | |
EXDEulerDomScopeDefType | |
EXDEulerResolutionDefType | |
EXDEulerSizeDefType | |
EXDEulerTrackType | |
EXDHexIntegrationType | |
EXDHourglassDampingType | |
EXDLinearViscosityExpansionType | |
EXDOutputContactForcesOnType | |
EXDPreferenceType | |
EXDSavePrintSummaryOnType | |
EXDSaveProbeDataOnType | |
EXDSaveRestartsOnType | |
EXDSaveResultsOnType | |
EXDSaveUserEditOnType | |
EXDShellInertiaUpdateType | |
EXDShellThicknessUpdateType | |
EXDShellWarpCorrectionType | |
EXDSolverPrecisionType | |
EXDSolveUnitsType | |
EXDStepawareOutputControlsType | |
EXDTetPressureIntegrationType | |
ExpandResultFrom | Specifies the ExpandResultFrom. |
ExpandResultsSubType | Specifies the ExpandResultsSubType. |
ExportTopologyFileOption | Specifies the ExportTopologyFileOption. |
ExternalEnhancedModelType | Specifies the ExternalEnhancedModelType. |
FaceMeshingMethod | |
FaceType | Specifies the FaceType. |
FarFieldMicrophoneDefinitionMethodType | Specifies the FarFieldMicrophoneDefinitionMethodType. |
FarFieldRadiationSurfaceType | Specifies the FarFieldRadiationSurfaceType. |
FatigueAnalysisType | Specifies the Fatigue Analysis Type. |
FatigueFrequencySelection | Specifies the EnclosureType. |
FatigueLoadType | Specifies the FatigueLoadType. |
FatigueSensitivityType | Specifies the RadiationType. |
FatigueStressComponentType | Specifies the Fatigue Stress Component Type. |
FatigueToolAnalysisType | Specifies the FatigueToolAnalysisType. |
FatigueToolMethod | Specifies the FatigueToolMethod. |
FatigueToolResultsInputType | Specifies the FatigueToolResultsInputType. |
FEConnectionDisplay | Specifies the FEConnectionDisplay. |
FEConnectionDisplayType | Specifies the FEConnectionDisplayType. |
FEConnectionLineColor | Specifies the FEConnectionLineColor. |
FEConnectionLineThicknessType | Specifies the FEConnectionLineThicknessType. |
FilterType | Specifies the FilterType. |
FixedOrFree | Specifies the FixedOrFree. |
FluentExportMeshType | Specifies the Fluent Export Mesh Type. |
FluidBehavior | Specifies the FluidBehavior. |
FluidDiscretizationType | Specifies the Fluid Discretization Type. |
FractureMaterialForceSubType | Specifies the FractureMaterialForceSubType. |
FractureSIFSProbeSubType | Specifies the FractureSIFSProbeSubType. |
FractureSIFSSubType | Specifies the FractureSIFSSubType. |
FractureVCCTSubType | Specifies the FractureVCCTSubType. |
FrequencyRangeType | Specifies the Selected Frequency Range Type. |
FrequencySpacingType | Specifies the FrequencySpacingType. |
FutureIntentType | Specifies the FutureIntentType. |
GapDefinedBy | Specifies the GapDefinedBy. |
GapDensityType | Specifies the GapDensityType. |
GAPDirectionType | Specifies the GAPDirectionType. |
GasketResultType | Specifies the GasketResultType. |
GeneralMiscellaneousOptionType | Specifies the GeneralMiscellaneousOptionType. |
GeometryDefineByType | Specifies the GeometryDefineByType. |
GeometryDimensionType | Specifies the GeometryDimensionType. |
GeometryType | Specifies the GeometryType. |
GPUAccelerationDevicesType | Specifies the GPUAccelerationDevicesType. |
GraphControlsXAxis | Specifies the GraphControlsXAxis. |
Graphics3DExportFormat | Specifies the 3D Format. |
GraphicsAnimationExportFormat | Specifies the Animation Export File Format. |
GraphicsBackgroundType | Specifies the Graphics Image Background Type. |
GraphicsCaptureType | Specifies the Graphics Image Capture Type. |
GraphicsImageExportFormat | Specifies the 2D Image Format. |
GraphicsResolutionType | Specifies the Graphics Image Resolution Type. |
GravityOrientationType | Specifies the GravityOrientationType. |
GrowElbowElementsBy | Specifies the GrowElbowElementsBy. |
HarmonicMethod | Specifies the HarmonicMethod. |
HarmonicMSUPStorage | Specifies the HarmonicMSUPStorage. |
HarmonicVariationalTechnology | Specifies the HarmonicVariationalTechnology. |
HexIntegrationType | Specifies the HexIntegrationType. |
HourglassDampingType | Specifies the HourglassDampingType. |
ICEMCFDBehavior | |
ImportedLoadType | Specifies the ImportedLoadType. |
ImportParameterType | Specifies the MethodType. |
IncidentWaveLocation | Specifies the IncidentWaveLocation. |
InitialConditionsType | Specifies the InitialConditionsType. |
InitialTemperatureType | Specifies the InitialTemperatureType. |
IterationOptions | Specifies the IterationOptions. |
JointConditionType | Specifies the Joint Condition Type. |
JointFormulation | Specifies the JointFormulation. |
JointInitialPosition | Specifies the JointInitialPosition. |
JointRotationDOFType | Specifies the JointRotationDOFType. |
JointScopingType | Specifies the JointScopingType. |
JointSolverElementType | Specifies the JointSolverElementType. |
JointStopType | Specifies the JointStopType. |
JointType | Specifies the JointType. |
KinematicDOF | Specifies the KinematicDOF. |
LifeUnitsType | Specifies the Life Units Type. |
Linearized2DBehavior | Specifies the Linearized2DBehavior. |
LinearizedSubtype | Specifies the LinearizedSubtype. |
LineSearchType | Specifies the LineSearchType. |
LoadAppliedBy | Specifies the LoadAppliedBy. |
LoadBehavior | Specifies the LoadBehavior. |
LoadDefineBy | Specifies the LoadDefineBy. |
LoadingApplicationType | Specifies the LoadingApplicationType. |
LoadVariableVariationType | Specifies the LoadVariableVariationType. |
LoadVariationSubOption | Specifies the LoadVariationSubOption. |
LoadVariationType | Specifies the LoadVariationType. |
LocationDefinitionMethod | Specifies the LocationDefinitionMethod. |
LowReducedFrequencyModelType | Specifies the LowReducedFrequencyModelType. |
ManualContactTreatmentType | Specifies the ManualContactTreatmentType. |
ManufacturingConstraintSubtype | Specifies the ManufacturingConstraintSubtype. |
ManuMemberSizeControlledType | Specifies the ManuMemberSizeControlledType. |
MeanStressTheoryType | Specifies the EnclosureType. |
MeshDisplayStyle | Specifies the MeshDisplayStyle. |
MeshElementShape | Defines the Mesh Element Types |
MeshMethodAlgorithm | Specifies the MeshMethodAlgorithm. |
MeshMetricType | Specifies the MeshMetricType. |
MeshNodeType | Specifies the MeshNodeType. |
MeshPhysicsPreferenceType | Specifies the Mesh Physics Preference Type. |
MeshRestartControlsType | Specifies the MeshRestartControlsType. |
MeshRestartRetainFilesType | Specifies the MeshRestartRetainFilesType. |
MeshRestartSaveAtLoadStep | Specifies the MeshRestartSaveAtLoadStep. |
MeshRestartSaveAtSubstep | Specifies the MeshRestartSaveAtSubstep. |
MeshSolverPreferenceType | Specifies the Mesh Solver Preference Type. |
MessageSeverityType | Specifies the Message Severity Type. |
MethodType | Specifies the MethodType. |
MinimumOrMaximum | Specifies the MinimumOrMaximum. |
ModalFrequencyRangeType | Specifies the ModalFrequencyRangeType. |
Model2DBehavior | Specifies the Model2DBehavior. |
ModelType | Specifies the ModelType. |
ModesCombinationType | Specifies the ModesCombinationType. |
MomentsAtSummationPointType | Specifies the Moments at summation point type. |
MPIType | Specifies the MPIType. |
MultipleNodeType | Specifies the MultipleNodeType. |
NamedSelectionWorksheetOperator | Specifies the Worksheet Enumeration Wrappers. |
NewtonRaphsonType | Specifies the NewtonRaphsonType. |
NodeMoveInformationType | Specifies the NodeMoveInformationType. |
NodeSelection | Specifies the NodeSelection. |
NonlinearAdaptivityControlsRefinementAlgorithmType | Specifies the NonlinearAdaptivityControlsRefinementAlgorithmType. |
NonlinearAdaptivityControlsRemeshingGradientType | Specifies the NonlinearAdaptivityControlsRemeshingGradientType. |
NonlinearAdaptivityCriterionType | Specifies the NonlinearAdaptivityCriterionType. |
NonlinearAdaptivityOptionType | Specifies the NonlinearAdaptivityOptionType. |
NonlinearAdaptivityTimeRange | Specifies the NonlinearAdaptivityTimeRange. |
NonlinearAdaptivityUpdateType | Specifies the NonlinearAdaptivityUpdateType. |
NonLinearFormulationType | Specifies the NonLinearFormulationType. |
NonLinearValueType | Specifies the NonLinearValueType. |
NormalOrientationType | Specifies the NormalOrientationType. |
ObjectiveType | Specifies the Objective Type. |
ObjectState | Specifies the Object State type. |
OptimizationResponseConstraintComponentType | Specifies the OptimizationResponseConstraintComponentType. |
OptimizationSolverType | Specifies the OptimizationSolverType. |
OutputControlsNodalForcesType | Specifies the OutputControlsNodalForcesType. |
PartTransformationDefinitionType | Specifies the PartTransformationDefinitionType. |
PassFailResult | Specifies the PassFailResult. |
PatchIndependentDefineType | Specifies the PatchIndependentDefineType. |
PathScopingType | Specifies the PathScopingType. |
PeriodicityDirectionType | Specifies the PeriodicityDirectionType. |
PeriodicRegionType | Specifies the PeriodicRegionType. |
PFactorResultType | Specifies the PFactorResultType. |
PhaseType | Specifies the Prototype Phase Type. |
PhysicsType | Specifies the PhysicsType. |
PipeLoadingType | Specifies the PipeLoadingType. |
PMLOptions | Specifies the PMLOptions. |
PolyflowExportUnit | Specifies the Polyflow Export Unit Type. |
PortAttribution | Specifies the PortAttribution. |
PortBehavior | Specifies the PortBehavior. |
PortPosition | Specifies the PortPosition. |
PressureInitializationType | Specifies the PressureInitializationType. |
PreStressContactStatus | Specifies the PreStressContactStatus. |
PreStressMode | Specifies the PreStressMode. |
PreStressStateType | Specifies the PreStressStateType. |
ProbeDisplayFilter | Specifies the ProbeDisplayFilter. |
ProbeExtractionType | Specifies the ProbeExtractionType. |
ProbeResultType | Specifies the ProbeResultType. |
PrototypeDisplayStyleType | Specifies the PrototypeDisplayStyleType. |
PrototypeModelType | Specifies the PrototypeModelType. |
ProximitySFSourcesType | Specifies the ProximitySFSourcesType. |
PSDBoundaryConditionSelectionType | Specifies the PSDBoundaryConditionSelectionType. |
PullOutDirectionType | Specifies the PullOutDirectionType. |
RadiationType | Specifies the RadiationType. |
RadiositySolverType | Specifies the RadiositySolverType. |
RadiosityViewFactorType | Specifies the RadiosityViewFactorType. |
RadiusOfReferenceSphereDefineBy | Specifies the RadiusOfReferenceSphereDefineBy. |
RandomSamplingType | Specifies the RandomSamplingType. |
RBDCorrectionType | |
RBDProgramControlType | |
RBDTimeIntegrationType | |
ReactionForceCriteriaType | Specifies the ReactionForceCriteriaType. |
ReferenceFrameType | Specifies the ReferenceFrameType. |
ReflectionCoefficientsType | Specifies the ReflectionCoefficientsType. |
RemoteApplicationType | Specifies the RemoteApplicationType. |
RemotePointDOFSelectionType | Specifies the RemotePointDOFSelectionType. |
ResponseConstraintDefineBy | Specifies the ResponseConstraintDefineBy. |
ResponseConstraintType | Specifies the ResponseConstraintType. |
RestartControlsType | Specifies the RestartControlsType. |
RestartRetainFilesType | Specifies the RestartRetainFilesType. |
RestartSaveAtLoadStep | Specifies the RestartSaveAtLoadStep. |
RestartSaveAtSubstep | Specifies the RestartSaveAtSubstep. |
RestartType | Specifies the RestartType. |
ResultAnimationRangeType | Specifies the Result Animation Range Type |
ResultAveragingType | Specifies the ResultAveragingType. |
ResultFileCompressionType | Specifies the ResultFileCompressionType. |
ResultFileItemType | Specifies the ResultFileItemType. |
ResultRelativityType | Specifies the ResultRelativityType. |
ResultType | Specifies the ResultType. |
RigidResponseEffectType | Specifies the RigidResponseEffectType. |
RotationPlane | Specifies the RotationPlane. |
RSBoundaryConditionSelectionType | Specifies the RSBoundaryConditionSelectionType. |
SafetyLimitType | Specifies the SafetyLimitType. |
SafetyTheoryType | Specifies the Stress Safety Theory Type. |
ScaleFactorType | Specifies the ScaleFactorType. |
ScatteredFieldFormulation | Specifies the ScatteredFieldFormulation. |
ScatteringOutputType | Specifies the ScatteringOutputType. |
SecondaryImportPrefType | Specifies the SecondaryImportPrefType. |
SectionPlaneCappingType | Specifies the Section Plane Capping Style |
SectionPlaneType | Specifies the Section Plane type. |
SelectionActionType | Specifies the selction action type. |
SelectionCriterionType | Specifies the selection criterion type. |
SelectionOperatorType | Specifies the selection operator type. |
SelectionType | Specifies the selection type. |
SendAs | Specifies the SendAs. |
SeqSelectionMode | Specifies the SeqSelectionMode. |
SequenceSelectionType | Specifies the SequenceSelectionType. |
SetDriverStyle | Specifies the SetDriverStyle. |
ShearMomentDiagramOrientationType | Specifies the ShearMomentDiagramOrientationType. |
ShearMomentType | Specifies the ShearMomentType. |
ShearOrientationType | Specifies the ShearOrientationType. |
ShellFaceType | Specifies the ShellFaceType. |
ShellInertiaUpdate | Specifies the ShellInertiaUpdate. |
ShellMBPOrientationType | Specifies the ShellMBPOrientationType. |
ShellMBPType | Specifies the ShellMBPType. |
ShellOffsetType | Specifies the ShellOffsetType. |
ShellThicknessUpdate | Specifies the ShellThicknessUpdate. |
SizingBehavior | Specifies the SizingBehaviorType. |
SizingType | Specifies the SizingType. |
SlidingContactType | Specifies the SlidingContactType. |
SnapType | Specifies the SnapType. |
SolutionCombinationWorksheetType | Specifies the SolutionCombinationWorksheetType. |
SolutionOutputType | Specifies the SolutionOutputType. |
SolutionStatusType | Specifies the SolutionStatusType. |
SolverControlsIncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier | Specifies the SolverControlsIncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier. |
SolverControlsModeReuse | Specifies the SolverControlsModeReuse. |
SolverPivotChecking | Specifies the SolverPivotChecking. |
SolverType | Specifies the SolverType. |
SolverUnitsControlType | Specifies the SolverUnitsControlType. |
SortingType | Specifies the Sorting type. |
SourceConductorType | Specifies the SourceConductorType. |
SpacingOptionType | Specifies the SpacingOptionType. |
SpatialRadiationType | Specifies the SpatialRadiationType. |
SpectrumType | Specifies the SpectrumType. |
SpringBehavior | Specifies the SpringBehavior. |
SpringPreloadType | Specifies the SpringPreloadType. |
SpringResultType | Specifies the SpringResultType. |
SpringScopingType | Specifies the SpringScopingType. |
SpringsStiffnessType | Specifies the SpringsStiffnessType. |
SpringType | Specifies the SpringType. |
StabilizationFirstSubstepOption | Specifies the StabilizationFirstSubstepOption. |
StabilizationMethod | Specifies the StabilizationMethod. |
StabilizationType | Specifies the StabilizationType. |
StiffnessBehavior | Specifies the StiffnessBehavior. |
StiffnessMethodType | Specifies the StiffnessMethodType. |
StopAtMaxCrackExtensionType | Specifies the StopAtMaxCrackExtensionType. |
StoreModalResult | Specifies the StoreModalResult. |
StressStrainType | Specifies the StressStrainType. |
SubScopingDefineByType | Specifies the SubScopingDefineByType. |
SurfaceCoatingStiffnessBehavior | Specifies the SurfaceCoatingStiffnessBehavior. |
SweepElementOptionType | Specifies the SweepElementOptionType. |
SymmetryBehavior | Specifies the SymmetryBehavior. |
SymmetryBoundaryDOFOrientation | Specifies the SymmetryBoundaryDOFOrientation. |
SymmetryNormalType | Specifies the SymmetryNormalType. |
SymmetryRegionType | Specifies the SymmetryRegionType. |
TargetCorrection | Specifies the TargetCorrection. |
TargetOrientation | Specifies the TargetOrientation. |
TetIntegrationType | Specifies the TetIntegrationType. |
ThermalPointMassBehavior | Specifies the Behavior for ThermalPointMass. |
ThroughThicknessBendingStress | Specifies the ThroughThicknessBendingStress. |
TimeHistoryDisplayType | Specifies the Time History Display Type. |
TimePointsOptions | Specifies the TimePointsOptions. |
TimeStepDefineByType | Specifies the TimeStepDefineByType. |
ToleranceType | Specifies the ToleranceType. |
TopoConstraintType | Specifies the TopoConstraintType. |
TopoEnvironmentType | Specifies the Topology Environment Type. |
TopologyOptimizationResultShowType | Specifies the Topology Optimization Result Show Type. |
TopoObjectiveFormulation | Specifies the TopoObjectiveFormulation. |
TopoOptimizationOutputLog | Specifies the TopoOptimizationOutputLog. |
TotalOrDirectional | Specifies the TotalOrDirectional. |
TransferAdmittanceModelType | Specifies the TransferAdmittanceModelType. |
TransformationType | Specifies the TransformationType. |
TransientDampingType | Specifies the TransientDampingType. |
UnitCategoryType | Specifies the WB Unit Category Type. |
UnitSystemIDType | Specifies the Unit System ID Type. |
UpdateContactStiffness | Specifies the UpdateContactStiffness. |
UseExistingModesymFile | Specifies the UseExistingModesymFile. |
UserUnitSystemType | Specifies the UserUnitSystemType. |
ViewOrientationType | Specifies the View Orientation type. |
VirtualCellClassType | Specifies the VirtualCellClassType. |
VirtualCellGroupAutomaticBehaviorType | Specifies the VirtualCellGroupAutomaticBehaviorType. |
VirtualCellGroupMethodType | Specifies the VirtualCellGroupMethodType. |
VirtualCellGroupRepairBehaviorType | Specifies the VirtualCellGroupRepairBehaviorType. |
VisibilityType | Specifies the Tree Graphic Filter type. |
WaveType | Specifies the WaveType. |
WBUnitSystemType | Specifies the WBUnitSystemType. |
WeakSpringsType | Specifies the WeakSpringsType. |
YesNoProgrammedControlled | Specifies the YesNoProgrammedControlled. |
YesNoType | Specifies the YesNoType. |