Name | Description |
Activate() | Activate the current object. |
AddAcceleration() | Creates a new Acceleration |
AddAcousticAbsorptionElement() | Creates a new AcousticAbsorptionElement |
AddAcousticAbsorptionSurface() | Creates a new AcousticAbsorptionSurface |
AddAcousticDiffuseSoundField() | Creates a new AcousticDiffuseSoundField |
AddAcousticFarFieldRadationSurface() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldRadationSurface |
AddAcousticFreeSurface() | Creates a new AcousticFreeSurface |
AddAcousticImpedanceBoundary() | Creates a new AcousticImpedanceBoundary |
AddAcousticImpedanceSheet() | Creates a new AcousticImpedanceSheet |
AddAcousticIncidentWaveSource() | Creates a new AcousticIncidentWaveSource |
AddAcousticLowReducedFrequency() | Creates a new AcousticLowReducedFrequency |
AddAcousticMassSource() | Creates a new AcousticMassSource |
AddAcousticPort() | Creates a new AcousticPort |
AddAcousticPortInDuct() | Creates a new AcousticPortInDuct |
AddAcousticPressure() | Creates a new AcousticPressure |
AddAcousticRadiationBoundary() | Creates a new AcousticRadiationBoundary |
AddAcousticRigidWall() | Creates a new AcousticRigidWall |
AddAcousticStaticPressure() | Creates a new AcousticStaticPressure |
AddAcousticSurfaceVelocity() | Creates a new AcousticSurfaceVelocity |
AddAcousticSymmetryPlane() | Creates a new AcousticSymmetryPlane |
AddAcousticTemperature() | Creates a new child ThermalCondition. |
AddAcousticThermoViscousBLIBoundary() | Creates a new AcousticThermoViscousBLIBoundary |
AddAcousticTransferAdmittanceMatrix() | Creates a new AcousticTransferAdmittanceMatrix |
AddAMOverhangConstraint() | Creates a new AMOverhangConstraint |
AddBearingLoad() | Creates a new BearingLoad |
AddBodyControl() | Creates a new BodyControl |
AddBoltPretension() | Creates a new BoltPretension |
AddCommandSnippet() | Creates a new CommandSnippet |
AddComment() | Creates a new child Comment. |
AddCompressionOnlySupport() | Creates a new CompressionOnlySupport |
AddConstraintEquation() | Creates a new ConstraintEquation |
AddContactStepControl() | Creates a new ContactStepControl |
AddConvection() | Creates a new Convection |
AddCoupling() | Creates a new Coupling |
AddCurrent() | Creates a new Current |
AddCyclicManufacturingConstraint() | Creates a new CyclicManufacturingConstraint |
AddCylindricalSupport() | Creates a new CylindricalSupport |
AddDetonationPoint() | Creates a new DetonationPoint |
AddDisplacement() | Creates a new Displacement |
AddDisplacementConstraint() | Creates a new DisplacementConstraint |
AddEarthGravity() | Creates a new EarthGravity |
AddElasticSupport() | Creates a new ElasticSupport |
AddElementBirthAndDeath() | Creates a new ElementBirthAndDeath |
AddEMTransducer() | Creates a new EMTransducer |
AddExtrusionManufacturingConstraint() | Creates a new ExtrusionManufacturingConstraint |
AddFigure() | Creates a new child Figure. |
AddFixedRotation() | Creates a new FixedRotation |
AddFixedSupport() | Creates a new FixedSupport |
AddFluidSolidInterface() | Creates a new FluidSolidInterface |
AddForce() | Creates a new Force |
AddFrictionlessSupport() | Creates a new FrictionlessSupport |
AddGeneralizedPlaneStrain() | Creates a new GeneralizedPlaneStrain |
AddGlobalVonMisesStressConstraint() | Creates a new GlobalVonMisesStressConstraint |
AddHeatFlow() | Creates a new HeatFlow |
AddHeatFlux() | Creates a new HeatFlux |
AddHydrostaticPressure() | Creates a new HydrostaticPressure |
AddImpedanceBoundary() | Creates a new ImpedanceBoundary |
AddInitialVelocity() | Creates a new child Initial Velocity. |
AddInternalHeatGeneration() | Creates a new InternalHeatGeneration |
AddJointLoad() | Creates a new JointLoad |
AddLinePressure() | Creates a new LinePressure |
AddLocalVonMisesStressConstraint() | Creates a new LocalVonMisesStressConstraint |
AddMagneticFluxParallel() | Creates a new MagneticFluxParallel |
AddMassConstraint() | Creates a new MassConstraint |
AddMassFlowRate() | Creates a new MassFlowRate |
AddMemberSizeManufacturingConstraint() | Creates a new MemberSizeManufacturingConstraint |
AddMoment() | Creates a new Moment |
AddNaturalFrequencyConstraint() | Creates a new NaturalFrequencyConstraint |
AddNodalDisplacement() | Creates a new NodalDisplacement |
AddNodalForce() | Creates a new NodalForce |
AddNodalOrientation() | Creates a new NodalOrientation |
AddNodalPressure() | Creates a new NodalPressure |
AddNodalRotation() | Creates a new NodalRotation |
AddNonlinearAdaptiveRegion() | Creates a new NonlinearAdaptiveRegion |
AddObjective() | Creates a new Objective |
AddOptimizationRegion() | Creates a new OptimizationRegion |
AddPerfectlyInsulated() | Creates a new PerfectlyInsulated |
AddPhysicsRegion() | Creates a new PhysicsRegion |
AddPipePressure() | Creates a new PipePressure |
AddPipeTemperature() | Creates a new PipeTemperature |
AddPressure() | Creates a new child Pressure. |
AddPSDAcceleration() | Creates a new PSDAcceleration |
AddPSDDisplacement() | Creates a new PSDDisplacement |
AddPSDGAcceleration() | Creates a new PSDGAcceleration |
AddPSDVelocity() | Creates a new PSDVelocity |
AddPullOutDirectionManufacturingConstraint() | Creates a new PullOutDirectionManufacturingConstraint |
AddRadiation() | Creates a new Radiation |
AddReactionForceConstraint() | Creates a new ReactionForceConstraint |
AddRemoteDisplacement() | Creates a new RemoteDisplacement |
AddRemoteForce() | Creates a new RemoteForce |
AddRotatingForce() | Creates a new RotatingForce |
AddRotationalAcceleration() | Creates a new RotationalAcceleration |
AddRotationalVelocity() | Creates a new RotationalVelocity |
AddRSAcceleration() | Creates a new RSAcceleration |
AddRSDisplacement() | Creates a new RSDisplacement |
AddRSVelocity() | Creates a new RSVelocity |
AddSimplySupported() | Creates a new SimplySupported |
AddSourceConductor() | Creates a new child SourceConductor. |
AddSymmetryManufacturingConstraint() | Creates a new SymmetryManufacturingConstraint |
AddSystemCouplingRegion() | Creates a new SystemCouplingRegion |
AddTemperature() | Creates a new Temperature |
AddTemperatureConstraint() | Creates a new TemperatureConstraint |
AddThermalCondition() | Creates a new child ThermalCondition. |
AddVelocity() | Creates a new Velocity |
AddVoltage() | Creates a new Voltage |
AddVolumeConstraint() | Creates a new VolumeConstraint |
ClearGeneratedData() | Run the ClearGeneratedData action. |
CoordinateSystemById(Int32) | Returns a coordinate system object by its ID. |
CopyTo(DataModelObject) | Copies all visible properties from this object to another. |
CreateAutomaticFarFieldRadiationSurfaces() | Run the CreateAutomaticEquivalentSourceSurfaces action. |
CreateAutomaticFSI() | Run the CreateAutomaticFSI action. |
CreateAutomaticFSIandFarFieldRadiationSurfaces() | Run the CreateAutomaticFSIandEquivalentSourceSurfaces action. |
CreateLoadObject(String, String) | Creates a new load object. |
CreateLoadObject(String, IExtension) | Creates a new load object. |
CreateParameter(String) | Creates a new parameter for a Property. |
CreatePostObject(String, String) | Creates a new post object. |
CreatePostObject(String, IExtension) | Creates a new post object. |
CreateResultObject(String, String) | Creates a new result object. |
CreateResultObject(String, IExtension) | Creates a new result object. |
CurrentConsistentUnitFromQuantityName(String) | Returns the current consistent unit from a quantity name. |
Duplicate() | Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject. |
ExportNastranFile(NastranExportOptions) | Export Nastran File. |
GenerateMesh() | Generates the mesh of the analysis. |
GetLoadObjects(String) | Gets all ACT load objects associated to the analysis. The name of the extension or its GUID attribute. |
GetLoadObjects(IExtension) | Gets all ACT load objects associated to the analysis. |
GetParameter(String) | Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property. |
GetResultObjects(String) | Gets all ACT result objects associated to the analysis. The name of the extension or its GUID attribute. |
GetResultObjects(IExtension) | Gets all ACT result objects associated to the analysis. |
GetResultsData() | Returns the result reader associated to the analysis. |
GetUserObjects(String) | Gets all ACT objects associated to the analysis. The name of the extension or its GUID attribute. |
GetUserObjects(IExtension) | Gets all ACT objects associated to the analysis. |
ImportLoad(Analysis) | Import Load action. |
OpenSolverFilesDirectory() | Run the OpenSolverFilesDirectory action. |
PropertyByAPIName(String) | Get a property by its API name. If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned. |
PropertyByName(String) | Get a property by its unique name. |
PropertyValue(String) | Returns the value of the property that matches the specified name. |
PropertyValue(String, Object) | Assigns the given value to the property that matches the specified name. |
RemoveParameter(String) | Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property. |
Solve(Boolean) | Computes the analysis solution. |
TransferDataFrom(Analysis) | Transfer Data From action. |
UnlinkDataFrom(Analysis) | Unlink Data From action. |
WriteInputFile(String) | Writes the input file associated to the analysis. |
WriteSystemCouplingFiles(String) | Writes the system coupling files. Usage WriteSystemCouplingFiles("C:\\Desktop\\temp\\scp1.scp"); |
Name | Description |
Acoustics | Gets or sets the Acoustics. |
AMProcessSimulation | Gets or sets the AMProcessSimulation. |
AnalysisSettings | Gets the AnalysisSettings. |
AnalysisType | Gets the analysis type. |
AnalysisType | Gets the AnalysisType. |
CellId | Gets the CellId. |
Comments | Gets the list of associated comments. |
CoordinateSystems | Gets all coordinate systems. |
DataModelObjectCategory | Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
DataObjects | Gets the collection of objects. |
EnvironmentTemperature | Gets or sets the EnvironmentTemperature. |
Figures | Gets the list of associated figures. |
GenerateInputOnly | Gets the GenerateInputOnly. |
GeoData | Gets access to the geometry data model associated to the analysis. |
Id | Gets the ID for this analysis. |
InitialConditions | Get InitialConditions. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
MeshData | Gets access to the mesh data model associated to the analysis. |
Name | Gets the name of the analysis. |
ObjectId | Gets the internal id of the object. |
ObjectLocation | Gets the location of the object within his parent. |
ObjectTags | Gets an IEnumerable object of the tags that 'this' is a part of. |
ObjectType | Gets the type of the object. |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
Path | Gets the path of the object. |
PhysicsType | Gets the physics type. |
PhysicsType | Gets the PhysicsType. |
Properties | Gets the list of properties for this object. |
PropertyNames | Gets the list of property names. |
Solution | Gets the Solution. |
SolveProcessSettings | Gets the solve configuration for the default handler. |
Solver | Gets the ACT solver object associated with this analysis if exists or null. |
SolverName | Gets the solver name for this analysis. |
StepsEndTime | Gets the list of steps end times defined. |
Structural | Gets or sets the Structural. |
SupportedLocations | Gets the locations supported by the object. |
SystemCaption | Gets the SystemCaption. |
VisibleProperties | Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object. |
WorkingDir | Gets the working directory. |