Name | Description |
Activate() | Activate the current object. |
AddComment() | Creates a new child Comment. |
AddFigure() | Creates a new child Figure. |
CopyTo(DataModelObject) | Copies all visible properties from this object to another. |
CreateParameter(String) | Creates a new parameter for a Property. |
Duplicate() | Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject. |
GetAMStepType(UInt32) | Gets the AM Process Step Type at a given step. |
GetAutomaticTimeStepping(UInt32) | Gets the Automatic Time Stepping at a given solution step. |
GetCarryOverTimeStep(UInt32) | Gets the Carry Over Time Step at a given solution step. |
GetChildren(Boolean, IList<ChildrenType>) | |
GetDefineBy(UInt32) | Gets the Define By at a given solution step. |
GetDisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference(UInt32) | Gets the Displacement Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetDisplacementConvergenceTolerance(UInt32) | Gets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance at a given solution step. |
GetDisplacementConvergenceType(UInt32) | Gets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetDisplacementConvergenceValue(UInt32) | Gets the Displacement Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetForceConvergenceMinimumReference(UInt32) | Gets the Force Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetForceConvergenceTolerance(UInt32) | Gets the Force Convergence Tolerance at a given solution step. |
GetForceConvergenceType(UInt32) | Gets the Force Convergence Tolerance Type at a given solution step. |
GetForceConvergenceValue(UInt32) | Gets the Force Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetInitialSubsteps(UInt32) | Gets the Initial Substeps at a given solution step. |
GetInitialTimeStep(UInt32) | Gets the Initial Time Step at a given solution step. |
GetLineSearch(UInt32) | Gets the Line Search at a given solution step. |
GetMaximumSubsteps(UInt32) | Gets the Maximum Substeps at a given solution step. |
GetMaximumTimeStep(UInt32) | Gets the Maximum Time Step at a given solution step. |
GetMinimumSubsteps(UInt32) | Gets the Minimum Substeps at a given solution step. |
GetMinimumTimeStep(UInt32) | Gets the Minimum Time Step at a given solution step. |
GetMomentConvergenceMinimumReference(UInt32) | Gets the Moment Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetMomentConvergenceTolerance(UInt32) | Gets the Moment Convergence Tolerance at a given solution step. |
GetMomentConvergenceType(UInt32) | Gets the Moment Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetMomentConvergenceValue(UInt32) | Gets the Moment Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetParameter(String) | Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property. |
GetRotationConvergenceMinimumReference(UInt32) | Gets the Rotation Convergence Minimum Reference at a given solution step. |
GetRotationConvergenceTolerance(UInt32) | Gets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance at a given solution step. |
GetRotationConvergenceType(UInt32) | Gets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance type at a given solution step. |
GetRotationConvergenceValue(UInt32) | Gets the Rotation Convergence Value at a given solution step. |
GetStabilization(UInt32) | Gets the Stabilization at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationDampingFactor(UInt32) | Gets the Stabilization Damping Factor at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio(UInt32) | Gets the Stabilization Energy Dissipation Ratio at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationFirstSubstepOption(UInt32) | Gets the Stabilization First Substep Option at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationForceLimit(UInt32) | Gets the Stabilization Force Limit at a given solution step. |
GetStabilizationMethod(UInt32) | Gets the Stabilization Method at a given solution step. |
GetStepEndTime(UInt32) | Gets the Step End Time at a given solution step. |
GetStepName(UInt32) | Gets the Step name at a given step. |
GetStoreResulsAtValue(UInt32) | Gets the Store Results At Value at a given solution step. |
GetStoreResultsAt(UInt32) | Gets the Store Results At at a given solution step. |
PropertyByAPIName(String) | Get a property by its API name. If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned. |
PropertyByName(String) | Get a property by its unique name. |
RemoveParameter(String) | Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property. |
SetAutomaticTimeStepping(UInt32, AutomaticTimeStepping) | Sets the Automatic Time Stepping for a given solution step. |
SetCarryOverTimeStep(UInt32, Boolean) | Sets the Carry Over Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetDefineBy(UInt32, TimeStepDefineByType) | Sets the Define By for a given solution step. |
SetDisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Displacement Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetDisplacementConvergenceTolerance(UInt32, Double) | Sets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance for a given solution step. |
SetDisplacementConvergenceType(UInt32, ConvergenceToleranceType) | Sets the Displacement Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetDisplacementConvergenceValue(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Displacement Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetForceConvergenceMinimumReference(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Force Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetForceConvergenceTolerance(UInt32, Double) | Sets the Force Convergence Tolerance for a given solution step. |
SetForceConvergenceType(UInt32, ConvergenceToleranceType) | Sets the Force Convergence Tolerance Type for a given solution step. |
SetForceConvergenceValue(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Force Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetInitialSubsteps(UInt32, UInt32) | Sets the Carry Over Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetInitialTimeStep(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Initial Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetLineSearch(UInt32, LineSearchType) | Sets the Line Search for a given solution step. |
SetMaximumSubsteps(UInt32, UInt32) | Sets the Maximum Substeps for a given solution step. |
SetMaximumTimeStep(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Maximum Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetMinimumSubsteps(UInt32, UInt32) | Sets the Minimum Substeps for a given solution step. |
SetMinimumTimeStep(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Minimum Time Step for a given solution step. |
SetMomentConvergenceMinimumReference(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Moment Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetMomentConvergenceTolerance(UInt32, Double) | Sets the Moment Convergence Tolerance for a given solution step. |
SetMomentConvergenceType(UInt32, ConvergenceToleranceType) | Sets the Moment Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetMomentConvergenceValue(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Moment Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetRotationConvergenceMinimumReference(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Rotation Convergence Minimum Reference for a given solution step. |
SetRotationConvergenceTolerance(UInt32, Double) | Sets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance for a given solution step. |
SetRotationConvergenceType(UInt32, ConvergenceToleranceType) | Sets the Rotation Convergence Tolerance type for a given solution step. |
SetRotationConvergenceValue(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Rotation Convergence Value for a given solution step. |
SetStabilization(UInt32, StabilizationType) | Sets the Stabilization for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationDampingFactor(UInt32, Double) | Sets the Stabilization Damping Factor for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio(UInt32, Double) | Sets the Stabilization Energy Dissipation Ratio for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationFirstSubstepOption(UInt32, StabilizationFirstSubstepOption) | Sets the Stabilization First Substep Option for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationForceLimit(UInt32, Double) | Sets the Stabilization Force Limit for a given solution step. |
SetStabilizationMethod(UInt32, StabilizationMethod) | Sets the Stabilization Method for a given solution step. |
SetStepEndTime(UInt32, Quantity) | Sets the Step End Time for a given solution step. |
SetStepName(UInt32, String) | Sets the Step name at a given step. |
SetStoreResulsAtValue(UInt32, UInt32) | Sets the Store Results At Value for a given solution step. |
SetStoreResultsAt(UInt32, TimePointsOptions) | Sets the Store Results At for a given solution step. |
Name | Description |
AggressiveRemeshing | Gets or sets the AggressiveRemeshing. |
AMCooldownNumberOfSubsteps | Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Number of Substeps. |
AMPSConvergence | Gets or sets the AMPSConvergence. |
AMStepType | Gets or sets the AM Process Step Type. |
AMSubstepsBetweenHeating | Gets or sets the AM Substeps Between Heating. |
AMSubstepsToApplyHeats | Gets or sets the AM Substeps to Apply Heat. |
AutomaticTimeStepping | Gets or sets the AutomaticTimeStepping. |
AxisymmetryDivisions | Gets or sets the AxisymmetryDivisions. |
BackStress | Gets or sets the BackStress. |
BoundaryAngle | Gets or sets the BoundaryAngle. |
CacheResultsInMemory | Gets or sets the CacheResultsInMemory. |
CalculateAcceleration | Gets or sets the CalculateAcceleration. |
CalculateEnergy | Gets or sets the CalculateEnergy. |
CalculateReactions | Gets or sets the CalculateReactions. |
CalculateThermalFlux | Gets or sets the CalculateThermalFlux. |
CalculateVelocity | Gets or sets the CalculateVelocity. |
CalculateVelocityAndAcceleration | Gets or sets the CalculateVelocityAndAcceleration. |
CampbellDiagram | Gets or sets the CampbellDiagram. |
CarryOverTimeStep | Gets or sets the CarryOverTimeStep. |
CentralFrequency | Gets or sets the CentralFrequency. |
ClusterNumber | Gets or sets the ClusterNumber. |
ClusterResults | Gets or sets the ClusterResults. |
CombineRestartFiles | Gets or sets the CombineRestartFiles. |
Comments | Gets the list of associated comments. |
ConstantDamping | Gets or sets the ConstantDamping. |
ConstantDampingRatio | Gets or sets the ConstantDampingRatio. |
ContactData | Gets or sets the ContactData. |
ContactMiscellaneous | Gets or sets the ContactMiscellaneous. |
ContactSummary | Gets or sets the ContactSummary. |
CooldownTime | Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Time. |
CooldownTimeType | Gets or sets the AM Cooldown Time Type. |
CoriolisEffect | Gets or sets the CoriolisEffect. |
CreepEffects | Gets or sets the CreepEffects. |
CSGConvergence | Gets or sets the CSGConvergence. |
CStarIntegral | Gets or sets the CStarIntegral. |
CurrentConvergence | Gets or sets the CurrentConvergence. |
CurrentConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceMinimumReference. |
CurrentConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceTolerance. |
CurrentConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the CurrentConvergenceValue. |
CurrentRestartPoint | Gets or sets the Current Restart Point. |
CurrentRPMNumber | Gets or sets the CurrentRPMNumber. |
CurrentStepNumber | Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumber. |
Damped | Gets or sets the Damped. |
DampingRatio | Gets or sets the DampingRatio. |
DataModelObjectCategory | Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
DefineBy | Gets or sets the DefineBy. |
DeleteUnneededFiles | Gets or sets the DeleteUnneededFiles. |
DisplacementConvergence | Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergence. |
DisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceMinimumReference. |
DisplacementConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceTolerance. |
DisplacementConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the DisplacementConvergenceValue. |
EdgeSplittingAngle | Gets or sets the EdgeSplittingAngle. |
ElectromagneticNodalForces | Gets or sets the ElectromagneticNodalForces. |
ElementCurrentDensity | Gets or sets the ElementCurrentDensity. |
EmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceMinimumReference. |
EmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceTolerance. |
EmagAMPSConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the EmagAMPSConvergenceValue. |
EmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceMinimumReference. |
EmagCSGConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceTolerance. |
EmagCSGConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the EmagCSGConvergenceValue. |
EqvDampingRatioFromModal | Gets or sets the EqvDampingRatioFromModal. |
ExcludeInsignificantModes | Gets or sets the ExcludeInsignificantModes. |
ExpandResultsFrom | Gets or sets the ExpandResultsFrom. |
Expansion | Gets the Expansion. |
FarFieldRadiationSurface | Gets or sets the FarFieldRadiationSurface. |
Figures | Gets the list of associated figures. |
FluxConvergence | Gets or sets the FluxConvergence. |
ForceConvergence | Gets or sets the ForceConvergence. |
ForceConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceMinimumReference. |
ForceConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceTolerance. |
ForceConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the ForceConvergenceValue. |
FractureSolverControls | Gets or sets the FractureSolverControls. |
Frequency | Gets or sets the Frequency. |
FrequencySpacing | Gets or sets the FrequencySpacing. |
FutureAnalysis | Gets or sets the FutureAnalysis. |
GeneralMiscellaneous | Gets or sets the GeneralMiscellaneous. |
GeneralMiscellaneousOption | Gets or sets the GeneralMiscellaneousOption. |
GenerateMeshRestartPoints | Gets or sets the GenerateMeshRestartPoints. |
GenerateRestartPoints | Gets or sets the GenerateRestartPoints. |
GlobalSizeRatioQualityImprovement | Gets or sets the GlobalSizeRatioQualityImprovement. |
GlobalSizeRatioQualityRefinement | Gets or sets the GlobalSizeRatioQualityRefinement. |
HarmonicIndexInterval | Gets or sets the HarmonicIndexInterval. |
HarmonicIndexRange | Gets or sets the HarmonicIndexRange. |
HeatConvergence | Gets or sets the HeatConvergence. |
HeatConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceMinimumReference. |
HeatConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceTolerance. |
HeatConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the HeatConvergenceValue. |
HeatGenerationRate | Gets or sets the HeatGenerationRate. |
HemicubeResolution | Gets or sets the HemicubeResolution. |
IgnoreAcousticDamping | Gets or sets the IgnoreAcousticDamping. |
IncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier | Gets or sets the IncludeNegativeLoadMultiplier. |
IncludeResidualVector | Gets or sets the IncludeResidualVector. |
InertiaRelief | Gets or sets the InertiaRelief. |
InitialSubsteps | Gets or sets the InitialSubsteps. |
InitialTimeStep | Gets or sets the InitialTimeStep. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
JIntegral | Gets or sets the JIntegral. |
KeepModalResults | Gets or sets the KeepModalResults. |
KeepPreStressLoadPattern | Gets or sets the KeepPreStressLoadPattern. |
LargeDeflection | Gets or sets the LargeDeflection. |
LayersToBuild | Gets or sets the AM Layers to Build. |
LimitSearchToRange | Gets or sets the LimitSearchToRange. |
LineSearch | Gets or sets the LineSearch. |
LoadStepValue | Gets or sets the LoadStepValue. |
MassCoefficient | Gets or sets the MassCoefficient. |
MaterialForce | Gets or sets the MaterialForce. |
MaximumHarmonicIndex | Gets or sets the MaximumHarmonicIndex. |
MaximumIteration | Gets or sets the MaximumIteration. |
MaximumModesToFind | Gets or sets the MaximumModesToFind. |
MaximumPointsToSavePerStep | Gets or sets the MaximumPointsToSavePerStep. |
MaximumSubsteps | Gets or sets the MaximumSubsteps. |
MaximumTimeStep | Gets or sets the MaximumTimeStep. |
MeshLoadStepValue | Gets or sets the MeshLoadStepValue. |
MeshRetainFilesAfterFullSolve | Gets or sets the MeshRetainFilesAfterFullSolve. |
MeshSaveAtLoadStep | Gets or sets the MeshSaveAtLoadStep. |
MeshSaveAtSubstep | Gets or sets the MeshSaveAtSubstep. |
MinimumHarmonicIndex | Gets or sets the MinimumHarmonicIndex. |
MinimumSubsteps | Gets or sets the MinimumSubsteps. |
MinimumTimeStep | Gets or sets the MinimumTimeStep. |
ModalFrequencyRange | Gets or sets the ModalFrequencyRange. |
ModalNumberOfPoints | Gets or sets the ModalNumberOfPoints. |
ModalRangeMaximum | Gets or sets the ModalRangeMaximum. |
ModalRangeMinimum | Gets or sets the ModalRangeMinimum. |
ModeReuse | Gets or sets the ModeReuse. |
ModesCombinationType | Gets or sets the ModesCombinationType. |
ModeSignificanceLevel | Gets or sets the ModeSignificanceLevel. |
MomentConvergence | Gets or sets the MomentConvergence. |
MomentConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceMinimumReference. |
MomentConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceTolerance. |
MomentConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the MomentConvergenceValue. |
MultipleRPMs | Gets or sets the MultipleRPMs. |
Name | Gets the name of the object. |
NewtonRaphsonOption | Gets or sets the NewtonRaphsonOption. |
NodalForces | Gets or sets the NodalForces. |
NonlinearData | Gets or sets the NonlinearData. |
NonLinearFormulation | Gets or sets the NonLinearFormulation. |
NonLinearSolution | Gets the NonLinearSolution. |
NumberOfModesToUse | Gets or sets the NumberOfModesToUse. |
NumberOfRestartPoints | Gets Number of Restart Points. |
NumberOfRPMs | Gets or sets the NumberOfRPMs. |
NumberOfSculptedLayersQualityImprovement | Gets or sets the NumberOfSculptedLayersQualityImprovement. |
NumberOfSculptedLayersRefinement | Gets or sets the NumberOfSculptedLayersRefinement. |
NumberOfSteps | Gets or sets the NumberOfSteps. |
NumberOfSubSteps | Gets or sets the NumberOfSubSteps. |
NumberOfZones | Gets or sets the NumberOfZones. |
NumericalDamping | Gets or sets the NumericalDamping. |
NumericalDampingValue | Gets or sets the NumericalDampingValue. |
ObjectId | Gets the internal id of the object. |
ObjectTags | Gets an IEnumerable object of the tags that 'this' is a part of. |
OverRelaxation | Gets or sets the OverRelaxation. |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
ParticipationFactor | Gets or sets the ParticipationFactor. |
Path | Gets the path of the object. |
Properties | Gets the list of properties for this object. |
RadiositySolver | Gets or sets the RadiositySolver. |
RangeMaximum | Gets or sets the RangeMaximum. |
RangeMinimum | Gets or sets the RangeMinimum. |
ReferenceTemperature | Gets or sets the AM Reference Temperature. |
ReferenceTemperatureType | Gets or sets the AM Reference Temperature Type. |
RefinementAlgorithm | Gets or sets the RefinementAlgorithm. |
ReformulationTolerance | Gets or sets the ReformulationTolerance. |
RelaxationTemperature | Gets or sets the RelaxationTemperature. |
RelaxationTemperatureType | Gets or sets the AM Relaxation Temperature Type. |
RemeshingGradient | Gets or sets the RemeshingGradient. |
RemeshingToleranceQualityImprovement | Gets or sets the RemeshingToleranceQualityImprovement. |
RemeshingToleranceRefinement | Gets or sets the RemeshingToleranceRefinement. |
RestartAtLoadStep | Gets the RestartAtLoadStep. |
RestartAtSubstep | Gets the RestartAtSubstep. |
RestartAtTime | Gets the RestartAtTime. |
RestartType | Gets or sets the RestartType. |
ResultFileCompression | Gets or sets the ResultFileCompression. |
RetainFilesAfterFullSolve | Gets or sets the RetainFilesAfterFullSolve. |
RetainModesymFileAfterSolve | Gets or sets the RetainModesymFileAfterSolve. |
RotationConvergence | Gets or sets the RotationConvergence. |
RotationConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the RotationConvergenceMinimumReference. |
RotationConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the RotationConvergenceTolerance. |
RpmClusterNumber | Gets or sets the RpmClusterNumber. |
RpmFrequencySpacing | Gets or sets the RpmFrequencySpacing. |
RpmRangeMaximum | Gets or sets the RpmRangeMaximum. |
RpmRangeMinimum | Gets or sets the RpmRangeMinimum. |
RpmSolutionIntervals | Gets or sets the RpmSolutionIntervals. |
RpmValue | Gets or sets the RpmValue. |
SaveAtLoadStep | Gets or sets the SaveAtLoadStep. |
SaveAtSubstep | Gets or sets the SaveAtSubstep. |
SaveMAPDLDB | Gets or sets the SaveMAPDLDB. |
ScatteredFieldFormulation | Gets or sets the ScatteredFieldFormulation. |
ScatteringOutputType | Gets or sets the ScatteringOutputType. |
ScratchSolverFilesDirectory | Gets the ScratchSolverFilesDirectory. |
SearchRangeMaximum | Gets or sets the SearchRangeMaximum. |
SearchRangeMinimum | Gets or sets the SearchRangeMinimum. |
SIFS | Gets or sets the SIFS. |
SolutionIntervals | Gets or sets the SolutionIntervals. |
SolutionMethod | Gets or sets the SolutionMethod. |
SolverFilesDirectory | Gets the SolverFilesDirectory. |
SolverPivotChecking | Gets or sets the SolverPivotChecking. |
SolverTolerance | Gets or sets the SolverTolerance. |
SolverType | Gets or sets the SolverType. |
SolverUnits | Gets or sets the SolverUnits. |
SolverUnitSystem | Gets or sets the SolverUnitSystem. |
SpectrumType | Gets or sets the SpectrumType. |
SpringStiffness | Gets or sets the SpringStiffness. |
SpringStiffnessFactor | Gets or sets the SpringStiffnessFactor. |
SpringStiffnessValue | Gets or sets the SpringStiffnessValue. |
Stabilization | Gets or sets the Stabilization. |
StabilizationActivationForFirstSubstep | Gets or sets the StabilizationActivationForFirstSubstep. |
StabilizationDampingFactor | Gets or sets the StabilizationDampingFactor. |
StabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio | Gets or sets the StabilizationEnergyDissipationRatio. |
StabilizationForceLimit | Gets or sets the StabilizationForceLimit. |
StabilizationMethod | Gets or sets the StabilizationMethod. |
StepEndTime | Gets or sets the StepEndTime. |
StepName | Gets or sets the Step Name. |
StiffnessCoefficient | Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficient. |
StiffnessCoefficientDefineBy | Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficientDefineBy. |
StoreComplexSolution | Gets or sets the StoreComplexSolution. |
StoreModalResults | Gets or sets the StoreModalResults. |
StoreResulsAtValue | Gets or sets the StoreResulsAtValue. |
StoreResultsAt | Gets or sets the StoreResultsAt. |
StoreResultsAtAllFrequencies | Gets or sets the StoreResultsAtAllFrequencies. |
Strain | Gets or sets the Strain. |
Stress | Gets or sets the Stress. |
StructuralDampingCoefficient | Gets or sets the StructuralDampingCoefficient. |
SurfaceStress | Gets or sets the SurfaceStress. |
TemperatureConvergence | Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergence. |
TemperatureConvergenceInputValue | Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceInputValue. |
TemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceMinimumReference. |
TemperatureConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceTolerance. |
TemperatureConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the TemperatureConvergenceValue. |
TimeIntegration | Gets or sets the TimeIntegration. |
TimeStep | Gets or sets the TimeStep. |
TStress | Gets or sets the TStress. |
VariationalTechnology | Gets or sets the VariationalTechnology. |
ViewFactorMethod | Gets or sets the ViewFactorMethod. |
VisibleProperties | Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object. |
VoltageConvergence | Gets or sets the VoltageConvergence. |
VoltageConvergenceMinimumReference | Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceMinimumReference. |
VoltageConvergenceTolerance | Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceTolerance. |
VoltageConvergenceValue | Gets or sets the VoltageConvergenceValue. |
WeakSprings | Gets or sets the WeakSprings. |