Class: EXDAnalysisSettings

Defines Analysis Settings for Explicit Dynamics System. Note: Cycles in the UI are referred to as TimeSteps in API

Implemented types


Name Description
Activate() Activate the current object.
AddComment() Creates a new child Comment.
AddFigure() Creates a new child Figure.
CopyTo(DataModelObject) Copies all visible properties from this object to another.
CreateParameter(String) Creates a new parameter for a Property.
Duplicate() Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
GetChildren(Boolean, IList<ChildrenType>)
GetParameter(String) Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
GetSaveProbeDataOnTime(Int32) Gets the Time increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step.
GetSaveProbeDataOnTimeSteps(Int32) Gets the Cycle increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step.
GetSaveProbeDataOnType(Int32) Gets the Save ProbeData Type for a load step.
GetSaveRestartsOnPoints(Int32) Gets the Points increment for Save Restarts On Points for a load step.
GetSaveRestartsOnTime(Int32) Gets the Time increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
GetSaveRestartsOnTimeSteps(Int32) Gets the Cycle increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
GetSaveRestartsOnType(Int32) Gets the Save Restarts Type for a load step.
GetSaveResultsOnPoints(Int32) Gets the Points increment for Save Results On for a load step.
GetSaveResultsOnTime(Int32) Gets the Time increment for Save Results On for a load step.
GetSaveResultsOnTimeSteps(Int32) Gets the Cycle increment for Save Results On for a load step.
GetSaveResultsOnType(Int32) Gets the Save Results Type for a load step.
GetStaticDamping(Int32) Gets the StaticDamping.
GetStepEndTime(Int32) Gets the Step End Time at a given solution step.
PropertyByAPIName(String) Get a property by its API name. If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.
PropertyByName(String) Get a property by its unique name.
RemoveParameter(String) Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
SetSaveProbeDataOnTime(Int32, Quantity) Set the Time increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step.
SetSaveProbeDataOnTimeSteps(Int32, Int32) Set the Cycle increment for Save ProbeData On for a load step.
SetSaveProbeDataOnType(Int32, EXDSaveProbeDataOnType) Sets the Save ProbeData Type for a load step.
SetSaveRestartsOnPoints(Int32, Int32) Set the Points increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
SetSaveRestartsOnTime(Int32, Quantity) Set the Time increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
SetSaveRestartsOnTimeSteps(Int32, Int32) Set the Cycle increment for Save Restarts On for a load step.
SetSaveRestartsOnType(Int32, EXDSaveRestartsOnType) Sets the Save Restarts Type for a load step.
SetSaveResultsOnPoints(Int32, Int32) Set the Points increment for Save Results On for a load step.
SetSaveResultsOnTime(Int32, Quantity) Set the Time increment for Save Results On for a load step.
SetSaveResultsOnTimeSteps(Int32, Int32) Sets the Cycle increment for Save Results On for a load step.
SetSaveResultsOnType(Int32, EXDSaveResultsOnType) Sets the Save Results Type for a load step.
SetStaticDamping(Int32, Double) Sets the StaticDamping.
SetStepEndTime(Int32, Quantity) Sets the Step End Time for a given solution step.


Name Description
ArtificialViscosityForShellsType Gets or sets the ArtificialViscosityForShellsType.
AutomaticMassScalingType Gets or sets the AutomaticMassScaling.
BeamSolutionType Gets or sets the BeamSolutionType.
BeamTimeStepSafetyFactor Gets or sets the BeamTimeStepSafetyFactor.
CharZoneDimensionType Gets or sets the CharZoneDimensionType.
Comments Gets the list of associated comments.
CurrentStepNumber Gets or sets the CurrentStepNumber.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the current DataModelObject's category.
DensityUpdateType Gets or sets the DensityUpdateType.
ErosionGeomStrainLimit Gets or sets the ErosionGeomStrainLimit
ErosionMinElemTimestep Gets or sets the ErosionMinElemTimestep
ErosionOnGeomStrainType Gets or sets the ErosionOnGeomStrainType.
ErosionOnMaterialFailureType Gets or sets the ErosionOnMaterialFailureType
ErosionOnMinElemTimestepType Gets or sets the ErosionOnMinElemTimestepType
ErosionRetainIntertiaType Gets or sets the ErosionRetainIntertiaType
EulerBoundLowerX Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerX.
EulerBoundLowerY Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerY.
EulerBoundLowerZ Gets or sets the EulerBoundLowerZ.
EulerBoundUpperX Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperX.
EulerBoundUpperY Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperY.
EulerBoundUpperZ Gets or sets the EulerBoundUpperZ.
EulerCellSize Gets or sets the EulerCellSize.
EulerDisplayBox Gets or sets the EulerDisplayBox.
EulerDomScopeDefType Gets or sets the EulerDomScopeDefType.
EulerPropertyDisplayBox Gets or sets the EulerPropertyDisplayBox.
EulerPropertyXmin Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXmin.
EulerPropertyXres Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXres.
EulerPropertyXsize Gets or sets the EulerPropertyXsize.
EulerPropertyYmin Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYmin.
EulerPropertyYres Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYres.
EulerPropertyYsize Gets or sets the EulerPropertyYsize.
EulerPropertyZmin Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZmin.
EulerPropertyZres Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZres.
EulerPropertyZsize Gets or sets the EulerPropertyZsize.
EulerResolutionDefType Gets or sets the EulerResolutionDefType.
EulerSizeDefType Gets or sets the EulerSizeDefType.
EulerTotalCells Gets or sets the EulerTotalCells.
EulerTrackType Gets the EulerTrackType.
EulerXDim Gets or sets the EulerXDim.
EulerXOrigin Gets or sets the EulerXOrigin.
EulerXScaleFactor Gets or sets the EulerXScaleFactor.
EulerXZones Gets or sets the EulerXZones.
EulerYDim Gets or sets the EulerYDim.
EulerYOrigin Gets or sets the EulerYOrigin.
EulerYScaleFactor Gets or sets the EulerYScaleFactor.
EulerYZones Gets or sets the EulerYZones.
EulerZDim Gets or sets the EulerZDim.
EulerZOrigin Gets or sets the EulerZOrigin.
EulerZScaleFactor Gets or sets the EulerZScaleFactor.
EulerZZones Gets or sets the EulerZZones.
Figures Gets the list of associated figures.
HexIntegrationType Gets or sets the HexIntegrationType.
HourglassDampingType Gets or sets the HourglassDampingType.
InitialTimeStep Gets or sets the InitialTimeStep.
InternalObject Gets the Internal Object. For advanced usage only.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
LinearArtificialViscosity Gets or sets the LinearArtificialViscosity.
LinearViscosityExpansionType Gets or sets the LinearViscosityExpansionType.
MassScalingMaxElem Gets or sets the MassScalingMaxElem.
MassScalingMaxPart Gets or sets the MassScalingMaxPart.
MassScalingMinTimeStep Gets or sets the MassScalingMinTimeStep.
MassScalingUpdateFreq Gets or sets the MassScalingUpdateFreq.
MaximumEnergyError Gets or sets the MaximumEnergyError.
MaximumTimeStep Gets or sets the MaximumTimeStep.
MaximumTimeSteps Gets or sets the MaximumNumberofCycles.
MaximumVelocity Gets or sets the MaximumVelocity.
MinimumStrainCutOff Gets or sets the MinimumStrainCutOff.
MinimumTimeStep Gets or sets the MinimumTimeStep.
MinimumVelocity Gets or sets the MinimumVelocity.
Name Gets the name of the object.
NumberOfSteps Gets or sets the NumberOfSteps.
ObjectId Gets the internal id of the object.
ObjectTags Gets an IEnumerable object of the tags that 'this' is a part of.
OutputContactForcesOnPoints Gets or Sets the Points increment for OutputContactForcesOnPoints.
OutputContactForcesOnTime Gets or Sets the Time increment for OutputContactForcesOnTime.
OutputContactForcesOnTimeSteps Gets or Sets the Cycle increment for OutputContactForcesOnTimeSteps.
OutputContactForcesOnType Gets or Sets OutputContactForces Increment Type.
Parent Gets the parent object.
Path Gets the path of the object.
PreferenceType Gets or sets the PreferenceType
Properties Gets the list of properties for this object.
PusoCoefficient Gets or sets the PusoCoefficient.
QuadraticArtificialViscosity Gets or sets the QuadraticArtificialViscosity.
RadiusCutoff Gets or sets the RadiusCutoff.
ReferenceEnergyTimeStep Gets or sets the ReferenceEnergyCycle.
ResumeFromTimeStep Gets or sets the ResumeFromCycle.
SavePrintSummaryOnTime Gets or Sets the Time increment for SavePrintSummaryOnTime.
SavePrintSummaryOnTimeSteps Gets or Sets Cycle increment for SavePrintSummaryOnTimeSteps.
SavePrintSummaryOnType Gets or Sets SavePrintSummaryOnType.
SaveUserEditOnTime Gets or Sets Time increment for SaveUserEditOnTime.
SaveUserEditOnTimeSteps Gets or Sets Cycle increment for SaveUserEditOnTimeSteps.
SaveUserEditOnType Gets or Sets SaveUserEditOnType.
ScratchSolverFilesDirectory Gets the ScratchSolverFilesDirectory.
ShellInertiaUpdateType Gets or sets the ShellInertiaUpdateType.
ShellShearCorrectionFactor Gets or sets the ShellShearCorrectionFactor.
ShellSublayers Gets or sets the ShellSublayers.
ShellThicknessUpdateType Gets or sets the ShellThicknessUpdateType.
ShellWarpCorrection Gets or sets the ShellWarpCorrection.
SolverFilesDirectory Gets the SolverFilesDirectory.
SolverPrecisionType Gets or sets the SolverPrecisionType.
SolveUnits Gets or sets the SolveUnits.
StepawareOutputControlsType Gets or Sets the Step aware Output Controls.
StiffnessCoefficient Gets or sets the StiffnessCoefficient.
TetPressureIntegrationType Gets or sets the TetIntegrationType.
TimeStepSafetyFactor Gets or sets the TimeStepSafetyFactor.
ViscousCoefficient Gets or sets the ViscousCoefficient.
ViscousCoefficientFB Gets or sets the ViscousCoefficientFB.
VisibleProperties Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.