Name | Description |
Activate() | Activate the current object. |
AddAccelerationFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new AccelerationFrequencyResponse |
AddAccelerationPhaseResponse() | Creates a new AccelerationPhaseResponse |
AddAccelerationProbe() | Creates a new AccelerationProbe |
AddAcousticAbsorptionCoefficient() | Creates a new AcousticAbsorptionCoefficient |
AddAcousticAWeightedSoundPressureLevel() | Creates a new AcousticAWeightedSoundPressureLevel |
AddAcousticAWeightedSPLFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new AcousticAWeightedSPLFrequencyResponse |
AddAcousticDiffuseSoundTransmissionLoss() | Creates a new AcousticDiffuseSoundTransmissionLoss |
AddAcousticDirectionalVelocityResult() | Creates a new AcousticDirectionalVelocityResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldAWeightedSPL() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldAWeightedSPLMic() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldDirectivity() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldMaximumPressure() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldMaximumPressureMic() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldMaximumScatteredPressure() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldPhase() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldPhaseMic() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldSoundPowerLevel() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldSoundPowerLevelWaterfallDiagram() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldSoundPowerLevelWaterfallDiagram |
AddAcousticFarFieldSPL() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldSPLMic() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFarFieldSPLMicWaterfallDiagram() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldSPLMicWaterfallDiagram |
AddAcousticFarFieldTargetStrength() | Creates a new AcousticFarFieldResult |
AddAcousticFrequencyBandAWeightedSPL() | Creates a new AcousticFrequencyBandAWeightedSPL |
AddAcousticFrequencyBandSPL() | Creates a new AcousticFrequencyBandSPL |
AddAcousticKineticEnergy() | Creates a new AcousticKineticEnergy |
AddAcousticKineticEnergyFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new AcousticKineticEnergyFrequencyResponse |
AddAcousticPotentialEnergy() | Creates a new AcousticPotentialEnergy |
AddAcousticPotentialEnergyFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new AcousticPotentialEnergyFrequencyResponse |
AddAcousticPressureFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new AcousticPressureFrequencyResponse |
AddAcousticPressureResult() | Creates a new AcousticPressureResult |
AddAcousticReturnLoss() | Creates a new AcousticReturnLoss |
AddAcousticSoundPressureLevel() | Creates a new AcousticSoundPressureLevel |
AddAcousticSPLFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new AcousticSPLFrequencyResponse |
AddAcousticTotalVelocityResult() | Creates a new AcousticTotalVelocityResult |
AddAcousticTransmissionLoss() | Creates a new AcousticTransmissionLoss |
AddAcousticVelocityFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new AcousticVelocityFrequencyResponse |
AddAngularAccelerationProbe() | Creates a new AngularAccelerationProbe |
AddAngularVelocityProbe() | Creates a new AngularVelocityProbe |
AddBeamProbe() | Creates a new BeamProbe |
AddBeamTool() | Creates a new BeamTool |
AddBearingProbe() | Creates a new BearingProbe |
AddBendingStressEquivalent() | Creates a new BendingStressEquivalent |
AddBendingStressIntensity() | Creates a new BendingStressIntensity |
AddBoltPretensionProbe() | Creates a new BoltPretensionProbe |
AddBoltTool() | Creates a new BoltTool |
AddCampbellDiagram() | Creates a new CampbellDiagram |
AddCommandSnippet() | Creates a new CommandSnippet |
AddComment() | Creates a new child Comment. |
AddContactTool() | Creates a new ContactTool |
AddCurrentDensity() | Creates a new CurrentDensity |
AddCurrentDensityProbe() | Creates a new CurrentDensityProbe |
AddDamageStatus() | Creates a new DamageStatus |
AddDeformationFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new DeformationFrequencyResponse |
AddDeformationPhaseResponse() | Creates a new DeformationPhaseResponse |
AddDeformationProbe() | Creates a new DeformationProbe |
AddDirectionalAcceleration() | Creates a new DirectionalAcceleration |
AddDirectionalAccelerationPSD() | Creates a new DirectionalAccelerationPSD |
AddDirectionalAccelerationRS() | Creates a new DirectionalAccelerationRS |
AddDirectionalAxialForce() | Creates a new DirectionalAxialForce |
AddDirectionalBendingMoment() | Creates a new DirectionalBendingMoment |
AddDirectionalCurrentDensity() | Creates a new DirectionalCurrentDensity |
AddDirectionalDeformation() | Creates a new DirectionalDeformation |
AddDirectionalElectricFieldIntensity() | Creates a new DirectionalElectricFieldIntensity |
AddDirectionalHeatFlux() | Creates a new DirectionalHeatFlux |
AddDirectionalMagneticFieldIntensity() | Creates a new DirectionalMagneticFieldIntensity |
AddDirectionalMagneticFluxDensity() | Creates a new DirectionalMagneticFluxDensity |
AddDirectionalShearForce() | Creates a new DirectionalShearForce |
AddDirectionalTorsionalMoment() | Creates a new DirectionalTorsionalMoment |
AddDirectionalVelocity() | Creates a new DirectionalVelocity |
AddDirectionalVelocityPSD() | Creates a new DirectionalVelocityPSD |
AddDirectionalVelocityRS() | Creates a new DirectionalVelocityRS |
AddElasticStrainFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new ElasticStrainFrequencyResponse |
AddElasticStrainIntensity() | Creates a new ElasticStrainIntensity |
AddElasticStrainPhaseResponse() | Creates a new ElasticStrainPhaseResponse |
AddElectricFieldProbe() | Creates a new ElectricFieldProbe |
AddElectricPotential() | Creates a new ElectricPotential |
AddElectricVoltage() | Creates a new ElectricVoltage |
AddElementalEulerXYAngle() | Creates a new ElementalEulerXYAngle |
AddElementalEulerXZAngle() | Creates a new ElementalEulerXZAngle |
AddElementalEulerYZAngle() | Creates a new ElementalEulerYZAngle |
AddElementalStrainEnergy() | Creates a new ElementalStrainEnergy |
AddElementalTriads() | Creates a new ElementalTriads |
AddEmagReactionProbe() | Creates a new EmagReactionProbe |
AddEnergyDissipatedPerUnitVolume() | Creates a new EnergyDissipatedPerUnitVolume |
AddEnergyProbe() | Creates a new EnergyProbe |
AddEquivalentCreepStrain() | Creates a new EquivalentCreepStrain |
AddEquivalentCreepStrainRST() | Creates a new EquivalentCreepStrainRST |
AddEquivalentElasticStrain() | Creates a new EquivalentElasticStrain |
AddEquivalentElasticStrainRST() | Creates a new EquivalentElasticStrainRST |
AddEquivalentPlasticStrain() | Creates a new EquivalentPlasticStrain |
AddEquivalentPlasticStrainRST() | Creates a new EquivalentPlasticStrainRST |
AddEquivalentRadiatedPower() | Creates a new EquivalentRadiatedPower |
AddEquivalentRadiatedPowerLevel() | Creates a new EquivalentRadiatedPowerLevel |
AddEquivalentRadiatedPowerLevelWaterfallDiagram() | Creates a new EquivalentRadiatedPowerLevelWaterfallDiagram |
AddEquivalentRadiatedPowerWaterfallDiagram() | Creates a new EquivalentRadiatedPowerWaterfallDiagram |
AddEquivalentStress() | Creates a new EquivalentStress |
AddEquivalentStressPSD() | Creates a new EquivalentStressPSD |
AddEquivalentStressRS() | Creates a new EquivalentStressRS |
AddEquivalentTotalStrain() | Creates a new EquivalentTotalStrain |
AddFatigueTool() | Creates a new FatigueTool |
AddFiberCompressiveDamageVariable() | Creates a new FiberCompressiveDamageVariable |
AddFiberCompressiveFailureCriterion() | Creates a new FiberCompressiveFailureCriterion |
AddFiberTensileDamageVariable() | Creates a new FiberTensileDamageVariable |
AddFiberTensileFailureCriterion() | Creates a new FiberTensileFailureCriterion |
AddFieldIntensityProbe() | Creates a new FieldIntensityProbe |
AddFigure() | Creates a new child Figure. |
AddFluidFlowRate() | Creates a new FluidFlowRate |
AddFluidHeatConductionRate() | Creates a new FluidHeatConductionRate |
AddFluidHeatTransportRate() | Creates a new FluidHeatTransportRate |
AddFluxDensityProbe() | Creates a new FluxDensityProbe |
AddFluxLinkage() | Creates a new FluxLinkage |
AddForceReaction() | Creates a new ForceReaction |
AddForceSummationProbe() | Creates a new ForceSummationProbe |
AddFractureTool() | Creates a new FractureTool |
AddGeneralizedPlaneStrainProbe() | Creates a new GeneralizedPlaneStrainProbe |
AddHeatFluxProbe() | Creates a new HeatFluxProbe |
AddInductance() | Creates a new Inductance |
AddJointProbe() | Creates a new JointProbe |
AddJouleHeat() | Creates a new JouleHeat |
AddJouleHeatProbe() | Creates a new JouleHeatProbe |
AddLinearizedEquivalentStress() | Creates a new LinearizedEquivalentStress |
AddLinearizedMaximumPrincipalStress() | Creates a new LinearizedMaximumPrincipalStress |
AddLinearizedMaximumShearStress() | Creates a new LinearizedMaximumShearStress |
AddLinearizedMiddlePrincipalStress() | Creates a new LinearizedMiddlePrincipalStress |
AddLinearizedMinimumPrincipalStress() | Creates a new LinearizedMinimumPrincipalStress |
AddLinearizedNormalStress() | Creates a new LinearizedNormalStress |
AddLinearizedShearStress() | Creates a new LinearizedShearStress |
AddLinearizedStressIntensity() | Creates a new LinearizedStressIntensity |
AddMagneticCoenergy() | Creates a new MagneticCoenergy |
AddMagneticDirectionalForces() | Creates a new MagneticDirectionalForces |
AddMagneticError() | Creates a new MagneticError |
AddMagneticFluxProbe() | Creates a new MagneticFluxProbe |
AddMagneticPotential() | Creates a new MagneticPotential |
AddMagneticTotalForces() | Creates a new ureCeticTotalForces |
AddMatrixCompressiveDamageVariable() | Creates a new MatrixCompressiveDamageVariable |
AddMatrixCompressiveFailureCriterion() | Creates a new MatrixCompressiveFailureCriterion |
AddMatrixTensileDamageVariable() | Creates a new MatrixTensileDamageVariable |
AddMatrixTensileFailureCriterion() | Creates a new MatrixTensileFailureCriterion |
AddMaximumFailureCriteria() | Creates a new MaximumFailureCriteria |
AddMaximumPrincipalElasticStrain() | Creates a new MaximumPrincipalElasticStrain |
AddMaximumPrincipalStress() | Creates a new MaximumPrincipalStress |
AddMaximumPrincipalThermalStrain() | Creates a new MaximumPrincipalThermalStrain |
AddMaximumShearElasticStrain() | Creates a new MaximumShearElasticStrain |
AddMaximumShearStress() | Creates a new MaximumShearStress |
AddMembraneStressEquivalent() | Creates a new MembraneStressEquivalent |
AddMembraneStressIntensity() | Creates a new MembraneStressIntensity |
AddMiddlePrincipalElasticStrain() | Creates a new MiddlePrincipalElasticStrain |
AddMiddlePrincipalStress() | Creates a new MiddlePrincipalStress |
AddMiddlePrincipalThermalStrain() | Creates a new MiddlePrincipalThermalStrain |
AddMinimumPrincipalElasticStrain() | Creates a new MinimumPrincipalElasticStrain |
AddMinimumPrincipalStress() | Creates a new MinimumPrincipalStress |
AddMomentReaction() | Creates a new MomentReaction |
AddMullinsDamageVariable() | Creates a new MullinsDamageVariable |
AddMullinsMaximumPreviousStrainEnergy() | Creates a new MullinsMaximumPreviousStrainEnergy |
AddNewtonRaphsonResidualForce() | Creates a new NewtonRaphsonResidualForce |
AddNewtonRaphsonResidualHeat() | Creates a new NewtonRaphsonResidualHeat |
AddNewtonRaphsonResidualMoment() | Creates a new NewtonRaphsonResidualMoment |
AddNodalEulerXYAngle() | Creates a new NodalEulerXYAngle |
AddNodalEulerXZAngle() | Creates a new NodalEulerXZAngle |
AddNodalEulerYZAngle() | Creates a new NodalEulerYZAngle |
AddNodalTriads() | Creates a new NodalTriads |
AddNormalElasticStrain() | Creates a new NormalElasticStrain |
AddNormalGasketPressure() | Creates a new NormalGasketPressure |
AddNormalGasketTotalClosure() | Creates a new NormalGasketTotalClosure |
AddNormalStress() | Creates a new NormalStress |
AddPosition() | Creates a new Position |
AddRadiationProbe() | Creates a new RadiationProbe |
AddReactionProbe() | Creates a new ReactionProbe |
AddResponsePSD() | Creates a new ResponsePSD |
AddResponsePSDTool() | Creates a new ResponsePSDTool |
AddRotationProbe() | Creates a new RotationProbe |
AddShapeFinder() | Creates a new ShapeFinder |
AddShapeFinderElemental() | Creates a new ShapeFinderElemental |
AddShearDamageVariable() | Creates a new ShearDamageVariable |
AddShearElasticStrain() | Creates a new ShearElasticStrain |
AddShearGasketPressure() | Creates a new ShearGasketPressure |
AddShearGasketTotalClosure() | Creates a new ShearGasketTotalClosure |
AddShearMomentDiagramMSUM() | Creates a new TotalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearMomentDiagramMY() | Creates a new DirectionalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearMomentDiagramMZ() | Creates a new DirectionalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearMomentDiagramUSUM() | Creates a new TotalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearMomentDiagramUY() | Creates a new DirectionalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearMomentDiagramUZ() | Creates a new DirectionalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearMomentDiagramVSUM() | Creates a new TotalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearMomentDiagramVY() | Creates a new DirectionalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearMomentDiagramVZ() | Creates a new DirectionalShearMomentDiagram |
AddShearStress() | Creates a new ShearStress |
AddShellBendingStress() | Creates a new ShellBendingStress |
AddShellBottomPeakStress() | Creates a new ShellBottomPeakStress |
AddShellMembraneStress() | Creates a new ShellMembraneStress |
AddShellTopPeakStress() | Creates a new ShellTopPeakStress |
AddSpringProbe() | Creates a new SpringProbe |
AddStabilizationEnergy() | Creates a new StabilizationEnergy |
AddStrainProbe() | Creates a new StrainProbe |
AddStressFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new StressFrequencyResponse |
AddStressIntensity() | Creates a new StressIntensity |
AddStressPhaseResponse() | Creates a new StressPhaseResponse |
AddStressProbe() | Creates a new StressProbe |
AddStressTool() | Creates a new StressTool |
AddStructuralError() | Creates a new StructuralError |
AddStructuralStrainEnergy() | Creates a new StructuralStrainEnergy |
AddTemperature() | Creates a new TemperatureResult |
AddTemperatureProbe() | Creates a new TemperatureProbe |
AddThermalError() | Creates a new ThermalError |
AddThermalStrain() | Creates a new DirectionalThermalStrain |
AddThermalStrainEnergy() | Creates a new ThermalStrainEnergy |
AddTopologyDensity() | Creates a new TopologyDensity |
AddTopologyElementalDensity() | Creates a new TopologyElementalDensity |
AddTorqueProbe() | Creates a new TorqueProbe |
AddTotalAcceleration() | Creates a new TotalAcceleration |
AddTotalAxialForce() | Creates a new TotalAxialForce |
AddTotalBendingMoment() | Creates a new TotalBendingMoment |
AddTotalCurrentDensity() | Creates a new TotalCurrentDensity |
AddTotalDeformation() | Creates a new TotalDeformation |
AddTotalElectricFieldIntensity() | Creates a new TotalElectricFieldIntensity |
AddTotalHeatFlux() | Creates a new TotalHeatFlux |
AddTotalMagneticFieldIntensity() | Creates a new TotalMagneticFieldIntensity |
AddTotalMagneticFluxDensity() | Creates a new TotalMagneticFluxDensity |
AddTotalShearForce() | Creates a new TotalShearForce |
AddTotalTorsionalMoment() | Creates a new TotalTorsionalMoment |
AddTotalVelocity() | Creates a new TotalVelocity |
AddUserDefinedResult() | Creates a new UserDefinedResult |
AddVariableGraph() | Creates a new VariableGraph |
AddVectorAxialForce() | Creates a new VectorAxialForce |
AddVectorBendingMoment() | Creates a new VectorBendingMoment |
AddVectorDeformation() | Creates a new VectorDeformation |
AddVectorHeatFlux() | Creates a new VectorHeatFlux |
AddVectorPrincipalElasticStrain() | Creates a new VectorPrincipalElasticStrain |
AddVectorPrincipalStress() | Creates a new VectorPrincipalStress |
AddVectorShearForce() | Creates a new VectorShearForce |
AddVectorTorsionalMoment() | Creates a new VectorTorsionalMoment |
AddVelocityFrequencyResponse() | Creates a new VelocityFrequencyResponse |
AddVelocityPhaseResponse() | Creates a new VelocityPhaseResponse |
AddVelocityProbe() | Creates a new VelocityProbe |
AddVoltageProbe() | Creates a new ElectricVoltageProbe |
AddVolume() | Creates a new Volume |
AddVolumeProbe() | Creates a new VolumeProbe |
ClearGeneratedData() | Run the ClearGeneratedData action. |
CopyTo(DataModelObject) | Copies all visible properties from this object to another. |
CreateParameter(String) | Creates a new parameter for a Property. |
Duplicate() | Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject. |
EvaluateAllResults() | Run the EvaluateAllResults action. |
ExtractSolutionStatistics() | |
GetParameter(String) | Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property. |
OpenSolverFilesDirectory() | Run the OpenSolverFilesDirectory action. |
PropertyByAPIName(String) | Get a property by its API name. If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned. |
PropertyByName(String) | Get a property by its unique name. |
ReadAnsysResultFile() | Run the ANSYS ReadResults action. |
ReadGivenAnsysResultFile(String, UnitSystemIDType) | Run the given ANSYS ReadResults action./// |
RemoveParameter(String) | Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property. |
Solve(Boolean, SolveConfiguration) | Run the Solve action. |
Name | Description |
AllThreadsCPUTime | |
CalculateBeamSectionResults | Gets or sets the CalculateBeamSectionResults. |
CellId | Gets the CellId. |
Comments | Gets the list of associated comments. |
CyclicSectorDisplayRangeBegin | Gets or sets the CyclicSectorDisplayRangeBegin. |
DataModelObjectCategory | Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
EigenSolverType | |
ElapsedRunTime | Gets or sets the ElapsedRunTime. |
ElapsedTime | |
ElementLoadBalRatio | |
Elements | |
ElementSelection | Gets or sets the ElementSelection. |
EquationSolverType | |
ExportTopologyFile | Gets or sets the ExportTopologyFile. |
Figures | Gets the list of associated figures. |
GpuAcceleration | |
GPUType | |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
IOBound | |
IORead | |
IOWrite | |
IsDataExtractionComplete | |
IsDistributedSolution | |
IsEigenSolver | |
IsGPUAccelerationRequested | |
IsUnsymmetricMatrixSolve | |
License | |
LicenseCoresAvailable | |
MainThreadCPUTime | |
MaximumRefinementLoops | Gets or sets the MaximumRefinementLoops. |
MemoryAvailable | |
MemoryUsed | Gets or sets the MemoryUsed. |
MPIType | |
Name | Gets the name of the object. |
Nodes | |
NumberofSectors | Gets or sets the NumberofSectors. |
NumCoresAvailable | |
NumGPURequested | |
NumMachinesRequested | |
NumProcRequested | |
NumVirtualCoresAvailable | |
ObjectId | Gets the internal id of the object. |
ObjectTags | Gets an IEnumerable object of the tags that 'this' is a part of. |
OperatingSystem | |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
Path | Gets the path of the object. |
ProcessorModel | |
Properties | Gets the list of properties for this object. |
RefinementDepth | Gets or sets the RefinementDepth. |
SolutionInformation | Gets the SolutionInformation. |
SolutionUnitSystem | |
SolverType | |
Status | Gets the Status. |
TopologyResult | Gets or sets the TopologyResult. |
TotalMemoryUsed | |
VisibleProperties | Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object. |
WorkingDir | Gets the WorkingDir. |