Class: InputParameter

The data entity which describes an Input Parameter in DesignXplorer.


Name Description
Attribute1 First editable attribute of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter. The nature of the attribute depends on the distribution type. For instance, the first attribute of a Normal distribution is the Mean value.
Attribute2 Second editable attribute of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter. The nature of the attribute depends on the distribution type. For instance, the second attribute of a Normal distribution is the Standard Deviation value. Some distribution type do not have a second attribute.
ConstantValue Constant value of the Parameter when it is disabled.
CustomDefinitionList Custom Definition List
DiscreteLevels List of the discrete levels.
DistributionLowerBound Distribution lower bound of the variation range for an uncertainty Parameter.
DistributionType Distribution type for an uncertainty parameter.
DistributionUpperBound Distribution upper bound of the variation range for an uncertainty Parameter.
Enabled True if the Parameter is enabled for the current study.
Kurtosis Kurtosis value of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter.
LowerBound Lower bound of the variation range for a Continuous Parameter.
Mean Mean value of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter.
Nature Nature of the Parameter.
NumberOfLevels Number of levels if the parameter nature is Discrete, or the parameter nature is Continuous and the UseManufacturableValues property is set to True.
Skewness Skewness value of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter.
StandardDeviation Standard deviation value of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter.
Type Type of the Parameter, either a DesignVariable in a GDO context, or an UncertaintyVariable in a SixSigma Analysis context.
Units Units
UpperBound Upper bound of the variation range for a Continuous Parameter.
UseManufacturableValues True to restrict the variation of the parameter to defined Manufacturable Values.