Class: OptimizationCriterion

The data entity which describes the objective and constraint associated with a Parameter for an Optimization Study.


Name Description
AllowedValues Allowed Values Type of parameter if Parameter is a continuous input parameter.
ConstraintFirstValue Constraint First Value used when ConstraintType is eGI_LessThanTarget, eGI_GreaterThanTarget, eGI_NearTarget or eGI_InsideBounds.
ConstraintHandling Constraint Handling
ConstraintImportance Importance of the constraint when multiple objectives are defined.
ConstraintSecondValue Constraint Second Value used when ConstraintType is eGI_InsideBounds.
ConstraintType Constraint type for the Parameter to be optimized.
CustomConstraintDefinitionList List of custom constraint definitions.
CustomObjectiveDefinitionList List of custom objective definitions.
GridInterval Grid Interval of the parameter if Parameter is a continuous input parameter and the allowed values type is Snap To Grid.
HistoryChart DataReference of the associated history chart entity.
LowerBound Lower Bound of the variation range if Parameter is an input parameter.
ObjectiveImportance Importance of the objective when multiple objectives are defined.
ObjectiveTargetValue Objective Target Value if ObjectiveType is SeekTarget.
ObjectiveType Objective type for the Parameter to be optimized.
StartingValue The value of the parameter in the starting point if Parameter is an input parameter and the optimization method uses a starting point.
Units Unit of the Parameter.
UpperBound Upper Bound of the variation range if Parameter is an input parameter.