Class: AcousticsFarFieldResultWorksheet

Implemented types


Name Description
AddRow() Adds a row to the worksheet.
DeleteRow(Int32) Deletes a row from the worksheet at index.
DuplicateRow(Int32, Int32) Insert a row from the worksheet at index.
GetCoordinateSystemSelection(Int32) Gets the worksheet CoordinateSystemSelection property at index.
GetXCoordinate(Int32) Gets the worksheet Mic X property at index.
GetYCoordinate(Int32) Gets the worksheet Mic Y property at index.
GetZCoordinate(Int32) Gets the worksheet Mic Z property at index.
InsertRow(Int32) Insert a row from the worksheet at index.
SetCoordinateSystemSelection(Int32, UInt32) Sets the worksheet CoordinateSystemSelection property at index.
SetXCoordinate(Int32, Double) Sets the worksheet Mic X property at index.
SetYCoordinate(Int32, Double) Sets the worksheet Mic Y property at index.
SetZCoordinate(Int32, Double) Sets the worksheet Mic Z property at index.


Name Description
RowCount Gets the number of rows contained in the worksheet.