Class: FeatureDetectionDefinition


Name Description
AddFeatureDetection(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double) Add a FeatureDetection to the FeatureDetection Definition
DeleteFeatureDetection(Int32) Delete a FeatureDetection from the Feature Detection Definition
Export(String) Export Load Combination Definition data to Comma Separated Value (CSV) files
GetCoefficient(Int32, Int32) Gets the Coefficient property at given LoadCombination index and BaseCase index
GetFeatureCriteriaValue(Int32) Gets the Coefficient property at given LoadCombination index and BaseCase index
GetFeatureDetectionCriteria(Int32) Gets the Load Combination Type property at given index
GetFeatureDetectionName(Int32) Gets the LoadCombination Name property at given index
GetFeatureDetectionOperator(Int32) Gets the Load Combination Type property at given index
GetFeatureDetectionType(Int32) Gets the Load Combination Type property at given index
Import(String) Import Load Combination Definition data from Comma Separated Value (CSV) files
SetCoefficient(Int32, Int32, Double) Sets the Coefficient property at given LoadCombination index and BaseCase index
SetFeatureCriteriaValue(Int32, Double) Sets the Coefficient property at given LoadCombination index and BaseCase index
SetFeatureDetectionCriteria(Int32, Int32) Sets the Load Combination Type property at given index
SetFeatureDetectionName(Int32, String) Sets the LoadCombination Name property at given index
SetFeatureDetectionOperator(Int32, Int32) Sets the Load Combination Type property at given index
SetFeatureDetectionType(Int32, Int32) Sets the Load Combination Type property at given index


Name Description
FeatureDetectionCount Gets the number of load combinations