Interface: IBaseGeoFace

Defines generic members of a face.

Implemented types

Derived types


Name Description
GetBoundingBox() Gets the bounding box of the geometry (returns (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)).
NormalAtParam(Double, Double) Returns the normal vector for the given parameter values on the face.
NormalsAtParams(Double[]) Returns an array of normal vectors for the given set of parameters on the face.
ParamAtPoint(Double[]) Returns the parameter values (u,v) for the given point on the face.
PointAtParam(Double, Double) Returns the point for the given parameter values (u,v) on the face.
PointsAtParams(Double[]) Returns an array of point coordinates for the given set of parameters on the face.


Name Description
Area Gets the area of the face.
Bodies Gets the list of bodies of the face.
Centroid Gets the centroid of the face.
Edges Gets the list of edges of the face.
Id Gets the reference identifier of the entity.
SurfaceType Gets the surface type of the face.
Type Gets the cell type of the entity.
Vertices Gets the list of vertices of the face.