Interface: IFactory3D

Factory to create 3D primitives


Name Description
CreateArrow(Double) Create an arrow.
CreateArrow(Double, Double, Double, Double) Create an arrow
CreateBox(Double, Double, Double) Create a box from (0, 0, 0) to (x, y, z).
CreateCircle(Double) Create a circle centered in (0, 0, 0) oriented by (0, 0, 1).
CreateCone(Double, Double) Create a cone with top radius equals to 0.
CreateCone(Double, Double, Double) Create a cone.
CreateCylinder(Double, Double) Create a cylinder.
CreateDisc(Double) Create a disc centered in (0, 0, 0) oriented by (0, 0, 1).
CreateGeometry(IGeoEntity) Create a non pickable geometry object based on geometry entity.
CreateMesh(IMeshData) Create a non pickable mesh object based on a mesh data.
CreateMesh(IMeshRegion) Create a non pickable mesh object based on a mesh region.
CreateMesh(IElement) Create a non pickable mesh object based on a mesh element.
CreateMesh(IEnumerable<IElement>) Create a non pickable mesh object based on mesh elements.
CreateNodeBox(INode) Create a box surrounding a mesh node.
CreateNodeBox(INode, Double) Create a box surrounding a mesh node.
CreateNodeBox(IEnumerable<INode>) Create a box collection surrounding mesh nodes.
CreateNodeBox(IEnumerable<INode>, Double) Create a box collection surrounding mesh nodes.
CreatePoint() Create a point in (0, 0, 0).
CreatePoint(IWorldPoint, Double) Create a point.
CreatePoint(IEnumerable<IWorldPoint>, Double) Create multiple points.
CreatePolyline() Create a polyline.
CreatePolyline(IEnumerable<IWorldPoint>) Create a polyline.
CreateQuad(Double, Double) Create a quad from (0, 0, 0) to (x, y, 0).
CreateShell() Create a shell.
CreateShell(IEnumerable<Double>, IEnumerable<Double>, IEnumerable<Int32>) Create a shell
CreateShell(IEnumerable<Double>, IEnumerable<Double>, IEnumerable<Int32>, IEnumerable<Int32>) Create a shell
CreateShell(IGeoTessellation, IEnumerable<Int32>) Create a shell from a GeoTessellation. (The vertex colors are optional).
CreateSphere(Double) Create a sphere centered in (0, 0, 0).
CreateTriad(Double) Create a triad. A triad is a collection of 3 arrows respectivly oriented along the x, y and z axis.