Interface: IGeoEdge

Defines additional members specific to Mechanical for an edge.


Name Description
GetBoundingBox() Gets the bounding box of the geometry (returns (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)).
ParamAtPoint(Double[]) Returns the parameter for the given point on the edge.
PointAtParam(Double) Returns the point for the given parameter on the edge.
PointsAtParams(Double[]) Returns an array of point coordinates for the given set of parameters on the edge.
TangentAtParam(Double) Returns the tangent vector for the given parameter on the edge.
TangentsAtParams(Double[]) Returns an array of tangent vectors for the given set of parameters on the edge.


Name Description
Bodies Gets the list of bodies of the edge.
Centroid Gets the centroid for the edge.
CrossSectionOrientation Gets or sets the coordinate system that defines the edge cross section orientation.
CurveType Gets the curve type of the edge.
EndVertex Gets the last vertex.
Extents Gets the parameter extents of the edge [min, max].
Faces Gets the list of all faces of the edge.
FacetCount Gets the number of facets.
GeoData Gets the GeoData associated to the geometry entity.
Id Gets the reference identifier of the entity.
Indices Gets an array of indices. (Ordered n1,i1_1,i1_2,...,i1_n1, n2,i2_1,i2_2,...i2_n2, ...).
IsParamReversed Gets a boolean that indicates if the edge orientation is reversed or not.
Length Gets the length of the edge.
Normals Gets an array of normal vectors. (Ordered x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...,xn,yn,zn).
Part Gets the part associated to the geometry entity.
Points Gets an array of point coordinates. (Ordered x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...,xn,yn,zn).
StartVertex Gets the first vertex.
Type Gets the cell type of the entity.
Vertices Gets the list of all vertices of the edge.