Interface: ISolveProcessSettings

Derived types


Name Description
AdditionalCommandLineArguments Gets or sets the "Additional Command Line Arguments" field.
CustomExecutablePath Gets or sets the "Custom Executable Name (with path)" field.
DistributeSolution Gets or sets the boolean "Distribute Solution (if possible)" field.
GPUAccelerationDevice Gets or sets the "GPU Acceleration Device" field.
LicenseQueuing Gets or sets the "License Queuing: Wait for Available License" field.
ManualLinuxSettings Gets the LinuxSettings object for the configuration.
ManualSolverMemorySettings Gets the SolverMemorySettings object for the configuration.
MaxNumberOfCores Gets or sets the "Maximum number of utilized cores" field.
NumberOfGPUDevices Gets or sets the "Number of utilized GPU devices" field.
SolveInSynchronousMode Gets or sets the "Solve in synchronous mode" field.
UserString Gets or sets the User String field.
UseSharedLicense Gets or sets the "Use Shared License, if possible" field.