Interface: IOptimizationMethod

IOptimizationMethod is the interface to be implemented by the external optimizer class. It is the main interface of the API, used to define the optimization problem, run the algorithm, and retrieve the optimization results.

Implemented types


Name Description
AddConstraint(String, enumConstraintType, Object, Object, Double, Boolean) Adds a constraint associated with a variable.
AddCustomConstraintProperty(String, String, Object) Sets the value of a custom constraint property identified by its name.
AddCustomObjectiveProperty(String, String, Object) Sets the value of a custom objective property identified by its name.
AddCustomVariableProperty(String, String, Object) Sets the value of a custom variable property identified by its name.
AddDoubleListVariable(String, IListCpp, Double) Adds an input double-precision variable with its sorted list of possible double-precision values.
AddDoubleVariable(String, Double, Double, Double) Adds an input continuous double-precision variable with its range of variation.
AddIntegerListVariable(String, IListCpp, Int32) Adds an input integer variable with its list of possible integer values.
AddObjective(String, enumGoalType, Double, Double) Adds an objective associated with a variable.
AddOutput(String) Adds an output double-precision variable.
AddParameterRelationship(String, String, String, enumParameterRelationshipType) Adds a Parameter Relationship.
get_Setting(String) Returns the value of an algorithm setting identified by its name.
put_Setting(String, Object) Sets the value of an algorithm setting identified by its name.
Run() Runs the method.


Name Description
Candidates List of IOptimizationPoint representing the candidate points resulting from the optimization run.
PostProcessingTypes Types of the result provided by the method. The value can be one enumPostProcessingType value, or a combination of enumPostProcessingType values.
Samples List of IOptimizationPoint representing the sample points generated by the method.
Services Set by DesignXplorer to provide access to the services needed by the method.