Interface: IOptimizationPoint

IOptimizationPoint is the interface describing a point in the parametric space. The point is defined by its input parameter values, and provides output parameter values when up-to-date.

Implemented types

Derived types


Name Description
get_Value(String) Returns the variable value.
put_Value(String, Object) Sets the variable value.


Name Description
Feasible Returns the feasibility state of the point with respect to the defined constraints.
ID Returns the identifier of the point.
ParetoFrontIndex Returns the Pareto front index of the point. Only used if the optimization method supports the Pareto front result type (ePPT_FeasibilityAndParetoFronts). The index -1 corresponds to the infeasible points with respect to the defined constraints.
State Returns the point state.
StateMessage Returns the message detailing the current point state.