Namespace: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GeometryImportPreference


Name Description
AnalysisType Specifies the type of analysis to target during import.
ComparePartsOnUpdate Specifies how to enable mesh preservation on parts during update.
ComparePartsTolerance Specifies the tolerance to use when comparing parts. This provides comparison robustness due to differences/errors in floating-point number representations. Actual geometric modifications are not intended to be captured via tolerance loosening.
FacetQuality Used to specify the quality of the facet for the import.
Format Specifies how to interpret the geometry file.
MixedImportResolution Describes how parts of mixed dimension will be treated, i.e., to be imported as components of assemblies which have parts of different dimension.
Parameters Defines how parameters in the CAD source are processed.
StitchSurfacesOnImport Used to specify if and how to join surfaces when imported.