Class: FixedWidthImportSettings

defines how to import external data from a fixed-width source file.


Name Description
RemoveAt(Int32) Removes the import definition at the specified index.
UseColumn(Int32, VariableType, String, String) Add a column to be imported from the specified data source column index and configured as the specified variable type. The order in which columns are added determines their order in the table/>. If is `null`, the default unit (in the active unit system) for the specified variable type will be assumed during import. If is `null` or empty, a unique name will be generated from the specified variableType during import. A reference to the instance is returned so that invocations can be chained together.


Name Description
AverageCornerNodesToMidsideNodes If set to Yes, the data at Midside nodes is calculated as average of data specified at corner nodes. Defaults to False. This property is used only when there is another external data file defined with MAPDL import format.
ColumnWidths Gets or sets the specified column widths as a `string` using Fortran-esque fixed-format specifications. This is equivalent to the “User-Defined” format specifier for External Data as described in the product documentation. Note, however, that regardless of the format specifier all imported columns WILL be interpreted using the .NET command `double.TryParse()` to support the requirements of the underlying variable data for Table. In the example below, the line has one integer followed by four exponential data types. 385 8.333333333E-003 9.375000000E-003 3.375000000E-001 0.000000000E+000 The corresponding format is `1i3,4e17.9` Where: The first entry is the number of occurrences The second entry is the format specifier The third entry is the number of characters of data in the definition(including numeric values (0-9), the letter 'e' (for instances of scientific notation), and any white space and + or - signs) The fourth entry is the number of digits after the decimal point.
Count Gets the number of column definitions.
Format Gets the existing corresponding format.
SkipFooter Gets or sets the number of rows to ignore at the end of the file during import.
SkipRows Gets or sets the number of rows to skip over at the start of the file during import.