Void IChartComponent.Bar(IList<Object> labels, IList<Object> values, IList<String> colors, String key)

Draws bar chart in the component. Can be use with Line.


  • labels
    Type: IList<Object>
    The name of each bars. (x axis)
  • values
    Type: IList<Object>
    The values of bars. (y axis)
  • colors
    Type: IList<String>
    The color of each bars. Color of the line. You can use "r" for red, "b" for blue, "g" for green, "m" for magenta, "c" for cyan, "y" for yellow, "k" for black and "w" for white. You can also specify the hexadecimal code : "#XXXXXX" with X between 0 and F. The two first number define the red component, the third and the fourth define the green component and the two last numbers define the blue component.
  • key
    Type: String
    Group name, if a group with the same name already exist this function will replace the old one.