Tag: task

Definition of a process encapsulation.


  • <>
    • <task>
      • <callbacks> ... </callbacks>
    • </task>
  • </>

Mandatory Attributes

Name Description Type Allowed Values
name Name of the object. String
version Version of the object. Int32

Optional Attributes

Name Description Type Default Value Allowed Values
BeginGroup Indicates whether the load object will have a separator before it when shown in the context menu. Boolean False True, False
caption Caption of the object. String
class Class name of the controller of the object. String
ContextGroup Indicates which group the load will be shown in the context menu. String
editicon Name of the icon to display when an onedit callback is defined. String
enableGenericTransfer Indicates whether or not the task should expose the general transfer type as an output. Boolean True True, False
icon Icon for the object. String
LazyActivateSelectProperties Determines when onActivate callback is called for the properties. Boolean False True, False
localize Indicates whether the caption and value string need to be localized by the application. Boolean False True, False


Name Description
CanAdd(IDataModelObject, String) Callback that is invoked to determine whether the object can be added.
canconsumedata Callback that is invoked for task connection/consumption.
CanCreate Callback that is invoked to determine whether the object can be created via the Object Creation API.
OnAdd(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is newly added.
onclean Callback that is invoked for task cleaning.
ondelete Callback that is invoked for task deletion.
onedit Callback that is invoked for task EDIT entry.
OnInit(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is initialized.
oninitialize Callback that is invoked for task creation.
onload Callback that is invoked when a task is loaded from disk.
OnMigrate(IUserObject, IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object version has been changed.
onrefresh Callback that is invoked for task refresh.
onreport Callback that is invoked for task reporting.
onreset Callback that is invoked for task reset.
onstatus Callback that is invoked for task status.
onupdate Callback that is invoked for task update.