Class: Variable

Represents an object that is either an input or an output for a . Depending on whether it is an input or output and on the way it is defined, this object holds a series of discrete values or an expression that may involve other variables.


Even when defined with a formula, a variable always exposes a set of discrete values that come from a discretization operated by Mechanical.


Name Description
GetDiscreteValue(Int32) Changes a value at a given position in the tabular definition of the variable.
SetDiscreteValue(Int32, Quantity) Changes a value at a given position in the tabular definition of the variable.


Name Description
DefinitionType Gets a value that indicates how this variable is defined.
DiscreteValueCount Gets the number of discrete values of this variable.
DiscreteValues Gets or sets the discrete values of this variable or null if this variable represents a free degree of freedom.
Field Gets the owner field.
Formula Gets or sets the expression that is used to defined this variable, or null if the variable is not defined by a function.
Index Gets the index of this variable in its container field.
IsInput Gets a value indicating whether this variable is an input for its container field. Otherwise, it is an output variable.
IsOutput Gets a value indicating whether this variable is an output for its container field. Otherwise, it is an input variable.
MinMaxDiscreteValues Returns a Tuple containing the min and max values from the list of discrete values.
Name Gets the variable's name.
QuantityName Gets the name of the quantity represented by this variable.
Range Gets the domain of validity for variable's value.
Unit Gets the symbol of the unit used to express this variable's values.