Class: ViewOptions


Name Description
RescaleAnnotations() Rescale size of annotation following a zoom in or zoom out of the model.


Name Description
ClusteredVertexTolerance Sets the clustered vertices custom tolerance value.
DisplayGraphOverlay Display Graph overlay in the current viewport.
ModelColoring Sets the Model display Coloring.
ModelDisplay Sets the model display option.
ShowBeamThickness Displays the thickness of beams.
ShowClusteredVertices Displays all closely clustered vertices of the model.
ShowCoordinateSystems Displays all coordinate system defined.
ShowEdgeDirection Displays the edge direction arrow.
ShowLegend Displays the legend.
ShowMesh Display the model's mesh.
ShowMeshConnection Displays edge connection using a color scheme based on the mesh connection information.
ShowRandomColors Sets random colors for each object of the application.
ShowRemotePointConnections Displays the Remote Point Connections.
ShowResultVectors Displays the result vectors.
ShowRuler Displays the ruler.
ShowShellThickness Displays the thickness of shells.
ShowSPHExpansion Displays the expansion for SPH elements.
ShowThickEdgeScoping Thicken the display of edge scoping.
ShowTriad Displays the triad.
ShowVertices Display all the vertices of the model.