Interface: IDraw2DContext

Exposes a context to draw 2D features.

Implemented types


Name Description
Clear() Clear the context.
DrawText2D(Int32, Int32, String) Draws text at the given x and y pixel coordinates.
DrawText2D(IPoint, String) Draws text at the given point.
LineTo2D(Int32, Int32) Draws a line from the current position to the given x and y pixel coordinates.
LineTo2D(IPoint) Draws a line from the current position to the given point.
MoveTo2D(Int32, Int32) Moves the pencil to the given x and y pixel coordinates.
MoveTo2D(IPoint) Moves the pencil to the given point.


Name Description
Color Gets or sets the color. (0xff0000 for red, 0x00ff00 for green, and 0x0000ff for blue).
DepthTest Gets or sets a value indicating whether the depth has to be used to compute the visibility.
LineWeight Gets or sets the line weight.
Translucency Gets or sets the translucency.
Visible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the context is visible.