Enum: VariableType

An enumeration of the different variable types supported by the tabular data implementation "Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Table.Column".


These entries are API exposures of selected entries.


Name Description
Force Represents a Force as a variable column with unit fundamentals [mass length time^-2], such as ‘N’ or ‘lbf’.
Frequency Represents a Frequency as a variable column with unit fundamentals [time^-1], such as ‘Hz’ or ‘rpm’.
ID Represents item IDs as a field (independent) variable column. This column type has no units.
Pressure Represents a Pressure as a variable column with unit fundamentals [mass length^-1 time^-2], such as ‘Pa’ or ‘psi’.
Stress Represents a Stress as a dependent variable column with unit fundamentals [mass length^-1 time^-2], such as ‘MPa’ or ‘psi’.
Temperature Represents a Temperature as a variable column with unit fundamentals [temperature], such as ‘C’ or ‘F’.
ThetaCoordinate Represents the angular location Theta as a field (independent) variable column with unit fundamentals [angle], such as ‘degree’ or ‘rad’.
Time Represents the Time as a field (independent) variable column with unit fundamentals [time], such as ‘s’ or ‘h’.
Unknown Self-defined: the variable type is not known.
XCoordinate Represents the X location as a field (independent) variable column with unit fundamentals [length], such as ‘m’ or ‘ft’.
YCoordinate Represents the Y location as a field (independent) variable column with unit fundamentals [length], such as ‘m’ or ‘ft’.
ZCoordinate Represents the Z location as a field (independent) variable column with unit fundamentals [length], such as ‘m’ or ‘ft’.