Name | Description |
Author | |
Comments | |
CreationDate | |
CreationTime | |
DataModelObjectCategory | Gets the name of the current DataModelObject's category. |
FilePath | |
FirstSaved | |
Images | |
ImportedSource | |
ImportedVersion | |
InternalObject | |
LastSaved | |
Model | |
Models ***OBSOLETE*** Use 'Model' property instead. | |
Name | Gets the name of the object. |
ObjectId | Gets the internal id of the object. |
ObjectTags | Gets an IEnumerable object of the tags that 'this' is a part of. |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
PreparedFor | |
ProductVersion | |
ProjectDirectory | |
Properties | |
SaveProjectAfterSolution | |
SaveProjectBeforeSolution | |
Subject | |
UnitSystem | |
UserFiles | |
VisibleProperties |