Class: Matrix4D

Transformation matrix *single linear* *standard zero-based row-column index* | 0 4 8 12 | | Rot00*Sx Rot01 Rot02 TransX | | 1 5 9 13 | | Rot10 Rot11*Sy Rot12 TransY | | 2 6 10 14 | = | Rot20 Rot21 Rot22*Sz TransZ | | 3 7 11 15 | | 0 (30) 0 (31) 0 (32) 1 (33) |


Name Description
Matrix4D() Default constructor - creates identity 4x4 matrix


Name Description
Add(Matrix4D) Add matrix to itself.
CreateMirror(Vector3D, Double) Create transformation matrix mirroring about a plane
CreateRotate(Vector3D, Double) Create transformation matrix that rotates about a given vector by a given angle
CreateScale(Double, Double, Double) Create scaling transformation matrix
CreateSystem(Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D) Create transformation matrix converting to new coordinate system.
CreateTranslate(Double, Double, Double) Create translating transformation matrix
Invert() Invert itself if determinant is non-zero. Return 0 if inverted; 1 - otherwise.
Multiply(Matrix4D) Multiply this matrix by the given matrix
Scale(Double, Double, Double) Convenient method to combine x, y, z scale into itself.
Subtract(Matrix4D) Subtract matrix from itself.
ToString() String representation.
Transform(Vector3D) Apply this transformation matrix to a given point/vector. Note: assumes (0,0,0,1) in last row.
Translate(Double, Double, Double) Convenient method to combine (x, y, z) translatation into itself.
Transpose() Transpose itself.


Name Description
Determinant Matrix determinant accessor.


Name Description
Identity Identity 4x4 matrix