Void Project.Archive(String archivePath, Boolean overwrite, ArchiveSettings settings)

For Mechanical opened independently, without Workbench. Archive a Mechanical project.


The following two commands archive the current project with overwrite enabled and includes all result/solution files but excludes user files. DataModel.Project.Archive(r"C:\project.mechpz", True, Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.ArchiveSettings(True, False))settings = Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.ArchiveSettings() settings.IncludeResultAndSolutionFiles = True settings.IncludeUserFiles = False DataModel.Project.Archive(r"C:\project.mechpz", True, settings)


  • archivePath
    Type: String
    File path of the new archive.
  • overwrite
    Type: Boolean
    Optional - Overwrite an existing archive file located at archivePath if one exists. The default is False.
  • settings
    Optional - Settings object to configure what files to include/exclude inside the archive file. The default includes all files.