Namespace: Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Utilities


Name Description
RigidBodyTransformationMatrix A 4x4 transformation matrix, to be used explicitly for rigid body transformations. The transformation matrix is in column-major format. Elements 0-3 represent, respectively, the x-components of the X axis, Y axis, Z axis, and translation with respect to global. Identically, elements 4-7 represent the y components and elements 8-11 the z components. Elements 2-15, per rigid-body requirements, are expected to be [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]. The ability to piecewise set rotation and translation components precludes the option of validating the matrix data at every operation. Thus, these values ***must*** be checked before the data is used. The class `Ansys.ACT.Common.SimpleTransform` provides a simplified mechanism for working with rigid body transformations and getting a `RigidBodyTransformationMatrix` object.