Class: ObjectiveWorksheet

Implemented types


Name Description
AddRow() Adds a row to the worksheet.
DeleteRow(Int32) Deletes a row from the worksheet at index.
GetCriterion(Int32) Gets the worksheet Environment property at index.
GetEnabled(Int32) Gets the worksheet Enabled property at row index
GetEndMode(Int32) Gets the worksheet End Mode property at index.
GetEndStep(Int32) Gets the worksheet End Step property at index.
GetEnvironment(Int32) Gets the worksheet Environment property at index.
GetFormulation(Int32) Gets the worksheet Formulation property at index.
GetMode(Int32) Gets the worksheet Mode property at index.
GetMultipleSets(Int32) Gets the worksheet Multiple Sets property at row index
GetObjectiveType(Int32) Gets the Objective Type property at index.
GetStartMode(Int32) Gets the worksheet Start Mode property at index.
GetStartStep(Int32) Gets the worksheet Start Step property at index.
GetStep(Int32) Gets the worksheet Step property at index.
GetWeight(Int32) Gets the worksheet Weight property at index.
SetCriterion(Int32, Criterion) Sets the worksheet Environment property at index.
SetEnabled(Int32, Boolean) Sets the worksheet Enabled property at row index.
SetEndMode(Int32, Int32) Sets the worksheet End Mode property at index.
SetEndStep(Int32, Int32) Sets the worksheet End Step property at index.
SetEnvironment(Int32, Analysis) Sets the worksheet Environment property at index.
SetFormulation(Int32, TopoObjectiveFormulation) Sets the worksheet Formulation property at index.
SetMode(Int32, Int32) Sets the worksheet Mode property at index.
SetMultipleSets(Int32, Boolean) Sets the worksheet Multiple Sets property at row index.
SetObjectiveType(Int32, ObjectiveType) Sets the ObjectiveType property at index.
SetStartMode(Int32, Int32) Sets the worksheet Start Mode property at index.
SetStartStep(Int32, Int32) Sets the worksheet Start Step property at index.
SetStep(Int32, Int32) Sets the worksheet Step property at index.
SetWeight(Int32, Double) Sets the worksheet Weight property at index.


Name Description
RowCount Gets the number of rows contained in the worksheet.