Class: HashinSettings

Defines the configuration for the Hashin failure criterion for reinforced materials.


Name Description
Reset() Resets the settings to their default values.


Name Description
DelaminationWeightingFactor Gets or sets the weighting factor for the delamination evaluation.
EvaluateDelamination Gets or sets whether delamination is evaluated. Only applies when three-dimensional evaluation is selected. The corresponding failure label is 'hd'
EvaluateFiberFailure Gets or sets whether fiber failure is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is 'hf'
EvaluateMatrixFailure Gets or sets whether matrix failure is evaluated. The corresponding failure label is 'hm'
FailureDimension Gets or sets whether the failure criterion is evaluated only in-plane (2D), or also in the out-of-plane direction (3D).
FiberFailureWeightingFactor Gets or sets the weighting factor for the fiber failure evaluation.
MatrixFailureWeightingFactor Gets or sets the weighting factor for the matrix failure evaluation.