Class: SolutionInformation

Defines a SolutionInformation.


Name Description
Activate() Activate the current object.
AddAddedMass() Creates a new AddedMassTracker
AddArtificialEnergy() Creates a new ArtificialEnergyTracker
AddChattering() Creates a new ContactChatteringTracker
AddClosedPenetration() Creates a new ContactClosedPenetrationTracker
AddComment() Creates a new child Comment.
AddContactDepth() Creates a new ContactDepthTracker
AddContactEnergy() Creates a new ContactEnergyTracker
AddContactForce() Creates a new ContactForceTracker
AddContactHeatFlux() Creates a new ContactHeatFluxTracker
AddContactingArea() Creates a new ContactingAreaTracker
AddContactMaximumNormalStiffness() Creates a new ContactMaximumNormalStiffnessTracker
AddContactMaxTangentialFluidPressure() Creates a new ContactMaxTangentialFluidPressureTracker
AddContactMinimumNormalStiffness() Creates a new ContactMinimumNormalStiffnessTracker
AddContactPairForceConvergenceNorm() Creates a new ContactPairForceConvergenceNormTracker
AddContactPressure() Creates a new ContactPressureTracker
AddDampingEnergy() Creates a new DampingEnergyTracker
AddDeformationPlotTracker() Creates a new TotalDeformation Plot Tracker.
AddDensity() Creates a new DensityTracker
AddDirectionalAcceleration() Creates a new DirectionalAccelerationTracker
AddDirectionalDeformation() Creates a new DirectionalDeformationTracker
AddDirectionalVelocity() Creates a new DirectionalVelocityTracker
AddEffectiveStrain() Creates a new EffectiveStrainTracker
AddEffectiveStress() Creates a new EffectiveStressTracker
AddElasticSlip() Creates a new ContactElasticSlipTracker
AddErodedInternalEnergy() Creates a new ErodedInternalEnergyTracker
AddErodedKineticEnergy() Creates a new ErodedKineticEnergyTracker
AddExternalForce() Creates a new ExternalForceTracker
AddFigure() Creates a new child Figure.
AddFluidPressure() Creates a new ContactFluidPressureTracker
AddForceReaction() Creates a new ForceReactionTracker
AddFrictionalDissipationEnergy() Creates a new ContactFrictionalDissipationEnergyTracker
AddFrictionalStress() Creates a new ContactFrictionalStressTracker
AddGap() Creates a new ContactGapTracker
AddHourglassEnergy() Creates a new HourglassEnergyTracker
AddImage(String) Creates a new child Image. If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file, if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window.
AddInternalEnergy() Creates a new InternalEnergyTracker
AddKineticEnergy() Creates a new KineticEnergyTracker
AddLatticeDensity() Creates a new LatticeDensity
AddLatticeElementalDensity() Creates a new LatticeElementalDensity
AddLSDYNAGeneralTracker() Creates a new LSDYNAGeneralTracker
AddMaximumDampingPressure() Creates a new ContactMaximumDampingPressureTracker
AddMaximumGeometricSlidingDistance() Creates a new ContactMaximumGeometricSlidingDistanceTracker
AddMaximumTangentialStiffness() Creates a new ContactMaximumTangentialStiffnessTracker
AddMinimumGeometricSlidingDistance() Creates a new ContactMinimumGeometricSlidingDistanceTracker
AddMinimumTangentialStiffness() Creates a new ContactMinimumTangentialStiffnessTracker
AddMomentReaction() Creates a new MomentReactionTracker
AddMomentum() Creates a new MomentumTracker
AddNonLinearStabilizationEnergy() Creates a new NonLinearStabilizationEnergyTracker
AddNumberContacting() Creates a new NumberContactingTracker
AddNumberSticking() Creates a new ContactNumberStickingTracker
AddNumberWithLargePenetration() Creates a new ContactNumberWithLargePenetrationTracker
AddNumberWithTooMuchSliding() Creates a new ContactNumberWithTooMuchSlidingTracker
AddPenetration() Creates a new ContactPenetrationTracker
AddPlasticWork() Creates a new PlasticWorkTracker
AddPosition() Creates a new PositionTracker
AddPossibleOverconstraint() Creates a new ContactPossibleOverconstraintTracker
AddPressure() Creates a new PressureTracker
AddResultingPinball() Creates a new ContactResultingPinballTracker
AddRigidBodyVelocity() Creates a new RigidBodyVelocityTracker
AddSlidingDistance() Creates a new ContactSlidingDistanceTracker
AddSlidingIndication() Creates a new ContactSlidingIndicationTracker
AddSpringTrackerDampingForce() Creates a new SpringDampingForceTracker
AddSpringTrackerElasticForce() Creates a new SpringElasticForceTracker
AddSpringTrackerElongation() Creates a new SpringElongationTracker
AddSpringTrackerVelocity() Creates a new SpringVelocityTracker
AddStabilizationEnergy() Creates a new ContactStabilizationEnergyTracker
AddStiffnessEnergy() Creates a new StiffnessEnergyTracker
AddStrainEnergy() Creates a new ContactStrainEnergyTracker
AddStrainPlotTracker() Creates a new EquivalentElasticStrainRST Plot Tracker.
AddStressPlotTracker() Creates a new EquivalentStress Plot Tracker.
AddTangentialDampingStress() Creates a new ContactTangentialDampingStressTracker
AddTemperature() Creates a new TemperatureTracker
AddTemperaturePlotTracker() Creates a new TemperatureResult Plot Tracker.
AddTopologyDensity() Creates a new TopologyDensity
AddTopologyElementalDensity() Creates a new TopologyElementalDensity
AddTotalEnergy() Creates a new TotalEnergyTracker
AddTotalForceFromContactPressureX() Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromContactPressureXTracker
AddTotalForceFromContactPressureY() Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromContactPressureYTracker
AddTotalForceFromContactPressureZ() Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromContactPressureZTracker
AddTotalForceFromTangentialStressX() Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromTangentialStressXTracker
AddTotalForceFromTangentialStressY() Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromTangentialStressYTracker
AddTotalForceFromTangentialStressZ() Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromTangentialStressZTracker
AddTotalMassAverageVelocity() Creates a new TotalMassAverageVelocityTracker
AddVolumeLossDueToWear() Creates a new ContactVolumeLossDueToWearTracker
CopyTo(DataModelObject) Copies all visible properties from this object to another.
CreateParameter(String) Creates a new parameter for a Property.
Duplicate() Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
EvaluateAllContactTrackers() Run the EvaluateAllContactTrackers action.
GetParameter(String) Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
GetPath() Gets the path of the object.
GroupAllSimilarChildren() Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.
GroupSimilarObjects() Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.
ImportResultTrackersFromFile(String) Import Result Trackers from File.
PropertyByAPIName(String) Get a property by its API name. If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.
PropertyByName(String) Get a property by its unique name.
RemoveParameter(String) Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
RenameBasedOnDefinition() Run the RenameBasedOnDefinition action.


Name Description
ActivateVisibility Gets or sets the ActivateVisibility.
Comments Gets the list of associated comments.
Component Gets or sets the Component.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the name of the current DataModelObject's category.
Display Gets or sets the Display.
DisplayFilterDuringSolve Gets or sets the DisplayFilterDuringSolve.
DisplayPoints Gets or sets the DisplayPoints.
DisplayType Gets or sets the DisplayType.
DrawConnectionsAttachedTo Gets or sets the DrawConnectionsAttachedTo.
EnvironmentSelection Gets or Sets the EnvironmentSelection to an Analysis object.
Figures Gets the list of associated figures.
IdentifyElementViolations Gets or sets the IdentifyElementViolations.
Images Gets the list of associated images.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
LineColor Gets or sets the LineColor.
LineThickness Gets or sets the LineThickness.
ModeNumber Gets or sets the ModeNumber.
Name Gets the name of the object.
NewtonRaphsonResiduals Gets or sets the NewtonRaphsonResiduals.
ObjectId Gets the internal id of the object.
ObjectTags Gets an IEnumerable object of the tags that 'this' is a part of.
Parent Gets the parent object.
Properties Gets the list of properties for this object.
ResponseConstraint Gets or sets the ResponseConstraint.
ShowChargeResiduals Gets or sets the ShowChargeResiduals.
ShowHeatResiduals Gets or sets the ShowHeatResiduals.
ShowMomentResiduals Gets or sets the ShowMomentResiduals.
SolutionOutput Gets or sets the SolutionOutput.
StepNumber Gets or sets the StepNumber.
StepSelectionMode Gets or sets the StepSelectionMode.
SummaryType Gets or sets the SummaryType.
UpdateInterval Gets or sets the UpdateInterval.
VisibleOnResults Gets or sets the VisibleOnResults.
VisibleProperties Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.