Name | Description |
Activate() | Activate the current object. |
AddComment() | Creates a new child Comment. |
AddFigure() | Creates a new child Figure. |
AddImage(String) | Creates a new child Image. If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file, if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window. |
AddImportedBodyForceDensity() | Creates a new ImportedBodyForceDensity |
AddImportedBodyTemperature() | Creates a new ImportedBodyTemperature |
AddImportedCFDPressure() | Creates a new Imported CFD Pressure object to map pressure loading read from a Fluent-Mechanical coupling data (.cgns) file. |
AddImportedConvection() | Creates a new ImportedConvection |
AddImportedCutBoundaryConstraint() | Creates a new ImportedDisplacement |
AddImportedCutBoundaryRemoteConstraint() | Creates a new ImportedCutBoundaryRemoteConstraint |
AddImportedCutBoundaryRemoteForce() | Creates a new ImportedCutBoundaryRemoteForce |
AddImportedDisplacement() | Creates a new ImportedDisplacement |
AddImportedElementOrientation() | Creates a new ImportedElementOrientation |
AddImportedFiberRatio() | Creates a new ImportedFiberRatio |
AddImportedForce() | Creates a new ImportedForce |
AddImportedHeatFlux() | Creates a new ImportedHeatFlux |
AddImportedHeatGeneration() | Creates a new ImportedHeatGeneration |
AddImportedInitialStrain() | Creates a new ImportedInitialStrain |
AddImportedInitialStress() | Creates a new ImportedInitialStress |
AddImportedMaterialField() | Creates a new ImportedMaterialField |
AddImportedPressure() | Creates a new ImportedPressure |
AddImportedSurfaceForceDensity() | Creates a new ImportedSurfaceForceDensity |
AddImportedTemperature() | Creates a new ImportedTemperature |
AddImportedThickness() | Creates a new ImportedThickness |
AddImportedTrace() | Creates a new ImportedTrace |
AddImportedVelocity() | Creates a new ImportedVelocity |
AddImportedWarpWeftRatio() | Creates a new ImportedWarpWeftRatio |
AddImportedYarnAngle() | Creates a new ImportedYarnAngle |
ClearGeneratedData() | Run the ClearGeneratedData action. |
CopyTo(DataModelObject) | Copies all visible properties from this object to another. |
CreateBodyForceDensitiesAndSyncAnalysisSettings() | Create body force densities for all RPMs. |
CreateExternalLoadVelocitiesAndSyncAnalysisSettings() | Run the CreateExternalLoadVelocitiesAndSyncAnalysisSettings action. |
CreateParameter(String) | Creates a new parameter for a Property. |
CreateSurfaceForceDensitiesAndSyncAnalysisSettings() | Create surface force densities for all RPMs. |
Delete() | Run the Delete action. |
Duplicate() | Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject. |
GetChildren(Boolean, IList<ChildrenType>) | |
GetExternalDataFiles() |
GetParameter(String) | Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property. |
GetPath() | Gets the path of the object. |
GroupAllSimilarChildren() | Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action. |
GroupSimilarObjects() | Run the GroupSimilarObjects action. |
ImportExternalDataFiles(ExternalDataFileCollection) |
ImportLoad() | Run the ImportLoad action. |
PropertyByAPIName(String) | Get a property by its API name. If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned. |
PropertyByName(String) | Get a property by its unique name. |
RefreshImportedLoad() | Run the RefreshImportedLoad action. |
ReloadExternalDataFiles() | Reloads the external data files for current Imported Load Group. |
RemoveParameter(String) | Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property. |
SetResultFile(String, WBUnitSystemType) | Sets the ResultFile with unitSystem supplied. For MAPDL Results File without a unit system. |
Name | Description |
Comments | Gets the list of associated comments. |
DataModelObjectCategory | Gets the name of the current DataModelObject's category. |
DeleteMappedDataFilesAfterImport | Gets or sets the DeleteMappedDataFilesAfterImport. |
Figures | Gets the list of associated figures. |
FilesDirectory | Gets the FilesDirectory. |
Images | Gets the list of associated images. |
InternalObject | Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
Name | Gets the name of the object. |
ObjectId | Gets the internal id of the object. |
ObjectTags | Gets an IEnumerable object of the tags that 'this' is a part of. |
Parent | Gets the parent object. |
Properties | Gets the list of properties for this object. |
ResultFile | Gets or sets the ResultFile. |
ResultFileTimestamp | Gets the ResultFileTimestamp. |
ResultFileUnitSystem | Gets or sets the ResultFileUnitSystem. |
Source | Gets the Source. |
SourceDimension | Gets or sets the SourceDimension. |
Suppressed | Gets or sets the Suppressed. |
TransferStep | Controls which additive simulation step is used for the data transfer. |
TransferTemperaturesDuringSolve | Gets or sets the TransferTemperaturesDuringSolve. |
VisibleProperties | Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object. |