Class: OptimizationRegion

Defines a OptimizationRegion.


Name Description
Activate() Activate the current object.
AddExclusionRegion() Creates a new ExclusionRegion
CopyTo(DataModelObject) Copies all visible properties from this object to another.
CreateParameter(String) Creates a new parameter for a Property.
Delete() Run the Delete action.
Duplicate() Creates a copy of the current DataModelObject.
GetChildren(Boolean, IList<ChildrenType>)
GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory, Boolean, IList<IDataModelObject>) Gets the list of children, filtered by type.
GetDefinition() Gets the Worksheet Definition. This Definition is a list of OptimizationMaterial.
GetParameter(String) Gets the parameter corresponding to the given property.
GetPath() Gets the path of the object.
GroupAllSimilarChildren() Run the GroupAllSimilarChildren action.
GroupSimilarObjects() Run the GroupSimilarObjects action.
PropertyByAPIName(String) Get a property by its API name. If multiple properties have the same API Name, only the first property with that name will be returned.
PropertyByName(String) Get a property by its unique name.
RemoveParameter(String) Removes the parameter from the parameter set corresponding to the given property.
RenameBasedOnDefinition() Run the RenameBasedOnDefinition action.


Name Description
BoundaryCondition Gets or sets the BoundaryCondition.
Children Gets the list of children.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the name of the current DataModelObject's category.
DesignRegionLocation Gets or sets the DesignRegionLocation.
ElementFaceIndices Gets the list indices needed to define the face of an element.
Entities Gets the list of selected geometry entities.
ExclusionExtension Gets or sets the ExclusionExtension.
ExclusionRegionLocation Gets or sets the ExclusionRegionLocation.
ExclusionScopingMethod Gets or sets the ExclusionScopingMethod.
ExclusionThickness Gets or sets the ExclusionThickness.
HyperbolicProjection Gets or sets the HyperbolicProjection.
Id Gets the selection identifier.
Ids Gets or sets selected IDs.
InitializationHoleSize Gets or sets the InitializationHoleSize.
InitializationModifierType Gets or sets the InitializationModifierType.
InitialVolumeFraction Gets or sets the InitialVolumeFraction.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
LatticeMaxDensity Gets or sets the LatticeMaxDensity.
LatticeMinDensity Gets or sets the LatticeMinDensity.
LatticeSize Gets or sets the LatticeSize.
LatticeType Gets or sets the LatticeType.
MaxCumulatedDisplacementControl Gets or sets the MaxCumulatedDisplacementControl.
MeshDeformationToleranceControl Gets or sets the MeshDeformationToleranceControl.
MorphingIterationMoveLimit Gets or sets the MorphingIterationMoveLimit.
MorphingTotalMeshDeformationTolerance Gets or sets the MorphingTotalMeshDeformationTolerance.
MorphingTotalMoveLimit Gets or sets the MorphingTotalMoveLimit.
Name Gets the name of the object.
ObjectId Gets the internal id of the object.
ObjectTags Gets an IEnumerable object of the tags that 'this' is a part of.
OptimizationType Gets or sets the OptimizationType.
Parent Gets the parent object.
PenaltyFactor Gets or sets the PenaltyFactor.
Properties Gets the list of properties for this object.
SelectionType Gets or sets the selection type.
ShapeMoveLimitControl Gets or sets the ShapeMoveLimitControl.
VisibleProperties Gets the list of properties that are visible for this object.