Enum: ControlType

To select the mesh workflow control type.


Name Description
AddPrescribedPoints An AddPrescribedPoints control type sets the the prescribed points for the volume mesh.
AddPrescribedPointsFromFile An AddPrescribedPointsFromFile control type sets the prescribed points for the volume mesh using an external input file.
AdvancedScopeMorphing An AdvancedScopeMorphing control type sets the advanced morphing scope attributes to set automatically the region of morphing.
AdvancedSolverMorphing An AdvancedSolverMorphing control type sets the advanced morphing solver attributes for any morphing operation.
AdvancedSurfaceMesher An AdvancedSurfaceMesh control type sets the advanced properties to be used for creating surface meshes.
AdvancedTopologyDiagnostics An AdvancedTopologyDiagnostics control type sets the scope to check for topological issues and tolerances to be used when detecting problematic topology.
AutoQuadConversion A Convert To All Quad control type to remove triangles from the mesh, resulting in an all quad mesh.
AutoQuadHoleAndFeatureTreatment A Treat Holes And Features control type to detect and treat holes and circular faces, generating quad layers around holes and partially defeaturing edges which would interfere with the quad layers.
AutoQuadMeshing A Quad Mesher control type to generate a quad dominant mesh using the mesh size provided.
AutoQuadTopologyDefeature A Defeature control type to defeature faces and edges based on the mesh size.
AutoQuadTopologyRepair A Repair control type to repair topology based on the mesh size, preventing edge lengths less than the mesh size.
AutoRepair An AutoRepair control type sets the attributes to executed a preordered set of repair controls to be applied to scoped topology dependant on selections of desired options.
CADOptionsDomainCreation A CADOptionsDomainCreation control type sets the specific parameters for the conversion of the CAD model to the Prime domain.
CADOptionsParasolid A CADOptionsParasolid control type sets the specific parameters for the import of a Parasolid" file.
CADOptionsSTL A CADOptionsSTL control type sets the specific parameters for the import of a STL file.
Checkpoint A Checkpoint control type sets properties that are required for creating a checkpoint consisting of all data required to restore the actual state of the Step.
Connect A Connect control type sets the topological faces to connect together.
ConstantFidelityWrapper A ConstantFidelityWrapper control type sets the attributes to wrap the input faces based with the feature capturing guided by a qualitative constant fidelity parameter.
ConstantSizeMultiZoneSurfaceMesher A ConstantSizeMultiZoneSurfaceMesher control type sets the properties that are required for creating a surface mesh using a constant element size.
ConstantSizeMultiZoneVolumeMesher A ConstantSizeMultiZoneVolumeMesher control type sets the properties that are required for creating a volume mesh using a constant element size.
ConstantSizeSurfaceMesh A ConstantSizeSurfaceMesh control type sets the properties that are required for creating constant size surface meshes according to the parameters given. The important parameters are element size and type.
ConstantSizeVolumeMesh A ConstantSizeVolumeMesh control type sets the properties that are required for creating volume meshes according to the given parameters.
ConstantSizeWrap A ConstantSizeWrap control type sets the properties that are required for creating a closed surface around or inside a specified scope of the mesh, i.e. it allows to wrap regions of the mesh using a constant mesh size.
Custom Custom.
CustomNamesEnclosure A CustomNamesEnclosure control type sets the names to be used for the zones and labels being created in a CreateEnclosure operation.
CustomNamesExtrusion A CustomNamesExtrusion control type specifies the names to be used for the zones and labels being created in a Extrude operation.
CustomNamesWrap A CustomNamesWrap control type sets the names to be used for the zones and labels being created by a Wrap operation.
CylindricalScalingDirectMorphing A CylindricalScalingDirectMorphing control sets the attributes for a cylindrical scaling morphing.
Delete A Delete control type sets the scope of the model to delete.
EdgeBiasingMultiZoneMesher An EdgeBiasingMultiZoneMesher control type sets the properties that are required for defining edge biasing parameters of the output MultiZone mesh.
EdgeSuppression An EdgeSuppression control type sets the attributes to suppress the selected edges.
Extrusion An Extrusion control type sets the properties that are required for extruding the specified surface mesh layer-by-layer in a specified direction.
FaceMerging A FaceMerging control type sets the attributes to merge faces such that edges between faces don't affect mesh generation.
FacePinching A FacePinching control type sets the attributes to remove small features from topology to improve mesh quality.
Fuse A Fuse control type sets the meshed faces to fuse together.
GeometricVolumeMesher A GeometricVolumeMesher type allows to define the attributes to create a volume meshing with the internal size guided by the local size of the surface mesh.
GeometryFidelity A GeometryFidelity control type sets the attributes to improve the geometry fidelity of a portion of the input faces during a wrapping operation.
GrainsGeneration A GrainsGeneration control type sets the attributes to create the microstructure mesh using tetrahedra.
GrainsGenerationCylinder A GrainsGenerationCylinder control type sets a cylindrical anomaly to be used for creating the microstructure mesh.
GrainsGenerationEllipsoid A GrainsGenerationEllipsoid control type sets an ellipsoidal anomaly to be used for creating the microstructure mesh.
GrainsGenerationHex A GrainsGenerationHex control type sets the attributes to create the microstructure mesh using hexahedra.
GrainsGenerationSphere A GrainsGenerationSphere control type sets a sperical anomaly to be used for creating the microstructure mesh.
HemisphereEnclosure A HemisphereEnclosure control type sets properties that are required for creating a hemispherical enclosure around a specified scope.
HexDominant A ResolveIntersections control type sets the attributes to create an hex dominant mesh from the input geometry.
HintMorphing A HintMorphing control type asets the hints for a match morphing as lower dimensional entities that are required to match after the morphing.
HoleClosing A HoleClosing control type sets the attributes to close selected holes.
HoleDetection A HoleDetection control type sets the attributes to find the circular or non-circular edges.
HoleFilling A HoleFilling control type sets the properties that are required for closing holes in surface meshes by creating patch. The inputs are the edge closed loops delimiting the holes.
HolePatching A HolePatching control type sets the properties that are required for closing holes in surface meshes by creating patch surfaces. The inputs are the Material Points to Include and to Exclude from the closed volume region.
IGASolverFileExport A Export K File control type to export a solver file for use with LS Dyna. Requires splines.
IGASplineConversion A Convert To Spline control type to convert from an all quad mesh to splines, to be used with LS Dyna. For this operation to succeed, there must not be any triangles present in the mesh.
ImportCAD An ImportCAD control type sets the general parameters for the import of a CAD file.
ImproveSurfaceMeshQuadsToTrianglesSplitting An ImproveSurfaceMeshQuadsToTrianglesSplitting control type sets the properties that are required for splitting the quadrilaterals of the input scope to triangles.
ImproveSurfaceMeshSecondOrderConversion An ImproveSurfaceMeshSecondOrderConversion control type allows the user to set properties that are required for converting linear surface mesh elements to 2nd order elements.
ImproveVolumeMeshAutoNodeMove An ImproveVolumeMeshAutoNodeMove control type sets the properties that are required for improving volume meshes according to the auto-node-move criteria given.
ImproveVolumeMeshSecondOrderConversion An ImproveVolumeMeshSecondOrderConversion control type sets the properties that are required for converting linear volume mesh elements to 2nd order elements.
InflationMultiZoneMesher An InflationMultiZoneMesher control type sets the properties that are required for defining the inflation layers of the output MultiZone mesh.
Interactive An Interactive control type sets the attributes to start an interactive execution on the model.
InteriorEdgeSuppression An InteriorEdgeSuppression control type sets the attributes to suppress interior edges of scoped faces.
InteriorNodeDeletion An InteriorNodeDeletion control type sets the attributes to delete interior nodes from scoped topology.
IrregularShapeConvexEnclosure An IrregularShapeConvexEnclosure control sets properties that are required for creating a convex irregular enclosure around a specified scope.
IrregularShapeHemiConvexEnclosure An IrregularShapeHemiConvexEnclosure control type sets properties that are required for creating a convex irregular enclosure with a cut plane around a specified scope.
LabelCreationByExpression A Label Creation control type which defines the entities to be labeled evaluating a set algebra expression over the results identified by other Label Creation controls.
LabelCreationByProximity A Label Creation control type which defines the entities to be labeled by a proximity search.
LabelCreationByScope A Label Creation control type which defines the entities to be labeled by scope evaluation.
LeakPrevention A LeakPrevention control type sets the attributes to check and prevent the leaks during a wrapping operation.
LoadRecording A LoadRecording control type sets the path of the file of the morphing recording to use.
MappedMeshingMultiZoneMesher A MappedMeshingMultiZoneMesher control type sets the properties that are required for defining mapped meshing parameters of the output MultiZone mesh.
MaterialPoint A MaterialPoint control type sets the properties that are required for defining a material point location and type.
MergeNodes A MergeNodes control type sets the scope for the node merging operation.
MergeOverlappingFaces A MergeOverlappingFaces control type sets the the scope of the topological faces to merge.
MeshCopy A MeshCopy control type sets the entities of the model to copy.
MeshExport A MeshExport control type sets properties that are required for exporting the actual mesh data to a file.
MeshImport A MeshImport control type sets properties that are required for importing mesh data from a file.
NumberOfDivisionsOnEdges A NumberOfDivisionsOnEdges control type sets the number of division for the edges for the surface meshing operation.
OffsetMorphing An OffsetMorphing control type sets the attributes for an offset morphing.
PartEnclosure A PartEnclosure control type sets properties that are required for creating a user-defined enclosure around a specified scope.
PartialDefeature A PartialDefeature control type sets the attributes to partially remove thin faces and sharp angles within provided tolerances, such that only topology impacting mesh quality is removed.
PartsMerging A PartsMerging control type sets the properties that are required for combining multiple parts into one.
PlaybackMorphing A PlaybackMorphing control type sets the name of the morphing recording to execute and the attributes for how it is expected to be executed.
PrismsAdvanced A PrismsAdvanced control type sets the advanced attributes to create prism layers during the volume meshing operation.
PrismsGeneration A PrismsGeneration control type sets the attributes to create prism layers during the volume meshing operation.
PyPrimeMeshScript A PyPrimeMeshScript control type sets the path of the prime mesh python script to execute.
PythonScript A PythonScript control type sets the path of the python script to execute.
PythonVariable A PythonVariable control type sets the python variables that you want to be able to control directly in Mechanical.
QuadBoundaryLayer A QuadLayer control type allows the user to set properties that are required for creating quadratic boundary layers.
RecordingMorphing A RecordingMorphing control type sets the name of the morphing recording to use.
RenameZone A RenameZone control type sets the new name of a single zone.
ResolveIntersections A ResolveIntersections control type sets the attrivutes to resolve the self intersections of the mesh for the input scope faces.
RevertSurfaceOrientation A RevertSurfaceOrientation control type sets the scope for the faces to revert.
RotationMorphing A RotationMorphing control type sets the attributes for a rotational morphing.
SALEControlPoints A SALEControlPoints control type sets the control point properties that are required for defining the S-ALE mesh.
SALETrim A SALETrim control type allows the user to set trim properties that are required for defining the trim actions applied to an S-ALE mesh.
SaveMorphing A SaveMorphing control type sets the name of the morphing of the model to save to an external file.
SetSOLSH190 A SetSOLSH190 control type sets the SOLSH190 attribute for the body.
Setup A Checkpoint control type sets the current working directories of the workflow.
SharpAngleFaceRemoval A SharpAngleFaceRemoval control type sets the attributes to remove sharp angle faces below the specified angle tolerance by merging them to the neighboring faces.
ShortEdgeCollapse A ShortEdgeCollapse control type sets the attributes to collapse edges below the specified tolerance. Feature edges and Protected edges are not collapsed.
SingleZoneCreation A SingleZoneCreation control type sets the attributes for creation of a single zone.
SizeFieldMultiZoneSurfaceMesher A SizeFieldMultiZoneSurfaceMesher control type sets the properties that are required for creating a surface mesh using a size field based sizing.
SizeFieldMultiZoneVolumeMesher A SizeFieldMultiZoneVolumeMesher control type sets the properties that are required for creating a volume mesh using a size field based sizing.
SizeFieldSurfaceMesher A SizeFieldSurfaceMesher control type sets the attributes to executed a surface mesher based on a size field.
SizeFieldVolumeMesher A SizeFieldVolumeMesher type allows to define the attributes to create a volume meshing with the internal size guided by a volumetric size field.
SizeFieldWrap A SizeFieldWrap control type sets the properties that are required for creating a closed surface around or inside a specified scope of the mesh based on a size field, i.e. it allows to wrap regions of the mesh using a constant mesh size.
SourceTargetMorphing A SourceTargetMorphing control type sets the source, the target and the attributes for a match morphing.
SphericalEnclosure A SphericalEnclosure control type sets properties that are required for creating a spherical enclosure around a specified scope.
SphericalScalingMorphing A SphericalScalingMorphing control type sets the attributes for a spherical scaling morphing.
StackableBodiesDetection A Stackable Bodies Detection control type which identifies stackable bodies given a stacking direction and labels them according to the provided name.
StackerCreateBaseFace A StackerCreateBaseFace control type sets the attributes to flatten the input faces to a stackable base face.
StackerDiagnostics A StackerDiagnostics control type sets the parameters for running diagnostics for stacking.
StackerStackBaseFace A StackerStackBaseFace control type sets the attributes to stack the base face and create a three dimensional mesh.
SurfaceDiagnostics A SurfaceDiagnostics control type sets the scope to check for surface mesh issues.
ThinFaceRemoval A ThinFaceRemoval control type sets the attributes to remove thin faces by merging them with the neighboring faces.
TopoEdgesOfTopoFacesRepair A TopoEdgesOfTopoFacesRepair control type sets the attributes to prevent the collapse and defeature of thin or short topologies, and allow the creation of a coarse mesh while keeping topology as-is.
TopologyCreation A TopologyCreation control type sets the properties that are required for converting a mesh-based part into a part with a topology representation.
TopologyDeletion A TopologyDeletion control type sets the properties that are required for deleting the topology from parts with mesh and topology representation.
TopologyDiagnostics A TopologyDiagnostics control type sets the scope to check for topological issues.
TopologyProtection A TopologyProtection control type sets the attributes to prevent repair controls being applied to scoped topology.
TranslationMorphing A TranslationMorphing control type sets the attributes for a translation morphing.
TubeSplitting A decompose topology control type which detects the circular and non-circular tubes from the given scope.
Undefined Undefined.
UserNamesAdvancedTopologyDiagnostics A UserNamesAdvancedTopologyDiagnostics control type sets custom names for the scopes defined when diagnosing topological issues with the AdvancedTopologyDiagnostics control. These scopes identify regions of the input scope with topological issues.
UserNamesFailedTopology A UserNamesFailedTopology control type sets custom names for the scopes defined when identifying topo faces and edges which failed to repair after executing repair operations.
UserNamesNewTopology A UserNamesNewTopology control type sets custom names for the scopes defined when identifying newly created topo edges and faces with the NewTopology outcome.
UserNamesSurfaceDiagnostics A UserNamesSurfaceDiagnostics control type sets custom names for the scopes defined when diagnosing surface mesh issues with the SurfaceDiagnostics control. These scopes identify regions of the input scope with mesh issues.
UserNamesTopologyDiagnostics A UserNamesTopologyDiagnostics control type sets custom names for the scopes defined when diagnosing topological issues with the TopologyDiagnostics control. These scopes identify regions of the input scope with topological issues.
UserNamesVolumetricSizeField A UserNamesVolumetricSizeField control type sets the name of the volumetric size field to create.
Verticalize A Verticalize control type sets the the parameters for the verticalization in order to prepare the input for stacking.
VerticalizeAdvanced A VerticalizeAdvanced control type sets the the advanced parameters for the verticalization.
VolumesMerging A VolumesMerging control type sets the properties that are required for combining multiple volume zones into one.
VolumetricSizeFieldBOI A VolumetricSizeFieldBOI control type sets the attributes for the creation of a volumetric size field defined by the distance from a body of influence.
VolumetricSizeFieldCurvature A VolumetricSizeFieldCurvature control type sets the attributes for the creation of a volumetric size field defined by the curvature based on the input geometry.
VolumetricSizeFieldLoad A VolumetricSizeFieldLoad control type sets the file to load for the volumetric size field.
VolumetricSizeFieldMaxSize A VolumetricSizeFieldMaxSize control type sets the attributes for the creation of a volumetric size field defined by a maximal size.
VolumetricSizeFieldProximity A VolumetricSizeFieldProximity control type sets the attributes for the creation of a volumetric size field defined by the proximity to the input geometry.
WrapSpecificSurfaceMesh A WrapSpecificSurfaceMesh control type sets the properties that are required for creating wrapper specific surface meshes according to the given parameters.
ZoneMaterialAssignment A ZoneMaterialAssignment control type sets the material to be assigned to zones. Upon completion of the workflow the assigned material will be propagated to the new geometry part(s) and bodies being created.
ZonePropertiesDeletion A ZonePropertiesDeletion control type sets the properties for a zone to delete.
ZonePropertySetting A ZonePropertySetting control type sets the properties to assign to the zone.
ZoneThicknessAssignment A ZoneThicknessAssignment control type sets the thickness to be assigned to zones. Upon completion of the workflow the assigned thickness will be propagated to the new geometry surface part(s) being created.