Enum: DecompositionType

This enum is referenced in MultiZone mesher controls. It specifies the decomposition type used to generate the MultiZone mesh.


Name Description
Aggressive Indicates that MultiZone is forced to create mapped and swept blocks, resulting in a less stable decomposition algorithm.
AllFree Indicates that MultiZone creates all free (non-mapped and non-swept) blocks and block faces.
AxisSweep Indicates that MultiZone creates swept blocks on axisymmetric sweepable geometries.
CartSweep Indicates that MultiZone creates swept blocks on cartesian sweepable geometries.
ProgramControlled Indicates that MultiZone automatically chooses the best decomposition method based on geometry analysis and decomposition attempts.
Standard Indicates that MultiZone automatically creates mapped and swept blocks if possible.
ThinSweep Indicates that MultiZone creates swept blocks on thin wall geometries.