Enum: OperationType

This enum is referenced in the “Step” tree node and reflects the type of operation being configured. Based on the type of an operation different rules are applied which define the applicable list of controls and outcomes which can be added.


Name Description
AddPrescribedPoints An operation which adds a set of prescribed points to an already existing volume mesh of the model. The prescribed points are added as nodes of the volume mesh and the volume mesh is smoothen around the prescribed nodes locations to preserve the mesh quality.
AutoQuadConvertToAllQuad An operation to remove triangles from the mesh, resulting in an all quad mesh.
AutoQuadDefeature An operation to defeature faces and edges based on the mesh size.
AutoQuadMesher An operation to generate a quad dominant mesh using the mesh size provided.
AutoQuadRepair An operation to repair topology based on the mesh size, preventing edge lengths less than the mesh size.
AutoQuadTreatHolesAndFeatures An operation to detect and treat holes and circular faces, generating quad layers around holes and partially defeaturing edges which would interfere with the quad layers.
AutoRepairTopology An operation which improves topology using a predefined order of repair options, leading to a higher quality mesh.
Checkpoint An operation which creates a checkpoint consisting of all data required to restore the actual state of the Step.
Connect An operation which connects the input topological faces in order to have a topogically consistent set of faces.
CreateEnclosure An operation which creates an enclosure around a specified scope. Enclosures could be spherical, convex irregular, or user defined.
CreateLabels An operation to create labels on mesh entities.
CreateSurfaceMesh An operation which creates surface meshes according to the parameters given.
CreateTopology An operation which converts a mesh-based part into a part with a topology representation.
CreateVolumeMesh An operation which creates volume meshes according to the parameters given.
CreateVolumetricSizeField An operation which creates a volumetric size field that can be used by the subsequent meshing operations.
CreateZones An operation which creates a new volumetric or surface zone for the model.
Custom Custom.
DecomposeTopology An operation to decompose topology of the given scope.
Delete An operation which deletes selectively a portion of the current model or the entire model.
DeleteTopology An operation which deletes the topology from a set of parts with mesh and topology representation.
DetectHoles An operation to detect holes in the topology.
DetectStackableBodies An operation to detect and label stackable bodies given a stacking direction.
ExportMesh An operation which exports the actual mesh data to a file.
Extrude An operation which extrudes the specified surface mesh layer-by-layer in a specified direction and forms one or more new volume zones.
FillHoles An operation which closes holes in surface meshes by creating patch surfaces. The inputs are the edge closed loops delimiting the holes.
Fuse An operation which fuses together the input meshed faces in order to avoid inconsistencies.
GenerateGrains An operation which generates automatically the grains.
IGAConvertToSpline An operation to convert from an all quad mesh to splines, to be used with LS Dyna. For this operation to succeed, there must not be any triangles present in the mesh.
IGAExportSolverFile An operation to export a solver file for use with LS Dyna. Requires splines.
ImportCAD An operation which imports the input CAD files.
ImportMesh An operation which imports mesh data from a file.
ImproveSurfaceMesh An operation which improves surface meshes according to the criteria given.
ImproveVolumeMesh An operation which improves volume meshes according to the criteria given.
Interactive An operation which allows to execute interactive steps on the model.
LoadRecording An operation which loads a morphing recording from an external file.
ManageZoneProperties An operation which manages the zone properties of the model. After the transfer back to Mechanical, the zone properties are translated into the attributes of the corresponding bodies.
Match An operation which morphs the model by matching a source to a target surface and morphing the rest of the model accordingly.
MergeNodes An operation which merges together a set of nodes of the model.
MergeOverlappingFaces An operation which merges the input overlapping faces to a consistent set of faces.
MergeParts An operation which combines multiple parts into one.
MergeVolumes An operation which combines multiple volume zones into one.
MeshCopy An operation which creates a copy of a portion of the current mesh.
ModelDiagnostics An operation which returns diagnostic information on the model.
ModifySurfaceOrientations An operation which changes the orientation of the surface entities in the model.
ModifyZones An operation which modifies the zone attributes.
Morph An operation which morphs the model. Different morphing such as rotation, translation, scaling and offset can be applied based on the specific control used for the operation.
MorphPlayback An operation which executes a morphing recording.
MultiZoneSurfaceMesher An operation which creates a surface mesh using the MultiZone algorithm.
MultiZoneVolumeMesher An operation which creates a volume mesh using the MultiZone algorithm.
PatchHoles An operation which closes holes in surface meshes by creating patch surfaces. The inputs are the Material Points to Include and to Exclude from the closed volume region.
Python An operation which allows to execute a python script on the current model.
RepairTopology An operation which improves topology leading to a higher quality mesh.
SALEGenerateMesh An operation which generates an S-ALE mesh.
SaveRecording An operation which saves a morphing recording of the model to an external file.
SetupEnvironment An operation which asets the working directory of the current workflow.
StackerCreateBaseFace An operation which flattens the input geometry into a two dimensional planar base face.
StackerDiagnostics An operation which runs stacker related diagnostics on the input.
StackerStackBaseFace An operation which extrudes the 2D base face to create a three dimensional mesh.
Undefined Undefined.
Verticalize An operation which prepares the input geometry for stacking by morphing the surface to get a 2D flat geometry.
Wrap An operation which creates a closed surface around or inside a specified scope of the mesh, i.e., it allows to wrap regions of the mesh.