Class: ExternalDataFile

A basic definition of the external data file.


Name Description
ExternalDataFile(ImportSettingsBase, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) Construct a instance. If `identifier` is provided, it should be unique, otherwise, an exception will be thrown during the import. An import settings can be created by calling the GetSettingsForFormat method from the factory class .


Name Description
Description Gets or sets the optional description of the external data file.
FilePath Gets or sets the file path of the external data file.
Identifier Gets or sets the identifier of the external data file.
ImportSettings Gets or sets the import settings for current external data file. An import settings can be created by calling the GetSettingsForFormat method from the factory class .
IsMainFile Gets or sets the main file flag of the external data file. The nodal coordinate data for the selected main file is processed by the mapping utility. The nodal coordinate data will be skipped in all other files. Only one file can be set as the main file, otherwise, an exception will be thrown during the import. If the import format is MAPDL, the value of this property will be ignored as the MAPDL CDB file will always be treated as main file during the import.