Namespace: Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.DesignModeler


Name Description
IDesignModelerDataModel Defines the DesignModeler data model.
IDesignModelerExtAPI Defines the main entry point of all APIs.
IDesignModelerGeoData Defines the DesignModeler geometry data model.
IDesignModelerGeoFeature Defines a DesignModeler custom feature.
IDesignModelerSelectionInfo Defines the DesignModeler selection information.
IExtrude Defines an "Extrude" operation.
IGeometryBuilder Defines the geometry builder.
IIntersect Defines an "Intersect" operation.
IOperations Defines a list of available geometry operations.
IOperationTools Defines a list of tools to manipulate the geometry.
IPrimitives Defines the list of creatable primitives.
IPSGeoBody Defines a body.
IPSGeoEdge Defines an edge.
IPSGeoEntity Defines a generic geometry entity.
IPSGeoFace Defines a face.
IPSGeoPart Defines a part.
IQueries Defines a list of available queries on the geometry.
IRevolve Defines a "Revolve" operation.
ISheetCone Defines a sheet cone primitive.
ISheetCylinder Defines a sheet cylinder primitive.
ISheetPolygon Defines a sheet polygon primitive.
ISheets Defines the list all creatable sheet geometry primitives.
ISheetSphere Defines a sheet sphere primitive.
ISolidBox Defines a solid box primitive.
ISolidCone Defines a solid cone primitive.
ISolidCylinder Defines a solid cylinder primitive.
ISolids Defines the list of all creatable solid geometry primitives.
ISolidSphere Defines a solid sphere primitive.
ISubtract Defines a "Subtract" operation.
IUnion Defines an "Union" operation.
IWireArc Defines a wire arc primitive.
IWireBCurve Defines awire b-curve primitive.
IWireEllipse Defines a wire ellipse primitive.
IWirePolyline Defines a wire polyline primitive.
IWires Defines the list of all creatable wire geometry primitives.