Namespace: Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.UserInterface


Name Description
ButtonClickedEventArgs Defines args provided when a button is clicked.
ButtonPositionType Defines the list of available positions for buttons.
EntryTypeEnum Specifies the entry type.
IComponentRenderer Defines a component in the UI.
IContainer Defines a container in the UI.
IEntry Defines an entry in a toolbar. The object behind this interface could be any type of UI Component: buttons, separators, etc.
INamed Defines an object with a name.
INamedCollection<T> Defines a collection of named objects.
IRenderer Defines a UI renderer.
IToolbar Defines a toolbar.
IUserInterface Defines a user interface.
ListItemCheckChangedEventArgs Defines args provided when an item is checked or unchecked in a list.
ListItemSelectedEventArgs Defines args provided when a togglebutton is clicked.
ToggleButtonClickedEventArgs Defines args provided when a togglebutton is clicked.