Tag: Optimizer

DesignXplorer Optimizer


Mandatory Attributes

Name Description Type Allowed Values
name Name of the object. String
version Version of the object. Int32

Optional Attributes

Name Description Type Default Value Allowed Values
basedondirectoptimizationonly True if the optimizer is only available in the context of a Direct Optimization component; false otherwise. Boolean False True, False
basedonresponsesurfaceonly True if the optimizer is only available in the context of a Response Surface component; false otherwise. Boolean False True, False
caption Caption of the object. String
class Class name of the controller of the object. String
constrainthandling Supports constraint handling. Boolean False True, False
constraintimportance Supports the Importance property of a constraint. Boolean False True, False
constraintoninputparameter Supports constraints defined on an input parameter. Boolean True True, False
convergencedata Provides convergence data. Boolean False True, False
equaltoconstraint Supports the Equal To constraint type. Boolean True True, False
greaterthanconstraint Supports the Greater Than constraint type. Boolean True True, False
historychartxaxistype Defines the X axis type for history charts. String bypoint bypoint, byiteration
icon Icon for the object. String
insideboundsconstraint Supports the Inside Bounds constraint type. Boolean True True, False
lessthanconstraint Supports the Less Than constraint type. Boolean True True, False
logfile Provides messages to generate a log file. Boolean False True, False
maximizeobjective Supports the Maximize objective type. Boolean True True, False
maximumnumberofconstraints Defines the maximum number of constraints supported by the optimizer. Int32 100
maximumnumberofdoublelistparameters Indicates the maximum number of double list parameters supported. Int32 100
maximumnumberofdoubleparameters Indicates the maximum number of double parameters supported. Int32 100
maximumnumberofinputparameters Indicates the maximum number of input parameters supported. Int32 100
maximumnumberofintegerlistparameters Indicates the maximum number of integer list parameters supported. Int32 100
maximumnumberofobjectives Defines the maximum number of objectives supported by the optimizer. Int32 100
minimizeobjective Supports the Minimize objective type. Boolean True True, False
minimumnumberofconstraints Defines the minimum number of constraints required. Int32 0
minimumnumberofobjectives Defines the minimum number of objectives required. Int32 1
objectiveimportance Supports the Importance property of an objective. Boolean False True, False
objectiveoninputparameter Supports objectives defined on an Input Parameter. Boolean True True, False
parameterrelationship Supports parameter relationships. Boolean False True, False
seekobjective Supports the Seek objective type. Boolean True True, False
startingpointrequired Requires a Starting Point. Boolean False True, False


Name Description
CanAdd(IDataModelObject, String) Callback that is invoked to determine whether the object can be added.
CanRun(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to indicate whether the optimizer (or sampling) is able to process the optimization (design of experiments) study with its current configuration.
Configuration(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to return a userreadable string summarizing the current configuration of the optimizer (or the sampling).
ConvergenceDescription(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to return a DXConvergenceDescription object describing the convergence data provided.
Description(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to return a user-readable string describing the optimizer and its specific capabilities.
InputParametersEdited(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the properties of input parameters have changed.
MethodPropertiesEdited(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the properties of the optimization method have changed.
ObjectivesOrConstraintsEdited(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the definition of objectives or constraints have changed.
OnAdd(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is newly added.
OnCreate(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to provide an instance of IOptimizationMethod (or ISamplingMethod).
OnInit(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object is initialized.
OnMigrate(IUserObject, IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the object version has been changed.
OnRelease(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to release the IOptimizationMethod (or the ISamplingMethod) instance.
ParameterRelationshipsEdited(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked when the definition of parameter relationships have changed.
QuickHelp(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to return a user-readable string helping to understand the state of the optimizer (or the sampling) when CanRun is false.
Status(IUserObject) Callback that is invoked to return a user-readable string describing the status of the optimization (or the sampling) resolution.