Class: SolutionInformation

Defines a SolutionInformation.


Name Description
Activate() Activate the current object.
AddChattering() Creates a new child ContactChatteringTracker.
AddComment() Creates a new child Comment.
AddContactForce() Creates a new child ContactForceTracker.
AddContactingArea() Creates a new child ContactingAreaTracker.
AddContactPressure() Creates a new child ContactPressureTracker.
AddDensity() Creates a new child DensityTracker.
AddElasticSlip() Creates a new child ContactElasticSlipTracker.
AddExternalForce() Creates a new child ExternalForceTracker.
AddFigure() Creates a new child Figure.
AddFluidPressure() Creates a new child ContactFluidPressureTracker.
AddForceReaction() Creates a new child ForceReactionTracker.
AddFrictionalStress() Creates a new child ContactFrictionalStressTracker.
AddGap() Creates a new child ContactGapTracker.
AddKineticEnergy() Creates a new child KineticEnergyTracker.
AddMaximumDampingPressure() Creates a new child ContactMaximumDampingPressureTracker.
AddMaximumTangentialStiffness() Creates a new child ContactMaximumTangentialStiffnessTracker.
AddMaxiumGeometricSlidingDistance() Creates a new child ContactMaximumGeometricSlidingDistanceTracker.
AddMinimumGeometricSlidingDistance() Creates a new child ContactMinimumGeometricSlidingDistanceTracker.
AddMinimumTangentialStiffness() Creates a new child ContactMinimumTangentialStiffnessTracker.
AddMomentReaction() Creates a new child MomentReactionTracker.
AddMomentum() Creates a new child MomentumTracker.
AddNormalStiffness() Creates a new child ContactNormalStiffnessTracker.
AddNumberContacting() Creates a new child NumberContactingTracker.
AddNumberSticking() Creates a new child ContactNumberStickingTracker.
AddPenetration() Creates a new child ContactPenetrationTracker.
AddPlasticWork() Creates a new child PlasticWorkTracker.
AddPosition() Creates a new child PositionTracker.
AddPressure() Creates a new child PressureTracker.
AddResultingPinball() Creates a new child ContactResultingPinballTracker.
AddSlidingDistance() Creates a new child ContactSlidingDistanceTracker.
AddSpringTrackerDampingForce() Creates a new child SpringDampingForceTracker.
AddSpringTrackerElasticForce() Creates a new child SpringElasticForceTracker.
AddSpringTrackerElongation() Creates a new child SpringElongationTracker.
AddSpringTrackerVelocity() Creates a new child SpringVelocityTracker.
AddStiffnessEnergy() Creates a new child StiffnessEnergyTracker.
AddTemperature() Creates a new child TemperatureTracker.
AddTotalEnergy() Creates a new child TotalEnergyTracker.
AddTotalMassAverageVelocity() Creates a new child TotalMassAverageVelocityTracker.
EvaluateAllContactTrackers() Run the EvaluateAllContactTrackers action.


Name Description
ActivateVisibility Gets the ActivateVisibility.
Comments Gets the list of associated comments.
DataModelObjectCategory Gets the current DataModelObject's category.
Display Gets or sets the Display.
DisplayFilterDuringSolve Gets or sets the DisplayFilterDuringSolve.
DisplayPoints Gets or sets the DisplayPoints.
DisplayType Gets or sets the DisplayType.
DrawConnectionsAttachedTo Gets or sets the DrawConnectionsAttachedTo.
Figures Gets the list of associated figures.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
InternalObject Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only.
LineColor Gets or sets the LineColor.
LineThickness Gets or sets the LineThickness.
Name Gets the name of the object.
NewtonRaphsonResiduals Gets or sets the NewtonRaphsonResiduals.
ObjectId Gets the internal id of the object.
Parent Gets the parent object.
Path Gets the path of the object.
SolutionOutput Gets or sets the SolutionOutput.
SummaryType Gets or sets the SummaryType.
UpdateInterval Gets or sets the UpdateInterval.
VisibleOnResults Gets or sets the VisibleOnResults.