Tag: propertygroup

Definition of a property group of any user object.


Mandatory Attributes

Name Description Type Allowed Values
name Name of the property. String

Optional Attributes

Name Description Type Default Value Allowed Values
caption Caption of the property. String
class Class name of the property's controller. String
control Control type of the object. String
default Default value of the property. String
display Display type of the property group. PropertyDisplayEnum Caption None, Hidden, Caption, Property, Worksheet
elementtype Property list element type (workflow). String
isparameter Indicates whether the property is a parameter. Boolean False True, False
keytype Property dictionary key type (workflow). String
localize Indicates whether the caption and value string need to be localized by the application. Boolean False True, False
needupdate Indicates whether the context must be refreshed when the property value changes. Boolean True True, False
parameterizable Specifies the property parameterization (workflow). Indicates whether the property should be a candidate for parameterization (in the schematic property view, a check-box will appear). Boolean True, False
persistent Specifies the property persistence (workflow). Indicates whether the property data should be saved within the project. Boolean True, False
readonly Indicates whether the property is read-only. Boolean False True, False
readonlyon String[]
unit Unit type of the property (for 'control' equals to 'float' only). String
valuetype Property dictionary value type (workflow). String
visible Indicates whether the property is visible. Boolean True True, False
visibleon Specifies property visibility. With a PropertyGroup parent of control type "select", indicates the select values for this property to be visible (separate with '|'). String[]


Name Description
GetValue(IUserObject, ISimProperty, Object) Callback that is invoked when the property value is acquired.
IsValid(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked to determine whether the property is valid.
IsVisible(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked to determine whether the property is visible.
OnActivate(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property is activated.
OnAdd(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property is added.
OnApply(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property apply button is clicked.
OnCancel(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property cancel button is clicked.
OnDuplicate(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property is duplicated.
OnHide(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property is hidden.
OnInit(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property is initialized.
OnMigrate(ISimProperty, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property version has been changed.
OnRemove(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property is removed.
OnShow(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property is shown.
OnValidate(IUserObject, ISimProperty) Callback that is invoked when the property is validated.
SetValue(IUserObject, ISimProperty, Object) Callback that is invoked when the property value is set.
String2Value(IUserObject, ISimProperty, String) Callback that is invoked to convert a string to the property value.
Value2String(IUserObject, ISimProperty, Object) Callback that is invoked to convert the value stored by the property into a string.