
This guide will walk you through the basics of interacting with a DCS server. More elaborated examples are available in the Examples chapter, while detailed documentation can be found in the Code Documentation.

To reproduce the code samples provided below, you will need:

  • A running DCS server, see the DPS Startup page in the ANSYS Help for detailed instructions.

  • A Python shell with ansys-dcs-client installed. If you haven’t installed it yet, please refer to the Installation guide.

Connect to a DCS Server

Let’s start by connecting to a DCS server running on the localhost with default username and password.

from ansys.dcs.client.dps import Client

client = Client(dcs_url="", username="dcadmin", password="dcadmin")

# check which DCS version the server is running

# get all projects
projects = client.get_projects()

Query projects statistics to find out how many design points are currently running

projects = client.get_projects(statistics=True)
num_running_dps = sum(p.statistics["eval_status"]["running"] for p in projects)

Create a demo project: the MAPDL motorbike frame example

Create a project consisting of an Ansys APDL beam model of a tubular steel trellis motorbike-frame.

The project setup script as well as the data files can be downloaded here MAPDL Motorbike Frame Project. To create the project you only need to run the project_setup script:

$ python path_to_download_folder\mapdl_motorbike_frame\project_setup.py


By default, the script tries to connect to the DCS server running on the localhost with default username and password. If your DCS server is hosted at a different URL or you want to specify different credentials, please adjust the script before running it.

See Creating A Project for a detailed description of this example.

Query parameters

Most get functions support filtering by query parameters.

project = client.get_project(id="mapdl_motorbike_frame")

# Get all design points with all fields
design_points = project.get_design_points()

# Get id and parameter values for all evaluated design points
design_points = project.get_design_points(fields=["id", "values"], eval_status="evaluated")

# Get name and elapsed time of max 5 evaluated design points
design_points = project.get_design_points(fields=["name", "elapsed_time"],
                    eval_status="evaluated", limit=5)

# Get all design points sorted by fitness value in ascending order
design_points = project.get_design_points(sort="fitness")

# Get all design points sorted by fitness value in descending order
design_points = project.get_design_points(sort="-fitness")

# Get all design points sorted by the parameters tube1 and weight
design_points = project.get_design_points(sort=["values.tube1", "values.weight"])
print([(dp.values["tube1"], dp.values["weight"]) for dp in design_points])

In general, query parameters support the following operators: lt (less than), le (less or equal), = (equal), ne (not equal), ge (greater or equal), gt (greater than), in (value found in list) and contains (property contains the given string).

# Equal
design_points = project.get_design_points(eval_status="evaluated")

# In
design_points = project.get_design_points(eval_status=["prolog", "running"])

# Contains
query_params = {"note.contains": "search_string"}
design_points = project.get_design_points(**query_params)

# Less than
query_params = {"fitness.lt": 1.8}
design_points = project.get_design_points(**query_params)

Objects vs dictionaries

Most get, create and update functions can optionally return dictionaries rather than class objects by setting as_objects=True. This is especially useful when the returned data needs to be further manipulated by popular packages such as Numpy, Pandas, etc.

import pandas

project = client.get_project(id="mapdl_motorbike_frame")

# Get parameter values for all evaluated design points
design_points = project.get_design_points(fields=["id", "values"], eval_status="evaluated", as_objects=False)

# Import design_points data into a flat DataFrame
df = pandas.io.json.json_normalize(design_points)

# Output
#    db_id  values.tube1_radius  values.tube1_thickness  values.tube2_radius  values.tube2_thickness  values.tube3_radius  values.tube3_thickness  ... values.tube15 values.tube16 values.tube17 values.tube18 values.tube19 values.tube20 values.tube21
# 0      1             7.055903                0.728247            17.677894                0.512761            13.342691                0.718970  ...             1             3             2             3             1             1             1
# 1      2            18.172368                2.407453             9.216933                0.818597            11.789593                1.439845  ...             3             1             3             2             3             3             2
# 2      3            14.832407                2.380437             7.484620                1.601617            19.742424                0.816099  ...             2             1             1             1             2             2             3
# 3      4            10.254875                2.420485            10.429973                2.241802            14.647943                0.501836  ...             1             3             2             1             3             3             3
# 4      5            14.601405                1.657524            10.056457                1.743385             8.821876                2.200616  ...             1             2             3             3             2             1             2
# 5      6            10.393178                2.155777             8.043999                2.036772            11.605410                2.426192  ...             3             1             1             1             2             1             1
# 6      7            10.415530                1.675479             4.570576                1.461735            16.915658                1.822555  ...             3             3             3             2             1             1             2
# 7      8            12.841433                1.322097             6.142197                1.659299             6.275559                2.312346  ...             3             2             2             3             1             1             3
# 8      9            18.394536                2.446091            12.882719                0.939273            15.167834                1.683604  ...             3             1             2             3             2             2             1
# 9     10            12.414343                1.699816             6.128372                1.314386            18.783781                1.736996  ...             1             3             2             1             3             1             2

Set failed design points to pending

Query a specific project and set its failed design points (if any) to pending.

project = client.get_project(id="mapdl_motorbike_frame")
design_points = project.get_design_points()

failed_dps = [dp for dp in design_points if dp.eval_status == "failed"]

for dp in failed_dps:
    dp.eval_status = "pending"
failed_dps = project.update_design_points(failed_dps)

Modify a project configuration

Query an existing project configuration, modify it and send it back to the server.

project = client.get_project(id="mapdl_motorbike_frame")

# get currently active configuration
cfg = project.get_configurations(active=True)[0]

# Update the lower limit of a parameter
parameter = cfg.parameter_definitions[0]
parameter.lower_limit = 2.5

# send the updated configuration to the server
cfg = project.update_configurations([cfg])[0]

Delete some design points

Query and then delete all design points that timed out.

project = client.get_project(id="mapdl_motorbike_frame")

design_points = project.get_design_points(fields=['id'], eval_status="timeout")

Query the number of evaluators

evaluators = client.get_evaluators()

# print number of Windows and Linux evaluators connected to the DCS server
print( len([e for e in evaluators if e.platform == "Windows" ]) )
print( len([e for e in evaluators if e.platform == "Linux" ]) )

Replace a file in a project

Get file definitions from an existing project configuration and replace the first one.

cfg = project.get_configurations(active=True)[0]
files = project.get_files()
file = files[0]
file.src = r"D:\local_folder\my_project\workbench_archive.wbpz"
files = project.update_files([file])

For instructions on how to add a new file to an existing project configuration, see Adding a file to a project.

Modify and create users

Users with admin rights (such as the default dcadmin user) can create new users as well as modify or delete existing ones.

from ansys.dcs.client.auth import Client, User

auth_client = Client(dcs_url="", username="dcadmin", password="dcadmin")

# modify the default password of the dcadmin user
default_user = auth_client.get_users()[0]
default_user.password = 'new_password'

# create a new non-admin user
new_user = User(username='test_user', password='dummy',
                email='test_user@test.com', fullname='Test User',
new_user = auth_client.create_user(new_user)

Exception handling

All exceptions that the Ansys DCS clients explicitly raise inherit from ansys.dcs.client.DCSError. Client Errors are raised for 4xx HTTP status codes, while API Errors are raised for 5xx HTTP status codes (server side errors).

For example, instantiating a client with invalid credentials will return a 400 Client Error.

from ansys.dcs.client import DCSError
from ansys.dcs.client.dps import Client

    client = Client(dcs_url="", username="dcadmin",  password="wrong_psw")
except DCSError as e:

#400 Client Error: invalid_grant for: POST
#Invalid "username" or "password" in request.

A get call on a non-existing resource will return a 404 Client Error.

except DCSError as e:

#404 Client Error: Not Found for: GET